I really want to hit the street

Chapter 226 In fact, I just planned to write a book that would hit the street at first (Additional u

Chapter 226 In fact, I just planned to write a book that would hit the street (plus update 37135)

Pu Jie is very satisfied with the movie!

Far beyond his expectations!

He created a local adaptation based on his own imagination, and added the second script creation by gold medal screenwriter Wang Xiang, and the passionate performance of the best actor Chen Mingdao.

Absolutely amazing!

No bragging, no slander, let Pujie judge for himself, it is better than the original version!

Chinese people will definitely like to read this story more.

Compared with the plot that discusses religion and who Jesus is, the different roles played by an immortal in the long history of China are obviously more attractive to Chinese audiences.

Pu Jie and the creative team walked onto the red carpet. Looking at the excited reporters and film critics below, they felt a little nervous and a little excited.

'Is this what it's like to be in the spotlight? ’

In the standing position, Bi Gan and Pu Jie are in the middle, with Chen Mingdao and Wang Xiang next to them.

These four people are the core of the entire film.

The director and editor are the core of the core!

After the host said some useless but necessary lines as usual, Bigan talked about their creative background.

Next, comes the most critical question-asking session for reporters.

During this process, Xuanfa Company will give red envelopes to several people and ask them to ask some easy-to-answer questions without being silent.

Otherwise, no one will ask questions and everyone will be embarrassed.

The atmosphere team must be prepared.

But...it's obvious that the people from Xuanfa Company spent their money in vain.

When the host said that reporters can now start asking questions, almost everyone raised their hands.

His eyes were filled with two words: "Choose me! Choose me! Choose me!"

Bi Gan casually selected a reporter who looked kind-hearted, and the reporter immediately asked excitedly: "I would like to ask the chief screenwriter Mr. Pu Dingliao, is such a wonderful script your original creation?"

Pu Jie said into the microphone: "This is an original script co-created by me and my teacher, screenwriter Wang Xiang."

The reporter continued to ask: "Can you tell me why your name is in front of Teacher Wang Xiang? Is it because you are Teacher Wang Xiang's apprentice and I want to praise you specifically to build momentum?"

Pu Jie frowned, why did this reporter speak so harshly?

Just when he was about to respond, Wang Xiang patted him, took the microphone and said: "Pu Bian is my student at Beiyi University. He is currently a sophomore. He is also a good friend of mine. He is the creator of "That Man Came from the Earth" , it was editor Pu who built the entire story framework and plot design. As a teacher, I helped him improve the completion of the story. Therefore, editor Pu made a greater contribution to the entire script, and naturally he was ranked as the first screenwriter. There is a factor of who I want to praise. It’s such a good script. I also want to win an award. If it’s mine, why would I give it to someone else, hahaha.”

Many reporters at the scene laughed.

This is indeed what Teacher Wang said.

Their first feeling after watching this movie is that they want to win an award!

This is definitely not an unknown person. Even if the box office is not high, it should be no problem to win several domestic screenplay awards.

Pu Jie smiled gratefully at the teacher. Teacher Wang Xiang really helped him a lot.

"I will definitely not stop talking about him in the future."

Immediately afterwards, another reporter raised his hand.

Bi Gan selected a pretty female reporter.

"Hello Pubian, I just checked. You are currently in your sophomore year, and you are already a best-selling author in Qidian. You were also named the second of the twelve kings last year by Qidian for the first time, and one of the top 100 writers in the index. In addition to creating a large amount of online literature, you also wrote the script of the popular TV series "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" and the script of "That Man Is From Earth". How did you achieve such great achievements at this age? You really haven't? Is there a creative bottleneck?”

Next to him, Bi Gan was holding up the microphone with great interest and put it down awkwardly. No one asked him.

Pu Jie pondered for a moment

"Actually, I just planned to write a book that would hit the market at the beginning. It was really an accident that I achieved these results."

Female reporter: "?"

Pu Jie: "I'm just a loser. I'm really not as good as you think."

Female reporter: "???"

Pu Jie: "Okay, I know no one believes the truth."

