I really want to hit the street

Chapter 215 This damn plot, this familiar sword technique!

In "Infinite Time and Space".

The next world in "The Ring" is "The Mummy".

A western fantasy blockbuster.

Pharaoh, sacrifice, mummy, death, resurrection.

This is also Pu Jie’s first time writing about team combat.

The Chinese team encountered the Indian team.

This time, he is no longer content to add a few new characters each time to make readers uncomfortable.

He directly added a person to the team and introduced each person's life experience.

It is guaranteed that readers will have their heads swelled three times after reading this.

so many people! I'm so confused! ! !

Of course, now that the plot has reached this word count, readers have gradually adapted to it, and the poisoning effect is far less effective than at the beginning of Resident Evil.

There are 13 characters appearing in Chapter 3, a mixture of Chinese and foreign characters.

Even now, many people are unable to resist that wave of poisonous points.

This is one of the more successful aspects of Pujie's strategy.

If it were simpler at the beginning, it is estimated that the average order would be increased by 1/3.

After Pu Jie finished writing this world, the Huaguo team where the protagonist belonged lost some less important people, added some new people, and continued to change teammates.

For some well-known supporting characters, Pu Jie is not soft-hearted at all.

The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out.

Readers are stunned.

When I see a new person, I start chatting in Zhangshuo about how many chapters this person can live.

got used to.

As long as the old team members don't die, anything can be said.

Pu Jie had just finished writing the world plot of "The Mummy", and he came up with a brilliant idea to rationally kill Rong Hao, who had led them in the first place.

The next world: "Ghost Call"!

A classic Japanese horror movie.

It tells the story of some people who inadvertently found a "missed call" message displayed on the screen of their mobile phone. Unbelievably, it was a call from their own mobile phone number, and the time displayed was the date three days later. When listening to the message, , I heard my own voice clearly, which was full of helplessness and fear. However, at this time three days later, it was the moment when death came...

But everyone who was left a message would die without any accident.

The way of death was exactly the same as what was said on the phone. The person inside was also repeating the words he had received on the phone three days ago.

There are multiple characters in this story.

The protagonist is a female college student. Her friend received the call first and then died mysteriously.

It belongs to the ghost horror genre, the kind with no solution!

In this film, everyone who received the call died three days later without exception.

Zheng Tuo and his group sorted out the harvest from the previous world, spent a few days of rare peaceful time, and then descended into the world of "Ghost Calls".

In the single-team world, they are the only Chinese team.

But everyone's face looked bad after they arrived.

The fear of being dominated by the midnight bell last time is still vivid in my mind, and the voice of Chu Dake's calm delivery of information before his death still lingers in my ears.

After several world enhancements, Zheng Tuo already has Spider-Man mutant genes + Asgard's advanced divine power + magic weapons + storage space + some consumables and special props.

I have personally activated the second level of Gene Lock, and my strength is already extremely strong.

Even the Indian team that played them last time, no one could beat Zheng Tuo head-on.

In the end, in addition to the death of his teammates, he also lost the ability to fight. He fought 3 bloody battles alone and won the team competition directly!

And get more strengthening points and cards.

Zhan Qing, a woman from a horror movie like Zheng Tuo, has strengthened Professor

They also have long-range suppression snipers, mid-range fire support with enhanced arrow and hawk eye attributes, a melee lightning five-lash whip martial arts master, a little smart guy who has just joined the team but is extremely smart, and is very strong at the beginning and full of oppression. But in fact, it was Rong Hao who had the lowest qualifications, the fewest points, and average combat power among everyone.

Originally, with their lineup, they could almost survive the world they had experienced before without any damage.

Even the worlds of technology, alien beasts, and western fantasy and magic can all compete with each other.

However, they arrived in the unexplainable and terrifying world of "Ghost Calls".

An upgraded version of Midnight Ring.

The former also requires Sadako to show up and drag the person away to kill him.

This phone call directly predicts the death process three days later.

The person who receives the call is destined to die in 3 days. No one can escape this fate!

The protagonist seemed to have found a way, but he didn't escape in the end.

An ending in which everyone dies.

As soon as they entered this world, Zheng Tuo and the others fell silent.

This world is too dangerous, and something like the last "Midnight Ring" is likely to happen to them

But last time, Chu Dake saw through Sadako's true nature, took the initiative to seduce her as bait, and finally saved half of their team with his life.

Can you escape unscathed this time?

Zheng Tuo glanced at his surviving teammates and gritted his teeth.

Who will leave this world completely this time?

Without Chu Dake, can they go back alive?

After they explained the rules of the main god space and the world of reincarnation to the new newcomers as usual, the plot began!

The identities of these 15 people are all classmates of the protagonist.

At the beginning, Xiao Min, the heroine in the movie, received a strange phone call

Her best friend was asking her for help and was about to die.

But Xiao Min's best friend was sitting next to her.

But the voice on the phone is exactly the same as my best friend.

