I really want to hit the street

Chapter 216 I, Huang, have a life-and-death relationship with gambling, drug addiction... and Pu Din

Chapter 216 I, Huang, have a life-and-death relationship with gambling, drug addiction, and Pu Ding! (Chapter 2 out of 3!)

"Infinite Time and Space" comment section.

"If you write me, sister Zhan Qing, to death, I will let Pu Ding know. The criminal law is not your talisman!"

"Hurry up and form a group and go to Puding's house together! Stop this bastard quickly before he writes!"

"Oops! My big bear Zhan, I have a full warehouse, you want to kill her? I'll fuck your grandma's mouth!"

"It's the other way around. Pu Ding and the readers' fathers are the other way around, and they can't recognize their own identity!"

"Please, please let Zhan Qing go, I'll give you all the money from being the king this week, please mess with me, please!"

Pu Ding's familiar writing style reminds readers of the fear of being dominated by Chu Dake's death.

That man doesn’t! That devil is back again!


Pu Jie read the readers' comments while writing, and his smile gradually became abnormal.

"So this is the pleasure of having a knife? I feel so happy when I think that I can save half of my follow-up orders!"

"It's a pity that it wasn't Zhan Qing who stabbed him this time."

But seeing that the readers had imagined that Zhan Qing would be killed, Pu Jie thought about it. It's not impossible!

"Forget it, people need swords one by one. Let's kill Rong Hao, an important character, who has always been the guide for the protagonist on the road to reincarnation."

He had already thought of a very reasonable way to die for Rong Hao.

"This time, it's your turn to sacrifice and protect everyone!"

"Go Rong Hao!"

"Infinite Time and Space".

Zhan Qing's suggestion was strongly opposed by Zheng Tuo. He wanted to protect her every step of the way, believing that the two of them would be able to fight this ghost together.

Smart guy: "However, our biggest problem now is that we can't find its body. But if we want to analyze it, it's probably similar to the "Midnight Ring" you played before. In fact, it also has weaknesses, and it doesn't dare to compete with us. In a head-to-head confrontation, its capabilities must be limited, otherwise it would just get through the phone calls of so many of us at once, and then kill them all."

However, the next second.

"Ding ding ding~"

"Ding ding ding~"

"Ding ding ding~"

"Ding ding ding~"

A phone appeared in the pocket of 4 people in the team and rang at the same time!

The little smart guy looked at the phone in his pocket and smiled bitterly: "It seems that we have underestimated it. It is really capable of killing so many of us at once. Damn it. It has no ability to prevent ghosts. I'm afraid this time the world will only have the ability to kill so many of us." Zheng Tuo can only survive if he has divine protection."

"Then let me play one last game. Even if we die, Zheng Tuo, you have to kill it!"

Zheng Tuo looked ferocious.

"Damn it! Come at me with whatever means you can!"

He has unknowingly become the strongest person in the entire team, but he has no way to deal with the strange world.

As the voices of the four of them came from the mobile phone, they panicked about the scene of their death three days later.

The newcomer was desperate and collapsed.

The old man also looked gloomy. The ghosts in this world are too scary.

We haven’t even met yet, but so many people and plot characters have already been killed.

At this time, Rong Hao, who had not received the call, looked ferocious, as if he was fighting against something.

When everyone was at a loss, Rong Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry. We will definitely find a way, and everyone will be able to get out alive, I promise!"

No one paid attention, thinking it was just a word of comfort.

The time came 3 days later.

Everyone made countless preparations.

They followed the heroine to search step by step, and finally found the origin of the ghost, a hospital that had been abandoned for many years.

Based on the clues, the heroine led everyone to a dilapidated ward.

There was a petite skeleton lying on a hospital bed inside.

looks like a little girl

"Found it! Zheng Tuo used his divine power to purify her!"

Everyone was overjoyed, they were about to be saved!

However, before Zheng Tuo could take action, the skeleton disappeared.

The air became cold.

The heroine's hair was spread out, the corners of her mouth were split, and she was laughing strangely


Afterwards, everyone lost control of their bodies on the spot.

The little smart boy was stunned for a moment. Looking at the rebellious heroine and this dark and terrifying hospital, he suddenly understood!

He shouted: "We are in a trap! She deliberately led us here. Her bones are in this hospital. But not here! And this hospital is the place where she turned into a ghost. So many people died here." , The Yin Qi is extremely strong! This is where she is most powerful!”

"Zheng Tuo can't even defeat her here! That's why! She dares to let us in!"

"We were deceived by the heroine Xiao Min! She was chosen by the ghost as early as the first phone call!"

"Damn it! Why did I ignore this detail! The first phone call was not to her friend, but to her!!!"

"My friend Xiao Min took the cell phone from her! And the people who died after us all died after receiving calls to themselves. It can be seen that the prelude to launching an attack is to call the person who is going to die next!"

"On the third day after we entered the world, Xiao Min died and became a toy of ghosts!"

"The plot has changed! The ghost's goal has only been one since we entered this world, and that is to kill us!"

Everyone suddenly felt chilly!

Ever since they entered this world, they have been shrouded in a shadow.

They believed too much in the plot of the original work, thinking that Xiao Min could survive until the last moment and die only after finding the ghost's true body.

In fact, the person who answered the phone from the beginning was Xiao Min, and when she transferred it to her best friend, she should have guessed that the ghost’s immediate target was actually Xiao Min!

No wonder Xiao Min never showed up on the day her friend died. Because she was also attacked by a ghost!