The female reporter smiled sweetly: "You are so humorous. It is this humble mentality that allows you to not care about the comments on the Internet and persist in creating, right?"

Pu Jie: "Whatever you say is what it is."

Pu Jie has discovered that it is difficult for him to wake up a person trapped in his own imaginary world.

Bi Gan named the next middle-aged reporter.

He asked: "Director Bi Gan."

Bi Gan felt happy that someone finally asked him a question! He is still an older and sensible person! As a director, my hard work pays off, okay?

Such a good work, how could you have done it by yourself!

Middle-aged male reporter: "You said the total investment in this movie was 1 million yuan. How did you get Mr. Chen Mingdao to star?"

Bigan: "."

Tired, destroy it.

Does no one really care about me?

Chen Mingdao said with a smile: "I have said in the media before that my salary is not much. Compared with young actors today, it is high quality and cheap. However, in this movie, I acted at a reduced price because the editor The script is really good, it was tailor-made for me. Even if I don’t get paid, I will act in it. If other screenwriters and directors have such good scripts, remember to contact me.”

Pu Jie said modestly: "It is Mr. Chen who is upright and upright. To be honest, when I created the character, I designed the character according to Mr. Chen's image. This is well deserved."

Chen Mingdao: "Hehehe~ Then if you have a good script like this in the future, remember to come to me."

"Absolutely! I will definitely not let you reduce your pay to participate in the show next time."

Bigan looked at the two of them complimenting each other with a look of despair.


Does no one really care about me as a director?


These media people don’t think that it’s okay to lead dogs with tethered dogs, right?

This is too outrageous!

After the reporter finished asking questions, Pu Jie pointed to a big brother who danced for a long time and looked very excited.

She Yiqiang saw that he had finally been selected, wiped the sweat from his head, and was finally able to talk to Gouzuopubian.

"I have two questions. How did you come up with the ending of this movie? Is Wang Wen an immortal? Is it possible that the things mentioned in the script actually exist?"

Pu Jie was already prepared for this problem.

"This ending was decided upon by the teacher and I after many discussions. It is an open ending. Whether Wang Wen is an immortal or not is up to everyone. It would be pointless for us to come up with a fixed ending. As for whether it really exists, maybe? There are always things in this world that are beyond our knowledge.”

She Yiqiang nodded, it was almost as he guessed, the ending was undefined.

"Then my second question is, why do you insist on killing Chu Dake and Rong Hao in the novel "Infinite Time and Space" that you are currently serializing, despite the readers' dissuasion?"

Pu Jie raised his eyebrows.

bad thing!

A reader is chasing me!

He subconsciously thought of the man above Long Kong who was anally fucked by three big men, and his anus suddenly tightened.

Because in the comment section of "Infinite Time and Space", the three big guys have turned from fans to fans, and I heard they are looking for his address!

So cool!

Damn it, how can I still meet readers when I attend a premiere!

"Ahem! Those are all creative needs. The movie world is always imperfect and difficult to reconcile. Just like the ending of this movie, leaving some regrets is the best ending. The same is true in the book."

She Yiqiang asked: "Do you mean that the world in "Infinite Time and Space" has the opportunity to be filmed? You have built multiple huge worldviews in it, and they are all very real. Do you already have a script?"

Pu Jie scratched his head: "Maybe, it depends on the situation."

After he loses all his money first, he can consider making a blockbuster movie and leaving his name in the film and television industry.

By the way, I can also praise my own Yuhan.

She Yiqiang nodded, he understood.

Tomorrow’s two articles have titles.

[The work of the Gods "That Man is from the Earth": an art of language, let us just chat across the vast sea and sky]

[Pu Dingliao personally admitted that important roles were eliminated in order to better satisfy the film and television adaptation, and may see the world of the "Infinite Time and Space" series of movies! 】


While answering reporters' questions in full swing inside.

A group of young readers gathered outside the Hengtai Cinema in the Magic City.

They each have a box of razor blades.

PS: Brother Meng, the plot has been a bit brain-consuming recently, and I urgently need a few monthly tickets to supplement my brain!

Today’s 7,000-word update, there’s a two-in-one, don’t say I’m short! ! !

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