I really want to hit the street

Chapter 228 Pu Bian’s fans are so enthusiastic!

Are you scolding me? Or praise me?

Pu Jie fell into deep thought.

He took one look at Zhang Yang, who had less than 60 points, and confirmed that he was scolding him.

People are coming out of the theater one after another. The reporters have already obtained first-hand information and are excitedly preparing to go back and write a good article. There is so much to say about this movie!

At this time, they thanked the veteran reporters who gave this opportunity to them.

They looked down on this kind of low-budget film that didn't have much publicity in the early stage, so they were busy doing other things, but unexpectedly a dark horse came out!

Found a treasure!

Although the crew is very poor and the red envelope given is not big, the movie is great because it has content and explosive points.

At this time, I saw that the creative team was surrounded by people.

The reporters’ eyes lit up!

There's news!

The person holding the camera had already taken the picture before he knew what was going on.

This way.

Pu Jie watched Zhang Yang being surrounded by enthusiastic readers, greased his feet, and retreated quietly, preparing to retreat from the safe passage.

Next to him, Bigan was dumbfounded.

It’s okay if a group of reporters and film critics just didn’t ask themselves questions!

Pu Bian actually has a support team!

There are two beauties inside!

Everyone was holding a box of gifts that looked very thick.

The screenwriter’s support team?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

Too much!

Wang Xiang next to him wiped his nose, but he didn't even get this treatment!

Chen Mingdao often experiences this. After all, there are girls who like the uncle's style, or there are many male fans who like his acting skills.

But since I am an actor, I have received a lot of attention.


So numb!

Bi Gan once again felt the gap between people.

But what can he do?

I can only accept it.

He kindly pointed to the ‘fans’ Pu Jie who was sneaking back and said: “This is the screenwriter of Pu Dingding. Don’t admit your mistake.”

Pu Jie: Σ(°△ °|||)︴

Zhang Yang was finally able to get away and felt that his pocket was heavy. Four boxes of blades had just been stuffed into it.


The security guards in theaters have become commonplace, as are the support groups!

Several security guards were standing nearby, and the captain secretly asked Bi Gan: "Director Bi, do you need our help?"

Bigan shook his head: "No, Pu Bian's fans must be very sensible. Look at how enthusiastic and measured they are!"

Pujie doesn’t think so!

Others didn't understand, but he could tell at a glance that what these people were holding were not gifts, but boxes of blades!

How did they pass the security check?

Damn it!

"Pu Dada, please be sure to accept our gifts. They are all filled with my heart!"

"Pu Ding, resurrect Chu Dake and Rong Hao quickly, you can't escape today, hehe!"

"Author, do you recognize this thing? It's Vaseline. I don't need to tell you what it can do, right?"

Pu Jie broke out in sweat on his forehead.

"Calm down. Everyone needs to calm down. You still have a long way to go in the future. There is no need for this."

At this time, the reporter next to him brightened up.

It’s the smell of gossip!

"Stories that editors and fans have to tell, heartless writers and infatuated readers"

The people on the crew next to me also became nervous.

Nothing will really happen, right?

Pu Bian’s fans don’t look normal.

"Knife in hand, kill Pu Gou! Where is Teacher Liu? Shouldn't he have arrived a long time ago? Why didn't he charge with us? If he hadn't tipped off the information, the dog author would still not be found!"

Teacher Liu next to him covered his face.

Oh no, there is something wrong with his post.

But he has been completely captured by the movie, and has turned from being a fan to being a fan. He has directly transformed into tap water, a good fan who is so pink that he squirts water.

At this moment, he took a step back and pretended that nothing happened.

What Teacher Liu? It's none of my business, Liu Yishou.

Pu Jie gradually retreated and ran away as soon as any author acted excessively.

However, when Pu Jie was nervous, the fans suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha! You scared Pu Dada!"

"Brother Ma Tie, stop showing off your biceps. Didn't you say you wanted to take a photo with Pu Da? Go there now!"

"Pu Ju, I really like your "Infinite Time and Space". I printed it out myself. Can you leave me a message?"

"Wow! Pu looks like a celebrity. I love it. Can you sign my T-shirt?"

Finally, a girl said it. She was wearing a small white V-neck T-shirt, and she could see the huge beauty, and the blank space on it happened to be the highlight.


Pu Jie was a little confused when he saw the sudden two-level reversal.

"Aren't you here to gang up on me offline?"

Fans: "Dah ah! Da ah yo!"

"We are here to chase stars!"

