I really want to hit the street

Chapter 225 Where is the dog author? All I see is a great screenwriter! (2-in-1)

The hall at the premiere of "The Man from Earth" was not full.

She Yiqiang asked his friend to help accommodate him, and then brought his old friend Liu Yishou into the movie theater.

The two of them found a place to sit down.

Eyes wandering around.

Liu Yishou: "Is Pu Ding really here?"

She Yiqiang: "You can't be wrong. The publicity company that invited me to write the article said that all the important creative staff of this movie are here. The dog author is the first editor, so he will definitely come!"

"Then let me tell you who is the doggiest in this room. That must be Pu Ding."

"It makes sense! I'll look for it too!"

While searching, Teacher Liu posted the news that he was about to find Pu Ding in the "Infinite Time and Space" book club, and also took a photo on the spot.

At such an exciting time, it would be too uncomfortable not to show off in the book club circle.

Liu Yishou decided that he would record a video of Pu Ding crying with snot and tears saying that he would never dare to mess with the character again. Then he would make a mosaic and post it on the Internet to warn other authors. Internet It is not an illegal place.

Anyone who comes out with a sword will have to pay it back sooner or later!

Pu Jie didn't know that his location had been found by a book friend with great powers, and he was enjoying watching a movie.

At this time the theater lights went out.

After the usual opening credits, the main film begins

The first scene is a wide shot.

A typical southern courtyard.

There are auspicious cloud sculptures, flowers, trees, gravel paths, and rockery pools.

The area is not large, but all the internal organs are complete.

You can tell at a glance that the owner of the yard is a person who loves life.

In the simple garage built in the yard, a man was packing things into the pickup truck.

The camera slowly advanced and focused on the man.

Chen Mingdao.


When Pu Jie saw the first shot, he thought it was great!

As a hardcore movie fan, Pu Jie often reads online movie reviews and some comments from domestic and foreign media to know how to appreciate movies.

I have studied screenwriting for more than a year in this life, and my aesthetic appreciation of movies has become even better.

The structure of this scene is very interesting.

It took him back to a Chinese-style scene from the American-style courtyard in the original movie.

There are some finished wood carvings stacked in the corner, and a blue and white porcelain tea set is placed on the stone table.

The camera casually swept over and saw a bronze vernier caliper hanging on the wall.

Others who don't know the script may not know what it means, but they just feel it has the flavor of Jiangnan Xiaoyuan. Later they found out that the protagonist is a teacher of the history department, so they may think that he likes these antiques.

But he knows the script written by Pu Jie!

This is all evidence that the protagonist has lived for 14,000 years and that he is that person.

Bi Gan is very thin!

Pu Jie thought so.

And the whole shot has a better texture than the original.

After all, the original version of "The Man from Earth" only cost 10,000 US dollars. Their drama, not counting the script and starring, cost 1 million. This is all real money, and it is reasonable for the picture to be more refined. .

Although he and Teacher Wang wrote the script and knew the entire plot, he was looking forward to how the movie would look on the big screen.

After the movie started, She Yiqiang stopped talking to Teacher Liu and was gradually attracted by the plot.

While reading, I jotted down key words in my notebook.

He will publish an article later, and the first-hand experience while watching the movie is his best material.

Film criticism, he is a professional.

[The beginning is unremarkable, but there are no shortcomings. 】

[There are a few shots that seem to have meaning, but I can’t tell for the time being. 】

The plot advances to the arrival of the protagonist's friend.

Only then did he realize that the protagonist was leaving this place and his old friend was here to persuade him to stay.

The suspense is buried.

She Yiqiang looked at the solid plot and text and nodded unconsciously.

[The script is solidly written, has the flavor of a university teacher, and is very real. 】

A good script and good lines can make an ordinary scene feel comfortable.

At this time, several old friends asked questions.

The biggest suspense in the movie unfolds.

[Why did the protagonist Wang Wen leave the associate professor alone and leave without saying goodbye? 】

【I have to leave every once in a while, why? 】

[Is that imitation painting of Tang Bohu real? Is it a coincidence that the giver's name is the same as the protagonist's? 】

[The Chinese teacher said that he has not looked older in 10 years. What does that mean? 】

[Could it be that the protagonist is a wanted criminal? 】

As everyone seemed to be having a normal conversation, pieces of key information were collected by She Yiqiang, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"A very informative script."

He likes this.

Those slobbery and meaningless conversations made him extremely boring to watch.

In some soap operas, 90% of the story content in an episode is just fluff. Only one or two scenes advance the development of the plot, which is very uncomfortable.

The movie just started, walking from outdoors to indoors, chatting casually.

It seems like he said nothing, but he said a lot.

The expectations of professional film critics like She Yiqiang have been raised.

