I really want to hit the street

Chapter 227 The most dog-looking person among them must be Pu Ding!

Time goes back to 2 hours ago.

Before the movie "That Man Came From Earth" started, Liu Yishou posted a post in the "Infinite Time and Space" book club, "Catch Pu Ding alive offline."

There is also a photo of the interior of a movie theater that he took at random, which is a mess.

But. Never underestimate the wisdom of netizens!

Here, a very interesting phenomenon will arise.

This is an interesting thing that even Qidian’s official operations team and senior editors have never seen.

This phenomenon happened in the book club of "Infinite Time and Space".

A ridiculously hot comment section.

Since Pu Ding opened his book, the comment section has been in a stage of rapid development.

There are a lot of messages every day.

And because Pu Dingliao’s description of the plot world in the book is not comprehensive, but only the tip of the iceberg from the huge world for Zheng Tuo and his team to explore, more of the plot can only be learned from Pu Dingliao’s few words. Some.

However, readers can see that they are all very large world views, and they are very beautiful!

All kinds of novel names, new types of monsters, and new skills all appear in the book "Infinite Time and Space".

It can be said to be an extremely innovative book!

The things inside are unheard of and unseen, all original!

Zombies, aliens, Spider-Man genes, Asgardian powers, Sadako.

Each item alone could write a book or make a series of movies.

And the book "Infinite Time and Space" has them all!

After reading the book every day, readers can't help but talk about these novel things.

The principle is the same as when children see Ultraman's new moves, the next day the whole school plays poss against each other.

It’s just fresh and fun!

In addition, there are versatile netizens in the book club circle who create illustrations for characters and monsters, and express things that are difficult for everyone to understand through pictures. Let’s take a look. Ah! It turns out that zombies look like this, aliens are so scary, and Sadako’s hair is so long

Of course, some weird XP book friends are indispensable, and they will bring out alien girls to tug at the heartstrings of LSPs.

In addition to the illustrations, there are also more creations of "Infinite Time and Space" fan works.

Everyone likes to write a few short stories in the world created by Pu Dingliao, using their imagination to enrich and complete the world in the book.

Currently, there is a fan post about "Knight of the Dead - Chu Dake" in the book club. It tells the story that Chu Dake and Sadako had to tell in the well, which is very popular.

Currently being serialized, Chu Dake is about to break through the 5th level of the gene lock, break out of the wall and kill Pu Ding.


The book club circle is so lively!

Completely different from other books.

Readers read other books as follows: read the book title introduction - read the reviews in book circles - abandon the book or read it - read the text and chapter reviews - until the author stops updating, go to the book circles and curse the damn eunuch and spit out the words. Walk.

After the initial steps of Infinite Time and Space are completed, readers not only have to spend more time reading chapter reviews and discussions, but also go directly to the book club after reading the new chapter, and then participate in a new round of chat.

By the way, I scold the author for killing their favorite character.

The number of new posts, likes, and reads every day is very high!

Very energetic!

Even the book club of A-list celebrities, excluding some activities and the addition of coins, cannot compare to the book club of "Infinite Time and Space".

If it weren't for Pujie's two brutal blows, he would have killed some readers.

Could be more lively.

Naturally, many of these readers who have been active in book circles all year round saw the post just posted by "Teacher Liu who loves to be sick".

"Teacher Liu, did you snipe Pugou offline? Have you brought the Vaseline? Give me a thumbs up, thank you!"

"Post a picture but not the location? Are you planning to eat alone? My family owns a hardware store and can provide some fun props. Just tell me the location and fly there directly, airborne all over the country!"

"What are you talking about! Where is the Pu Dog? This is my cutest 5th update God of War! However, as long as it does not affect the author's update, I personally don't mind giving him some small surprises."

"By the way, does anyone know where this place is? Can anyone locate it through this picture?"

"Are you crazy! Locating one person in one picture? Do you really think we are the brains of the Flame Queen! (Hey ~ Resident Evil joke)"

A title, a paragraph of text, a photo.

In an instant, book friends are possessed by Sherlock Holmes!

Lu Ling: "I, Lu Ling, am a police psychoanalyst and know some investigative techniques. I will try to analyze this picture of Teacher Liu."

