I really want to hit the street

Chapter 214 Nothing happened in update 3, collective amnesia in update 4, and floor washing started

Recently, harmony has been restored in the comment area of ​​"Infinite Time and Space".

Since the incident where Chu Dake was stabbed, a large number of people have left.

After scolding him for a few days, they found that Pu Ding was still unrepentant and was going further and further down the disgusting road, and he was walking very fast.

I gave up and stopped watching it.

Labor and management are no longer waiting for you!

There are so many good books to read, but you have to read one that will disgust readers?

Just delete the book and leave!

This was also the thought of many readers at that time. These were old bookworms from Qidian, not those easy-to-fool novices who could read whatever the author wrote.

They have read too many good books

Everyone has their own aesthetics and values, and if they don’t agree, just leave.

Of course, some people leave and some stay.

Most of the half who stayed were book readers who didn't like to talk much.

They generally have extremely high poison resistance. As long as the subject matter is satisfactory, it doesn't matter if they are a little poisonous. They will forget about it after reading it.

Apart from regretting the death of Chu Dake, there are no new thoughts. Anyway, there are new characters appearing.

In the plot of "The Mummy", there is another smart guy, which is quite interesting.

They don't even bother to read the comments. After reading Pu Ding's 10,000-word update every day, they just go about their business.

These are called silent readers.

Most of the subscriptions for a book are contributed by this group of readers.

Approximately 90% share.

And there are still some readers who haven’t left, they are the reasonable party.

They felt that Chu Dake's death was reasonable and there was nothing to complain about.

I even wanted to fight those people who scolded Pu Ding for a while, but unfortunately the number of people was relatively small. As soon as I posted a few sentences, the family tree disappeared.

It was soon said that the defense was broken.

In the end, I had no choice but to look at myself.

But once those who abandoned the book left, the comment section was taken over by the Reasonable Party.

A look for new readers.


"The author is decisive in killing, the plot arrangement is reasonable, and it is very interesting!"

With such a high rating, why don't you take a look?

I like the protagonist who kills decisively the most.

Then I went in and took a look. The author was decisive in killing his teammates one after another!

Chu Dake is such a good character, but even with a knife he can be killed! Cut! fruit! Break!


Completely numb.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the performance of "Infinite Time and Space" has increased slowly despite such an explosive first order.

But half a month passed.

Everything is subtly different.

Yue Jing.

An old bookworm.

He was a fan of Pu Ding's previous book "Legend of Stars", and even gave him a few hundred yuan as a small reward when Pu Ding opened his new book "Infinite Time and Space".

Old fan.

Especially new books. They particularly appeal to his taste!

Stepping on him earns you XP.

I was watching it with great enthusiasm, but then Chu Dake died.

Yue Jing: "???"

His little head was filled with question marks.

Can't understand!


This is too much!

He even sent multiple private messages to Pu Ding, who liked him again and again, and said he would reward the alliance leader as long as the plot was changed.

However, he was disappointed.

Pu Ding not only did not change it, but also confirmed Chu Dake’s death to laugh at them!

It is unbearable!

My uncle can't bear it, but my aunt can't either!

"I'm going to read Gou Ba! Damn you! If I read another book by an author like you, I'll be a dog!"

That day, Yue Jing was so angry that he couldn't sleep well all night.

In her dreams, she beat Sadako violently and asked her: "Why did you harm Chu Dake? I ask you why you harmed my Chu Dake! Is it the dog author's instruction? Tell me, tell me!"

He looked so hideous all night that his mother thought he was possessed.

I also invited people to come to my home to perform a ritual.

However, half a month passed.

After reading more than 50 books, Yue Jing became numb.

The daily life of an old bookworm

Those who like it have already read it, and those who don't like it can't stand it. The new book is too new, and the author of the old book updates it every three days.

This is really torturous for a heavy reader.

There are no books to read!

At this time, he saw that "Infinite Time and Space" showed 75 unread chapters. He swallowed.

"It's so fast to update it."

"There are 5 updates a day, really a stable batch."

"Is there really no creative bottleneck?"

He wanted to click in, but when he thought of the poisonous oath he swore half a month ago, Yue Jing withdrew his sinful hand again.

"I can't be like this!"

Then I endured it all day. Before going to bed at night, when my willpower was weakest, I really ran out of books to read.

"I, I, just take a look at the book review section to see if the dog author has changed it later."

I looked at it and didn’t change it.

But there are many reasonable ones among them that the Party boasts about.

It made him feel itchy.

"Damn it! He made up those worlds himself, they are definitely not so reasonable! Does he really think he can write so many movies? Make them look like he has seen them himself."