Teacher Liu next to him obviously didn't have this level of appreciation. He just didn't think the story was annoying, and there was a motivation that pushed him to read it later.

As the plot progresses again, the debate about why the protagonist Wang Wen wants to leave becomes more intense.

The camera turned.

Wang Wen, played by Chen Daoming, put his hands on the sofa and said in a very normal tone: "I want to ask you a question, what would you think if a person lived from the Paleolithic Age to today?"

She Yiqiang: “Hiss~~~”

He got it.

The main line of the whole story is out!

[The wanted criminal may be a false shot, but Wang Wen may be the immortal. 】

[Not necessarily. If it is a suspenseful and brain-burning script, Wang Wen may be an extremely clever liar and wants to cover up the facts of his crime by lying. Oh no! It's like showing off his past crimes. 】

[The sense of anticipation was suddenly lifted at this moment. 】

Not only She Yiqiang found it interesting, but the audience and media attending the premiere were also attracted to the story.

From the fact that very few mobile phone lights were on at the scene, we could tell that everyone was paying attention to the story.

In particular, teacher Chen Mingdao's line interpretation is simply superb. Listening to his lines is a pleasure.

Even without the amazing visual effects, the interesting lines and the slowly told story attracted everyone.

The story moves forward.

After Wang Wen said that he had witnessed the voyage of Xu Fu, a warlock of the Qin Dynasty, the story began to reach a climax.

The supporting character's suspicion of the protagonist, and his self-certification.

[The painting of Tang Bohu at the beginning is actually real and it works, which is great. 】

[But there’s no way to tell whether it’s the protagonist’s hoax or the truth. After all, he is a history teacher.]

[In addition, Teacher Chen Mingdao is awesome. 】

Afterwards, the psychiatrist came.

He wanted to take Wang Wen for a physical examination, but he was refused.

At this time, Wang Wen revealed the reason why he had to move out every 10 years. He was once imprisoned for 104 years by someone who knew the secret of his immortality. He only managed to escape after the family was wiped out, and he became cautious from then on. Don't stay in one place for more than 10 years.

[Interesting explanation, more and more true]

[The doubts at the beginning have all been explained. I like this treatment. The wood carvings, blue and white porcelain, and antiques in the yard prove his time span from the side, which is interesting.]

[Small detail, the person who was hiding behind the door and trying to scare him was subdued with one move. It seems that he has some skills, which is also one of the evidences of the immortal. 】

The story is getting more and more interesting.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the movie, and they continued to doubt and believe in the identity of the protagonist Wang Wen along with the plot.

Full of suspense.

Moreover, with the arrival of the psychiatrist, the plot conflict becomes more intense.

When the supporting characters asked why Wang Wen had never proclaimed himself emperor after living for so many years.

Chen Mingdao looked reminiscing. At this moment, his eyes were filled with stories.

He never smoked in front of outsiders, so he borrowed a cigarette and lit it.

"Actually, before that incident, I had always been pretentious and thought that I was the most knowledgeable person in the world. My knowledge and knowledge far exceeded those of the great Confucians of my time. After witnessing the collapse of dynasties again and again, I really wanted to establish A better country that puts its knowledge to use.”

"At that time, I wasn't so stable, I was rather reckless."

"You can call me by my original name: Wang Mang."

The protagonist played by Chen Mingdao suddenly became more powerful, and the imperial aura instantly filled the entire screen!

"Absolutely awesome!"

She Yiqiang clenched his fists. This moment of reversal made him unexpected!

Especially Chen Mingdao's performance made him believe that the emperor from thousands of years ago was him!

I haven't been the emperor for a few years, and I can't act like this!

[Teacher Chen Mingdao, you are indeed awesome. If a young actor were to play the role, this film would be ruined. 】

[Wang Mang, a highly controversial emperor, the most successful counterattacker in history, radical reforms, and a short-lived new dynasty.]

【interesting! 】

Wang Mang is alive! ?

Not only were the audience shocked by the bold idea, but the supporting characters in the movie were also taken aback.

They began to question the protagonist Wang Mang's various practices.

The protagonist responded fluently.

Psychology teacher: "Why did you become the emperor in the first place?"

"I am number one in both character and knowledge. The Emperor of the Han Dynasty felt inferior to me. Everyone in the government and the public felt honored to associate with me. 400,000 officials and people wrote letters praising my merits. Tens of thousands of people petitioned, without even a single soldier. To be able to sit on the throne, if I want to realize what I want, I must be in this position, so I naturally sat on it.”

"So, you implemented various reforms after taking office? Nationalization of land, currency reform, planned economy, abolition of slavery."

Wang Wen sighed: "Oh, I was too hasty. Now it seems that Xu Xu Tuzhi's words at that time are promising to succeed."

After that, I asked a lot of questions.