"We are good citizens who abide by the law. Officer Lu Ling is watching."

"We just gave you a surprise. Isn't it exciting?"

"Pu Dada, since you are the screenwriter, does that mean that the script for the world of "Infinite Time and Space" has been written? I really want to watch "Resident Evil"! Zombies are my favorite~ Wow!"

"Of course, you must accept this box of blades. Next time you stab someone, take another look at this box of blades and think about our readers who are so powerful."

Pu Jie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that no one had any other evil thoughts.

"That's good, that's good. Accept it, you must accept it!"

He took boxes of heavy blades from fans one by one, and finally couldn't put them down anymore, so he asked Zhang Yang and the crew to find a box to put them in.

Then, he chatted with everyone for a while and answered some questions.

He also said on the spot that he would never do anything to kill an old team member in a movie in the future, and everyone felt relieved.

Otherwise, if you get stabbed after a while, it will be very uncomfortable.

Pu Jie chatted with them and found out that the readers are very cute.

They said they wanted to kill the author, but in their hearts they loved the book, the author, and the stories he told.

Otherwise, who would put down work, study, and sex and rush to Hengtai Cinema within an hour for an unimportant person?

Nothing but love.

And I am still brooding over the deaths of those characters because I have become involved in the drama and I can’t help but want to give these friends a better ending.

These people who come here are all die-hard fans!

Pu Jie himself was fine and just signed autographs, took photos, and hugged fans.

As for the young female fan, Pu Jie glanced at the multiple cameras set up next to her, and finally signed her name on her sleeve, then let her hug her, and found that she had a small note in her hand.

Seeing that the matter was under control, Teacher Liu stood up himself.

"Actually, I also came to meet Pu Dada. I like your book very much, and I also like the movie you wrote. Now I can understand why you wrote the plot like that. I am looking forward to your next review of "Infinite" The film and television adaptation of "Time and Space"!

Pu Jie: "Uh, let's talk about that later."

Why do people keep saying that he wants a film and television adaptation?

No one will buy the rights to this book!

The world view in it is too complicated, and the time span, geographical span, and character span are too large to be filmed at all!

Fans' eyes lit up and they pointed to the movie poster of "The Man from Earth" at the back.

"Did you make this movie Pudama?"


Come on!

Not only does no one care about me, but they even want to kick me aside.

I'm so angry, when will the director stand up!

Pu Jie smiled awkwardly: "This is the work of director Bi Gan. I wrote the script with my teacher Wang Xiang. It's quite good. Hey! It's just right. Can I treat you to a movie?"

"Ah? Are you sorry? We can just buy the tickets ourselves and contribute to the box office for you!"

"Yes! I'll go back and let my wife take the kids to watch!"

“I’ll post it in our company group and let them watch this during team building!”

Pu Jie was very moved. These fans' mouths were getting darker and darker online, and they came with Vaseline at every turn, but they turned out to be so cute offline.

"Don't worry, I still have money to arrange for everyone to watch a movie. I'll book one for everyone!"

It's fun.

The crew members nearby were all envious.

Chen Mingdao smiled: "Other crews are popular stars and actors, but our crew is popular screenwriters, haha~ interesting!"

Daxiang touched his sparse hair: "My student, follow me, he is talented and hard-working. At Qidian, he is called a tentacle monster. He has so many fans."

Bi Gan also said with emotion: "Pu Bian has always been such a charming person. Whether it is talent or character, he is always trustworthy."

The premiere of "The Man from Earth" ended perfectly with Pu Bian's fan meeting.

Next, it’s up to the major reporters and film critics to do their part.

After sending all the fans into the cinema.

Pu Jie wiped his sweat.

"You're really enthusiastic. It would be better if you don't bring so many blades."

He took out the small note that the female fan thrust into him from his right pocket.

[Qin Yiyi, 13 Pu Ju, I am your little crush, can I treat you to dinner tonight? Be sure to call me~]

The corners of Pu Jie's mouth curled up unconsciously.

Isn't this bad?

At this time, a sturdy figure sneaked out of the theater.

Horse iron.

"Eh? The movie has started, why did it come out again?"

Ma Tie changed his previous image of a tough guy and put a note in Pu Jie's hand with some trepidation, then took out a box of Vaseline from his pocket and shook it at him.

"Pu Dada, if you need anything, call me, 嘤~"

After saying that, his face turned red, and he ran in holding the orchid finger.

Pu Jie: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Ahem, today’s second update is actually not too short.

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