I really want to hit the street

Chapter 193 Game Department: If I mess around, will I be worthy of Mr. Pu? (2-in-1)

"Let me know what are my bastard employees doing?"

Thinking that everyone was losing money according to his arrangement, Mr. Pu felt somewhat comforted.

In this cold world, only the loss-making Duoyu Company can soothe Mr. Pu's weak heart.

The editor at Qidian is so disgusting!

A wave of operations will save you a lot of subsidies!

"I don't want to go there anymore. Many books are piled up with a large number of recommended resources when they are released. They look very powerful. In fact, the quality is not good, and there are frequent poisonous points. In the end, readers will all be gone. Obviously "Infinite Time and Space" "That's the kind of book."

Others exert their strength in the later stage, while he collapses in the later stage.

"That's fine. Start high and go low. By changing the world one by one and using multiple character teams, you can send readers away one by one. The peak will be when you put it on the shelves. After that, the results will only get worse. This way, you don't have to worry about suddenly selling the copyright."

Pu Jie concluded that the previous few books were poor at the beginning, but got better and better later on, which led to his mentality getting worse and worse. Later, he sold all the copyrights.

And this book has been collected and read by so many people now, so it can’t get better no matter what in the future, right?

Then his mentality will only get better and better.

Thinking of this, Mr. Pu was happy.

Looking at Liu Jiannan saying hello, he also felt much more cordial.

"Hey~ Hello, hello."

"Jimmy, please bring a cup of cat poop durian coffee to my office."

"Okay Mr. Pu!"

Jimmy's operating table has doubled in size, and the materials are richer. There is also a little beauty helper, and the two of them can mix drinks faster.

Mr. Pu was very satisfied.

This is all money!

As the company expands, spending on all aspects will increase significantly.

Just to pay wages every month, Mr. Pu must be killed.

Get rid of


"Well, I'll ask Assistant Qi later."

Mr. Pu himself can’t figure out how much the company spends every month.

Walk to the office area.

The first is the Internet Literature Department, which is located in the center of the entire office area, next to Mr. Pu’s office.

The first time Mr. Pu came to the company, he saw Niu Zi and Xiaoxing sitting together and chatting. The two of them had smiles on their faces, and they didn't know what happy things they were talking about.

Chatting during work hours?

very good!


This is what a bastard should be like!

Pu Jie felt that promoting Niu Zi was the best decision he made.

Paired with Xiao Xingyi, it’s perfect!

Walked over with a smile on his face.

Niu Zi stood up quickly: "Mr. Pu!"

"Well, how's the online literature department doing lately?"

“Following your instructions and everything works great!”

Mr. Pu nodded and wanted to ask if he could keep reducing business every month and gradually turn profits into losses.

But I can't say this directly, otherwise I will be warned by the system.

Obvious behavior of showing off.

"Ahem! The author didn't add more, did he?"

Niu Zi and Xiaoxing looked at each other.


Mr. Pu is still concerned about gradually cultivating these authors into high-quality authors.

"Don't worry, Mr. Pu, we won't add any more authors."

"Well, that's good, keep it up."

Mr. Pu left with satisfaction and went to the game area.

Niu Zi sighed: "I can't hide anything from Mr. Pu. We have just prepared to train authors to take the route of high-quality hits, and we have already been noticed."

Xiaoxing: "Quie!"

Duoyu Company, Game Adaptation Department.

The 30 workstations are filled with new employees of Duoyu Company.

Everyone is in good condition, not even a bald strong man.

In this industry, when recruiting people, you should avoid those who wear plaid shirts and short pants, and whose hairline is already as high as the sky.

Those are all liver emperors!

A bottle of Red Bull, a pack of cigarettes, and one code per day.

get off work?

It is impossible to get off work after get off work. Only by exploding your liver can you satisfy yourself.

They earn high wages, stay up late, and write line after line of code for the company.

This is not the intermittent bastard Pujie needs.

He recruits young people who are in good spirits, have good hair color, a suitable hairline, and appear to be living a regular and healthy life.

It's better to be a little more unruly.

When I get up, I say: "I never work overtime at work", "I have my own life at night, I hope the company won't disturb me", "If I have to work overtime, the company must pay me overtime pay".

This type is Mr. Pu’s favorite.

It fits the intermittent gangster spirit of Duoyu Company very well.

You can work as much as you can during the day, and if you can't finish it, you will be kicked out. The company wants to work hard, but it must give you enough money first.

The thinking of contemporary young people!

If other companies heard about it, they would probably be dismissed immediately. Why hire employees who cannot be exploited?

But Mr. Pu appreciates it very much!

It’s good to be young and energetic, but if you don’t have youthfulness, can you still be called a young person?

Mr. Pu glanced at it.