Wang Wen was always able to answer clearly, and some unanswered details in history were gradually restored to the full picture in the mouth of the person involved.

An immortal who witnessed the repeated rise and fall of the feudal dynasty, used his accumulated knowledge and good conduct for so many years, plus some scheming, to become the first diaosi in history to successfully counterattack the emperor without relying on an uprising.

The first half of his life was very legendary.

And such a person wants to save the real society of "collapse of rituals and music" like Confucius, implement the New Deal, and build his own ideal country.

Supported by all the people!

He almost succeeded.

However, due to the drastic reforms that led to rapid social unrest, he was killed by the rebels before the restructuring was successful.

Some modern scholars said: "Even with the change of dynasties, such extreme reforms are unprecedented in Chinese history."

In the end, his head was cut off and kept in the royal collection for 300 years before being burned.

"Wait a minute! There are records in history. If you were Wang Mang, your head would have been taken off long ago!"

Wang Wen said: "The person who died is actually Wang Mang in the true sense, a person who looks very, very similar to me. He is the only one who knows the secret that I am an immortal. After he left the field, he exchanged identities with me, We jointly planned the road to usurp the throne, and that’s how all the subsequent stories came about.”

"On the last day, I held the jade seal in my arms and refused to surrender or escape. All officials were willing to die with me. We failed, but... we tried. This is the 40 years I have lived for this country."

"In the end, Wang Mang sent me away. For the first time, he put on the yellow robe that I had worn for fourteen years, and did the last thing in his life: die for me. He said that he was honored to do so. Together we made this subversive reform for this country, and because of my ageless appearance, I successfully escaped after taking off my beard and makeup.”

At this time, She Yiqiang heard a sound from the theater: "Hiss——"

Everyone gasped, and the temperature in the theater increased.

[A different story, a tricky angle. 】

[Is it made up? Or is it true? It's hard to judge. 】

[The key is that I cannot falsify it. 】

And when the protagonist Wang Wen finished telling the story of becoming an emperor, his aura subsided and he returned to the image of a gentle and elegant history teacher like a Confucian scholar, as if everything just now was an illusion.

That's why Chen Mingdao can perform this so freely!

[Teacher Chen Mingdao’s acting skills - pure enjoyment version. 】

Teacher Liu also nodded in admiration and liked it very much.

Friends in the media were writing furiously at this time, and it was obvious that it had touched their hearts.

If nothing else happens, the climax of this story can already lead to countless explosive headlines.

"Shock! The emperor Wang Mang, who is most like a time traveler, actually merged with another man."

"The real and fake Wang Mang chasing the murderer in the white night!" 》

"On what happened to Wang Mang's daughter-in-law?" Is it moral decay or a historical necessity for a woman to serve two husbands? 》

After the climax, no one in the movie plot could falsify Wang Wen's words, and some people were slowly convinced.

At the end of the story, the social studies teacher asked: "You told us all this, aren't you afraid that we will tell it and cause an uproar in society?"

Wang Wen smiled.

"Even if you believe it now, you will soon doubt what you are hearing now, think that I have a mental problem or be annoyed by this joke, or even think that you are stupid for believing what a madman said at this time. "

"And even if there is someone who firmly believes it, what's the use of saying it? People will only believe things within the scope of their understanding, just like you invited Professor Liu of Psychiatry. The more you speak, the more you The higher the probability of being sent to Professor Liu."

"So, over the years, many people have known my identity, but in the end they could only carry the world's incomprehension and this secret to their graves."

Everyone was left speechless.

They knew that everything Wang Wen said was true, and whether they believed it or not had no effect on him.

In the last scene of the movie, Wang Wen seemed to think of something before getting into the car. He went to the yard, took off the rusty bronze vernier caliper, put it on the pickup truck, and drove off alone.

As the screen gradually fades to black amid the exhaust fumes of Wang Wen's pickup truck, the story ends.

The closing credits descend from above.

[Director: Bi Gan]

[Screenwriters: Pu Dinglie, Wang Xiang]

[Starring: Chen Mingdao]


Everyone present was stunned.

They didn't see the ending they expected.

Is the protagonist Wang Mang himself?

Or a liar who is proficient in language?

At the end of the movie, there is no answer.

She Yiqiang fell into a huge emptiness, and the movie was over.

He wrote the last words in his notebook.

[With an open ending, the reviews of this movie are going to explode. 】

Teacher Liu was also immersed in the movie and couldn't get out.

Wait until the lights in the theater come on and the creative staff stand on the stage.

Teacher Liu looked puzzled and said, "Wait a minute, why do I have to carry a plastic knife when I watch a movie?"

She Yiqiang reminded: "Old Liu, didn't we say we wanted to kill the dog author?"

"Huh? Where there are dog authors, I only see a great screenwriter."

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