"No! I'm going to expose Pu Ding's ugly face, find out all the faults in the world, and refute them!"

Finally, he felt comfortable enough to criticize.

At this time, it was refreshed and the chapter number jumped.

Unread chapters: 80.

"Hiss—is this the charm of five updates a day?"

There was joy on his face, and then he said to himself with a straight face: "After criticizing his next world, I will stop watching it."

Then I felt a little longing for the battle between teams in the world.

"I wonder what direction other teams have chosen to strengthen?"


Yue Jing yelled from under the covers: "Awesome!!!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"It's so cool!"

It startled the mother in the next room.

"Dad, please wake up. Jingjing is here again. Let's go to the temple to ask for a talisman for him tomorrow."

Yue Jing saw that Zheng Tuo and his team had exerted their strength and wisdom to the extreme, and finally defeated the Indian team in an extremely dangerous way.

I can't help myself.

So cool!

This is the book he wants to read!

Pu Ding studied his XP thoroughly, and every plot stepped on his G-spot.

"Can you look so good without Chu Dake? Okay, okay!"

He decided to keep chasing.

The author who is both fun and has a lot to control really doesn’t have much inspiration.

He doesn't like to watch simulators, otherwise he can find 30 works that join forces to form Inception.

After feeling refreshed, I read the latest chapter and entered the next world.

Title: "Ghost Call"

"Hi~ It's a horror movie again! I'm really looking forward to it!"

Comments on the latest chapter: "Update quickly, I can't sleep at night!"

When he put down his phone and was about to go to sleep, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

After sleeping for 10 minutes.

Take out your phone.

Leave a message under "Infinite Time and Space": "Woof woof woof~ (so beautiful)"

Then I slept peacefully.

Yue Jing is not alone, there are more readers who feel the same as him.

After the initial inability to accept Chu Dake.

Seeing that Pu Ding is still updating 5 times a day, I think of the story of traveling through multiple weird and changeable worlds.

I can't help but click it again, giving Pu Ding a chance.

The Internet has memory.

But... the reader doesn't.

What is the best thing the author can do after seeing a poisonous point?

Is the hard circle back?


Let’s go through the plot immediately and fill readers with updates directly!

As long as there is more, the readers will be immediately attracted by the following plot.

Nothing happened in the 3rd update, collective amnesia occurred in the 4th update, and the floor cleaning started in the 5th update!

Some people have already taken the initiative to help Pu Ding in the comment section of "Infinite Time and Space".

"If you ask me, there is something wrong with those who curse. Just leave if you don't want to read. Don't be disgusting. Did Pu Ding force you to read?"

"Oh~ the author is just pursuing a perfect plot. The knife man is not the author's wish. He just judged that Chu Dake's character would make such a choice at that time, and others said that Chu Dake was cold-blooded and selfish, but this A smart man, he has proven with his actions that he is indeed cold-blooded and a data monster, but he is not selfish, anyone can be included in his calculations, even himself! "

"Well said! There is no perfect plot. Only regrets can make people think about it again and again. I think the story of "The Ring" is already perfect. I can't wait to see it on the big screen. Show how wonderful it will be.”

"That's it, let's not talk about it anymore. The New World "The Mummy" is really awesome! I really don't know how the author has such a brain and how he can set up such an interesting plot. I love it!"

"Wait a minute. Didn't you realize that there is an important tool in this world called the "Resurrection Scripture" that can resurrect people?"

"Hiss~ you mean hiss~"

"If the author really has such an arrangement later, I will kneel down immediately!"

"Hey! Stop thinking nonsense. Zheng Tuo and the others have come out and gone to the next world. Watch the plot carefully and live in the present."

"Yes, although Pu Ding doesn't say it, he should have learned the lessons from last time. He will definitely not dare to kill important people again in the future. Everyone can watch with confidence."

"Ah~ I feel so good watching 5 more, but the author's body is more important. I hope you take care of your body and do it harder! Don't stop!"

The readers' fickleness has allowed the performance of "Infinite Time and Space" to slowly return to its original level.

Average ordering begins to accelerate!

However, readers don't know yet...a new storm has emerged!

The dog author has another 2 updates of 5,000 words, right? It hasn’t changed, right?

I advise you to learn Puding immediately. Nothing happened in the 3rd update, collective amnesia occurred in the 4th update, and the floor cleaning started in the 5th update!

Otherwise, I will directly spray you until you break your defense!

Binghuo: Okay, okay, there will be 3 updates tomorrow, ah no! Try to update 4 times!

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