The plot is not based on the "Ghost Call" movie they have seen!

This fierce ghost wants to kill everyone!

After the smart guy told the whole story, all of their bodies were completely controlled by the monster, and they all took out weapons from their pockets.

He raised the guns one after another and pointed them at his own head.

At the scene, only Zhan Qing and Zheng Tuo were still struggling.

A large amount of golden divine light emerged from Zheng Tuo's body, competing with this power.

However, the heroine in the form of a fierce ghost opened her mouth and bit him on the neck.


Blood spurted out, and the flow of golden divine power temporarily protected the body.

But next, if he can't break free, his blood will definitely be sucked dry by this fierce ghost.

Zhan Qing gritted his teeth and said tremblingly: "Are the group going to be destroyed?"

Zheng Tuo's eyes were red, his muscles all over his body were swollen, and he had opened the second-level gene lock!

But the guns of his teammates were already aimed at their own genius.

The next second, only he and Zhan Qing will be left alive.



Gunshots were heard.

Zheng Tuo's head suddenly went blank, as if he had lost the most important thing.

But the space suddenly turned white.

Time has stopped.

The people and the bullets they fired stopped in the air.

Rong Hao stood up calmly and took down the bullets suspended in the air one by one.

Zheng Tuo regained control of his body. He rolled and shot out a thread of spider silk to tie up Rong Hao.

However, his spider silk stopped 1 meter in front of Rong Hao's body, as if there was a wall of air blocking him.

It was the same as when he was blocked when he wanted to save the newcomers that day.

"It's you!?"

"who are you?"

"If you can't give me a reasonable reason, you must die!"

Zheng Tuo was filled with divine power and unlocked the second level of the genetic lock.

Rong Hao looked at the still people around him and took out a piece of chewing gum from his pocket.

Put it in your mouth and chew it.

"Well, it's time. I know there will be a day like this. If you don't die, I will die."

Zheng Tuo: "Why?"

"Because I am both a guide and a reincarnation, a rare dual identity. In the film before you came, I did not die because of a coincidence, but became in this state. My mission is to find a member of the team. Captain, and then he will be wiped out.”

He chewed gum and grinned: "Of course, if the Chinese team never has a captain and everyone dies, I can live forever."

Zheng Tuo: "What about your strength?"

"S-level telekinesis."

Zheng Tuo probably knew that Rong Hao was the strongest in the team, but he had never shown it.

"But I couldn't do anything to you, so I had to leave by myself."

"And the Huaguo team has finally found its captain, Zheng Tuo. He promised me to lead our Huaguo team out of this reincarnation. Then say hello to my parents for me and tell them that I made a lot of money abroad. Every day Gan Yangma drinks foreign wine and is reluctant to go back. Just give them some money to support themselves in their old age."

"Oh, in this world, death always coexists with hope, isn't it?"

Rong Hao put the five bullets in Zheng Tuo's hand and patted him on the shoulder.

The body turned into a white light, half disappeared into the air, and half merged into Zheng Tuo's body.

Zheng Tuo felt that his strength was improving and he had gained some permissions that he had never had before.

[The captain election is completed, forcing the end of this world]

Seven beams of light fell from the sky, teleporting all the remaining seven of them back to the main god space.

Zheng Tuo held five bullets tightly in his hand and his eyes were red.

Half leader and half reincarnation - Rong Hao, died.

late at night.

Yue Jing lay on the bed with his mobile phone.

The majestic seven-foot man, drops of liquid flowed out from there

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them easily, but they are not sad yet.

Seeing Rong Hao die generously in the end and face his fate calmly, Yue Jing was moved and sad at the same time.

The man with a cold face and a warm heart just left.

He opened the first chapter of "Infinite Time and Space" and looked at Rong Hao's initial cold and contemptuous look, and then his actions of caring for the protagonist with a ruthless mouth and a cold heart flashed by little by little.

"Rong Hao is dead. I'm sick, wuwuwu~~"

"Pu Ding, why don't you die for Rong Hao! Wuwuwu~"

"I don't want to read your book anymore, it's too uncomfortable, woo woo woo~"

It was late at night, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law who were doing repetitive forward and backward movements next door couldn't help but stop when they heard the noise.

Mother-in-law: "Why does this child yell, cry and laugh so much at night? Is there something abnormal? Hey! Damn it, stop moving! Hmm~"

Father-in-law: "Am I moving? I want us to practice the trumpet again while we have the energy now, hey!"

"That makes sense!"

Huang Shu is also the one who guards Pu Ding’s updates every day.

See the latest chapter of "Infinite Time and Space".

First surprised, then uncomfortable, and finally angry!

The plot is very touching and tear-jerking, making people feel uncomfortable.

But apart from the plot, all of this was designed by Pu Ding!

Is it Rong Hao who was obliterated by the Lord God?


it's him! It’s settled!

This swordsman is awesome!

The dog author who doesn’t have enough knives!

"Fuck! From today on, I, Mr. Huang, will be sworn in with gambling, drug addiction, and Pu Ding!"

In the comment area, he quickly summarized the people who had been stabbed by Pu Ding since he started writing the book, and cursed them with the title.

"Whoever believes in the stubborn Pu Ding anymore is a dog!" 》

The whole article has no skills, it’s all about emotion!

Ahem! There are two chapters of nearly 7,000 words. Brothers, don’t say it’s too short. I have a holiday tomorrow and try to write one more chapter.

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