The female best friend answered the phone and became very angry after hearing this, thinking that someone had caused a prank.

The protagonist and the others didn't pay attention and continued to have fun.

And Zheng Tuo and the others knew that the plot had officially begun!

Next, the plain-looking supporting actress will die in 3 days, in exactly the same way as on the phone.

Before they could discuss their strategy, Li Si, a newcomer who had just woken up, took out a phone from his pocket.

Zheng Tuo's expression changed: "Don't answer it!"

But Li Si didn't understand at all, and he still thought that his parents had called the police.

Then, after getting on the phone.

It was his own voice. It came from three days later.

Tell him he will die miserably and tell him to run.

everyone was silent

The plot has changed.

The attack of the fierce ghost begins from the moment it enters the world.

In the movie, after killing one person, you kill another person, but in this world, you have to kill two people right from the beginning.

The smart guy in the team said at this time: "From now on, everyone should throw away the communication tools on their bodies. Let's act together. If anything happens, ask Zhan Qing to contact us using mental waves as a short-distance communication method."

"From now on, you!" He pointed at the newcomer Li Si who looked confused after receiving the call.

"You stay with me every step of the way and don't do anything strange, because if anything happens to you, I will."

He took out a pistol with unlimited ammunition and clicked the safety.

"I will kill you before the ghost, oh no! I will only break your legs and study how the ghost makes you die, so for the sake of your own life, I hope you can cooperate well , otherwise you may die faster."

"I know" Li Si trembled.

Zheng Tuo raised his eyebrows. At this moment, he seemed to see the shadow of Chu Dake.

‘Is this how all wise men think? Profit outweighs everything else.’

At this time, Zheng Tuo, who always cared about newcomers, did not refute.

The man who used his own life as bait could obviously use more other people's lives to pass the level, but he chose to be the bait himself. Because it is more in the interests of the team, if there is a chance, it would definitely be better to use a new person as bait than him. Teammates fighting side by side are much better as bait.

And after entering this world.

Rong Hao, the most senior member of the Chinese team, began to become restless, as if something was about to happen.

The plot unfolds quickly.

Although Zheng Tuo and the others were following the supporting actress who was about to be killed in the plot, in the blink of an eye, the supporting actress went nowhere.

When they found him again, he was already dead in an elevator, crushed into a pulp.

The police came and determined it was a mistake.

No foreign traces.

Zheng Tuo and others could see from the hotel surveillance that before the heroine died, she "accidentally" fell into the crack of the elevator and was dragged inside by the activated elevator and tortured for a full 5 minutes before she died.

The flesh and blood were blurred, and half of the body was rubbed into pulp.

During this period, she also called her good friend and said the same thing she received on the phone 3 days ago!

The heroine became alert at this time.

Zheng Tuo and the others were also alert!


The smart boy suddenly thought of something: "Li Si! Where did the newcomer go???"

Just as they were watching the scene with the police, newcomer Li Si got lost at some point!

"Ding ding ding~~"

Another newcomer's cell phone rang in his pocket.

"Me! I don't have a mobile phone! What's going on?"

Zheng Tuo took out a brand new mobile phone from his pocket and answered the call.

Over there was the sound of newcomer Li Si struggling painfully. He said that he was standing on the rooftop and could not run back. His feet were moving forward uncontrollably and he was about to fall. He begged everyone to come and save him.

Zheng Tuo jumped out of the window, shot out a handful of spider silk, and quickly swung towards the roof of the hotel.

When Zheng Tuo reached the top floor, a figure fell down.

"Come back!"

Zheng Tuo hung upside down and shot out a thick thread of spider silk from his wrist, trying to save Li Si.

But when the spider silk was about to catch him, it seemed to hit some obstacle in the air and was bounced back.


Meat on the ground.


For a moment, sweat dropped from everyone's foreheads.

Huge terror hangs over the Chinese team.

They didn't see anything, but two people died before their eyes.

The smart boy shouted directly: "Zheng Tuo, attack the space around Li Si's death indiscriminately! Quick!"


After Zheng Tuo performed some operations, nothing happened.

The enemy you can't see is the scariest.

In the next six days, two new members and one veteran member of the team died.

They still haven't found a way for ghosts to kill people.

All I know is that when one of these people has a mobile phone in his pocket, it's his time to die.

Morale fell to the extreme.

"Ding ding ding~"

A cell phone rang in Zhan Qing's pocket.

At this moment, the woman who entered the horror movie with Zheng Tuo, experienced many hardships and finally survived, sighed silently.

"What I strengthened was the direction of Professor End this world!"

Hearing the familiar words, Zheng Tuo's eyes glared, his fists clenched, and his power overflowed!

"Damn it!"

Only four days have passed since the plot of "Infinite Time and Space" was written here.

this day.

The book review area exploded again!

"It's broken, this damn plot, this familiar sword technique."

"Treason! What are you going to do again?"

"Don't come over here!"

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