"Hey~ Officer, look at the infinite time and space. Quickly help lock this bitch. I didn't care if he stabbed two people in the front. If he kills me, Big Bear Zhan, in the back, my blood pressure will be so high! This You must talk to him carefully."

"That's right! I feel like this guy must be evil, and he may be holding back some damaging moves!"

After spending more than 30 floors chatting with a group of netizens.

Comrade Lu Ling finally sent the message.

Lu Ling: "I have some clues, brothers! Teacher Liu filmed it in a cinema, and I just looked through the message records of Teacher Liu's Qidian account this year and found some clues. Teacher Liu himself is from a middle school in Shanghai. The physical education teacher, since he didn’t plan in advance, suddenly saw Pu Ding, then there is a high probability that Pu Ding is in a movie theater in Shanghai at this time!”

"Hiss—Big Brother Niubi! The scope has been narrowed down in one go!"

"Give me my knee. Which movie theater is he in? I'm in Shanghai. I'm already taking a shower and wiping my gun. You can go at any time."

"Hey! I installed the screen for the cinema, and I want to provide you with a small detail. You can see the pattern and clarity on the cinema screen, which proves that this cinema is a high-end one. In terms of the seating arrangement, it is a small cinema. There are The stage usually has a special purpose, such as a private proposal or a press conference."


In a group of people chatting, Lu Ling sent a second message.

Lu Ling: "Thank you everyone for the details. I just connected these things and basically locked in the location. I saw some recent activities of major movie theaters in Shanghai from the movie channel, and found out that a new movie was released today. It's called "The Man from the Earth", and guess who the screenwriter of this movie is? The answer is out, he is attending the premiere of his movie as the main creative staff! The logo on the seat cover can be identified as the lobby of Hengtai Cinema! Gao Leverage asked some of my reporter friends from the city to ask, and they did have an event today at Hengtai in the north of the second ring road in the city. Cinema Hall 8!”

"Hey! Officer is awesome!"

"Is this okay? I'm really convinced!"

"How can a dog author write scripts? He really does! No wonder the world of "Infinite Time and Space" is so real, with two brushes."

"Brothers from the Magic City have assembled! Let's go sniper Pu Ding. The movie has already started. We don't have much time!"

"The opportunity to kill dogs offline has come, everyone, come quickly! I'll take the first step."

"Hey, hey! Don't forget to bring your props, the blade! Take the blade!"

"Damn it, I'm not in the Magic City. When all the bosses arrive, remember to turn on the video during the whole process! It makes me feel a little bit involved."

Lu Ling: "Everyone, please act sensibly and talk about everything carefully. Don't go on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes and mainly talking verbally."

"Don't worry! I just checked, it's not against the law for a man to be fucked, so don't worry, guys!"


Lu Ling: "."

Suddenly, the readers in Magic City were all excited.

What could be more satisfying than being a sniper dog author?

After 50 people arrived, the creative team of "That Man from Earth" came out with smiles on their faces.

Among the 50 book friends, one of the most courageous people was selected, Ma Tie, who is a fitness coach and has very developed biceps.

He was wearing a cross-strap vest, with all his tendons exposed, and walked over menacingly.

Bigan who was walking in front was startled.

What is this for?

This is China! It’s not a free America!

Ma Titie stiffened his neck and said very arrogantly: "Excuse me, dog, er, is Pu Dingda there?"

Dear readers: (°ー°〃)

"Damn! The labor and management said that the fitness trainer is unreliable, all the muscles are fake, and Gouba is still young!"

"Damn it, I didn't control the first wave of momentum, let's do it ourselves!"

"Go directly to the doggiest person here, it must be Pu Ding!"

"Look at that man's sinister features and his guilty conscience. He can't be wrong!"

"Keep him quickly!"


Pu Jie looked at these people with a surprised look on his face, then Ju Hua became cold and seemed to have thought of something.


Caught offline!

The author’s moment of social death!

But before he could quibble, he saw the group of people surrounding Zhang Yang.

"When I look at you like this, I think you are Pu Ding!"

Zhang Yang: "???"

Pu Jie: "???"

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