Dachun's workstation is in the corner, a position where he can see what others are doing, but no one else can see what he is doing. He is working on the computer with his eyes focused on it.

Mr. Pu frowned.

What about coding?

Is Dachun so serious about work?

Walked over silently

League of Legends, gray screen.


All teammates have been muted.


Seeing the familiar data, Pu Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

Big spring is still the same big spring, without any change.

At critical moments, brothers can still be relied upon!

Playing games at work, who in Duoyu Company has this mentality?

I really didn't make a mistake!

"Hey! Brother Jie, you're here?"

When the iconic word "failure" popped up on Dachun's screen, he found President Pu standing behind him.

"Well, let's see how the game I asked you to make is going? What stage has it reached?"

You can mess around, but at least spend all the money for me and make a crappy game that no one buys before messing around.

Dachun looked confident.

"Don't worry, Brother Jie, don't look at me playing games here to collect materials, but I haven't fallen behind in making games for our company! I have arranged everything, and they are working on it now. You can wait to make money when this game comes out!"

Pu Jie laughed.

I like Dachun's confidence. Although he is not good at playing, he always has a mysterious confidence.

"Oh? What's the name of our game?"

"Goddess Simulator"!

Pu Jie: "."

I seem to have heard this name somewhere before?

It sounds so familiar.

Damn! Isn't this a work with 10,000 subscriptions by an author under the online literature department!

Pu Jie suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"How much did you spend on the copyright of this book?"

Dachun waved his hand: "Don't worry, brother Jie, it didn't cost much! I asked editor Xiaoxing to help run it. He used the author's account to talk to the copyright department of Qidian. He said that he wanted to buy back the game copyright of his own book, and the game copyright of this kind of book is almost unsellable. He also gave us the biggest discount in terms of price. The lowest price for a book with 10,000 subscriptions is 1 million! This money will be returned to our company for 500,000 yuan, and the total cost is 500,000!"

Dachun looked proud, waiting for Pu Jie to praise him.

Pu Jie: "."

"Dachun, I gave you 15 million and asked you to spend as much money as possible to make a game, and you spent 500,000 to buy a copyright? Can you spend it all?"

In theory, the cost of game adaptation copyright is not low, and it is normal to account for 1/5 of the funds of the entire project.

Dachun blinked: "Don't worry, brother Jie! I've spent all my money on the game, I promise to use it up for you!" Pu Jie was relieved when he heard it. It's fine as long as it can be spent. Otherwise, Duoyu Company will be forced to expand new business again. "Okay, just promise to launch it on time in 3 months." "No problem, brother Jie, I have repeatedly emphasized the time issue. In order to meet the deadline, many businesses have been outsourced!" Pu Jie nodded. Dachun's sense of time is still reliable. When he was in school, Dachun always got up on time to run, buy breakfast, and then wake up the people in the dormitory to ensure that everyone can enter the classroom when the bell rings. For more than a year, their dormitory has never been late for the first class in the morning! A punctual slacker. No matter how well he does, his attitude is definitely fine. Just like his previous life, although the book is poorly written, it is no problem to update 10,000+ words every day. Pu Jie just changed his mind and thought that it was okay to buy this book. The fame is average, not low or high.

It is a brain-opening theme, not long, and only popular for a while. After it is finished, it will soon disappear.

Unlike the traditional immortal cultivation novels such as "Star Legend" he wrote, people are still reading it after it is finished, and the cohesion of fans is relatively high, so it is easy to pay for the derivative works of this book!

This is also one of the reasons why Dasheng Company bought all his copyrights.

As long as Dachun can steadily exert his strength, the company will at least lose 1.15 million.

"Okay, I feel more at ease with you here!"

After President Pu left.

Dachun also took a break from his busy schedule to ask about work.

"Sepi, how is our progress?"

The game's chief planner is Liang Sepi.

A small employee who was originally going to apply for a game modeler was inexplicably arranged by President Pu to become the chief planner.

It was quite abrupt.

"Boss Pu, I have never made a game independently before, so I am not qualified to be a chief planner. Did you misread my resume?"

Originally, he tried his best to refuse, but when Boss Pu said that the chief planner would have a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan.

"You are so good at judging people!"

"I have had this plan for a long time!"

"A modeler who doesn't want to be a chief planner is not a good employee!"

So this employee with no outstanding features became Dachun's right-hand man.

The two of them thought about how to spend 15 million in 3 and a half months to make a game adapted from an online article.

Before they finished discussing, Dachun happily brought him a copyright of an online article called "My Strategy Goddess Simulator" and asked him to modify it.

Why buy this?

Manager Liu: Internal price, cheap!

At this moment, Liang Sepi realized that he might not be the most unreliable person in the game department.

But since Manager Liu had already bought it, he had to bite the bullet and change it into a game.

"Manager Liu, what kind of game should we make?"

"Just make it based on the novel. I see that werewolf, script killing, and text games are very popular recently, that is, "Life Restart Simulator". Aren't these online novels all copied from others! You can also copy the novel and do some copywriting, let us editors fix it, and find a way to make a text game, it will definitely be popular!"

Liang Sepi: Σ(°△ °|||)︴

"Manager Liu, 15 million, a text game?"


Liang Sepi's worldview collapsed at this moment.

He felt like he could just pick up his bag and leave. It didn't matter if he didn't want to stay with this company!

What a leader!

Do you understand the game?

This little thing can be made by just finding two or three college students!

But when he thought of his monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, he calmed down again.

What does it have to do with him if his boss is unreliable?

As long as he hangs around casually, he can get a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, which is enough for him to work overtime in other companies for three months.

Just start showing off and that's it. Anyway, it's not your own money that you're losing.

The boss will feel sorry for you then.


When this idea emerged, he suddenly remembered Mr. Pu's meaningful look when he looked at him that day.

I don't know what I saw from his mediocre and somewhat dull resume, but I actually entrusted him with an important task!

If he acts as a fool, will he be worthy of Mr. Pu?

Gotta find a way!

Get things back on track.

Then he suddenly remembered what Mr. Pu had emphasized many times that Dachun was an extremely talented game designer.

"Did I see it wrong?"

Liang Sepi began to doubt his own judgment.

Scripts, word games, strategy goddesses, simulations, 15 million. And he, a modeler, was promoted to chief planner by Mr. Pu.

All the key words were floating in his mind, combined repeatedly, and ideas were born and discarded one after another.

The brain spins rapidly.

After a day of thinking.

Liang Sepi suddenly realized it!

It turns out that Mr. Pu and Manager Liu planned to make such a game.

"Strategy Goddess Simulator"

A game that contains all of the above.

at this time.

I heard Manager Liu ask about the progress of the game.

Liang Sepi quickly reported on the work of the past few days.

"Manager Liu, the overall planning plan for "Strategy Goddess Simulator" has been finalized and I am preparing to report to you. This time we are going to make an urban life-type love simulation game. The scene is a small town, and the diaosi protagonist can pass through it. Capture goddesses in various ways to gain social status, influence and some special skills. The main task is to capture 10 different types of goddesses with different styles and personalities. Various events will be triggered along the way, and each choice will lead to the outcome of things. Changes, only by finding a real path can you conquer the goddess and unlock more hidden content."

"Different strategy methods can achieve different effects, and after a successful strategy, you can also obtain different skills that can be used to defeat the next goddess."

"The entire game process is relatively long. I plan to combine the various choices and plots of this book to create a large amount of text, thereby adding different choice routes and directions, as well as different endings, and ultimately allow the protagonist to become a love master and successfully win Ten goddesses.”

"By the way, I plan to let players automatically save in real time, so that if they make a wrong choice, they can only make up for it and find a way to make up for it elsewhere and regain the favor of the goddess."

Dachun started to feel confused after hearing half of it.

After pondering for a moment, he asked the key question: “Can all the money be spent?”

Liang Sepi already had a response strategy for this: "Don't worry, Manager Liu, the biggest cost of this game is the establishment of a town and the models of ten goddesses. I am going to make 10 different types of perfect goddess models, with fine details. From the bones, muscles, skin, chest contours, face shape, pupils, hairstyle, hair color, clothing. Restore the beauty of the 10 stunning goddesses in the book!”

"In addition, our game is built using the Virtual 5 engine, with a 3D realistic style. The modeling requirements for the 10 goddesses are extremely high. They are required to be able to pose in different poses and perform different actions. The modeling accuracy has reached 50,000 faces, making them more like real people. Similarly, each goddess spends an average of 1 million in production funds. I have contacted the 10 best modeling studios in the industry and plan to let them each contract the modeling of a goddess. "

"The remaining 5 million funds are mainly for the creation of town models and various passerby models. These do not need to be so demanding, but... I am also planning to find some top original painters in the industry to design a set of original realistic style original paintings. , coupled with the styles of 10 goddesses, completes the world view. ”

"The last thing is text editing and game interaction. We can do these ourselves. There are a lot of original texts to draw from, and there are also editorial colleagues in the online literature department to check them. There is no problem at all."

Although Dachun is unknown, it feels strong.

He nodded and asked the second key question: "Can it be completed in three and a half months?"

"Don't worry, Manager Liu. After the 10 most difficult goddess models are divided up, we will build the game skeleton. Three months is more than enough. We will strive to launch it online in advance! It will be released as soon as possible!"

Liu Dachun's eyes lit up.

"This is good! If you put it on the shelves earlier and make money earlier, Mr. Pu will be happy."

Dachun nodded with satisfaction, everything was according to his plan.

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