I really want to hit the street

Chapter 245 Dachun, I really saw you right!

When Pu Jie and the others are enjoying themselves at night.

Entertainment news breaks out one after another!

[The total box office of "The Man from Earth" exceeded 100 million, becoming the biggest winner in June! 】

[An actor’s solo, an editor’s show, “The Man from Earth” received both word-of-mouth and box office success! 】

[The opportunity behind the over 100 million box office hit of "The Man from Earth" is that low-cost movies may become the trend of the future. 】

[Top ten reasons why you must watch "The Man from Earth", the lowest-budget science fiction movie in history. 】

[Teacher Chen Mingdao brought the immortal to life, he is Wang Mang! 】

The total box office exceeded 100 million, which is still very common in the current Chinese film industry, and it is not considered a blockbuster movie.

But...for a small-budget movie released in a slow movie-watching month, it is already an honor enough to boast about!

The four-person dormitory group had a night of fun in the club.

The next morning, before Pu Jie woke up, he received a call from Meng Xingkong.

"Mr. Pu, the great news is that I can no longer do it! I can no longer listen to books!"

Pu Jie was still a little unable to open his eyes at first, but when he heard this, he became energetic.

"Really!? We can't listen to books anymore?"

Meng Xingkong: "Of course not! It's because Wangyiyun Tingshu is not good! The users they got through a lot of advertising are losing rapidly, and the number of new users we register every day has doubled than before!"

During their meeting yesterday, they made the president crazy, scolded them for working on projects, and deducted their bonuses for a year. Early this morning, we received 20 resumes! They are all the backbone of Wangyiyun Music! "

"We've won!"

Mr. Pu: “???”


Silence, a long silence.

"Mr. Pu, Mr. Pu? Are you talking? Why don't you speak? Is it because the signal is not good?"

"I'm so toot-"

Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Meng Xingkong was a little confused.

"Mr. Pu, why did you hang up the phone? Is he not satisfied with the news? Are Mr. Pu's requirements so high? It seems that we still have to work hard!"

Meng Xingkong understood it after just a moment's thought.

Mr. Pu’s state of making money must have started again!

"I really don't know how much money I can make to satisfy Mr. Pu. It's too difficult for me."

Pu Jie hung up the phone, his mouth twitching.

I don’t know where to start with the curse words.

Is Wangyiyun Tingshu not available for half a month after it was launched?

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and it turned out to be two hundred and fifty?

Is it true that none of the companies that were promised to be suppressed by Wang Yiyun will survive?

What if you don't eat the toast you promised, but you have to drink wine as a penalty?

As a result, you lured the customers over, but you didn’t retain them, so they all came to my place?

Is this the penalty drink you're talking about?

Are you going to punish me with Wuliangye?

Mr. Pu's teeth were trembling slightly, and he felt a cold air coming on him in the early morning of July.

He quickly took his quilt from the side and wrapped it around himself.

This made me feel a little more comfortable.

Mr. Pu was under the quilt, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore!

I called Liu Fan from Wang Yiyun.

"Old Liu! You promised to suppress us, but why did it end up like this? You make me feel so uncomfortable!"

Yesterday, Liu Fan, who was scolded by Mr. Bo, was already depressed. In the early morning, he overheard the people below saying that he wanted to change jobs to Duoyu, which made him even more depressed.

At this time, when he heard Pu Jie's naked ridicule again, he felt that his face had been pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"Haha~ Mr. Pu. Mr. Pu has good tactics. I admire you. I admire you. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. I admit that I lost this time."

Mr. Pu: "You can't admit defeat! Victory or defeat is a common thing in the military. You have to work hard to continue and think of new ways to suppress Duoyu Tingshu. It all depends on manpower!"

When Liu Fan heard this, his face felt hot.

When I threatened Mr. Pu, no wonder Mr. Pu was so confident.

He also said that it was a done deal and double happiness came to his door. It turned out that he had long believed that others could not copy Duoyu Tingshu's homework.

At that time, I thought he was stupid, but now it seems that he was extremely confident!

Now, it is a counterattack against my ignorance at the time.

Is this encouraging him? This is a slap in the face!

"Mr. Pu, there's no need to humiliate me anymore. Just keep your integrity as a human being and we'll get along well with you. Say goodbye!"


Mr. Pu felt sad as he listened to the busy tone on the phone.

"Why can't anyone understand me!!!"

Even if his employees stab him in the back, his competitors won't understand him.

"Why! Why is this world so malicious to me!"

Duoyu Tingshu is finished. I just hope that next month it will not bring too much profit to the company.

Mr. Pu tightened his quilt again, opened the backstage of "Infinite Time and Space", and looked at the rock bottom of the follow-up orders and all kinds of abuse, and felt a little better.

"In this cold world, only the abuse from book friends can help me find a little warmth."


Mr. Pu walked into Duoyu Company expressionlessly.

Meng Xingkong greeted Mr. Pu with a festive look. If it weren't for Duoyu Company's regulations not allowing champagne to be opened, he would have had to look at Mr. Pu with a smile.

"Mr. Pu, you."

Mr. Pu waved his hand: "Go and do your own thing, don't disturb me."

He controlled his emotions very much, otherwise he was afraid that he would stab Meng Xingkong.

Step by step, he walked to the game adaptation department and called Dachun over.

Seeing Dachun hurriedly surrendering, Pu Jie's face softened a little, and he was still a brother he could rely on.

After working for so many days, there was rarely a time when I came to see him without playing games.

"How's the game going?"

Dachun subconsciously looked at the game chief designer Liang Sepi.

Liang Sepi immediately hinted with his mouth: 'Not yet, it's just a half-finished product.'

Dachun understood and vowed to Mr. Pu:

"It's ready to play!"

Liang Sepi: (*゜ー゜*)

Mr. Pu: "Oh? It's pretty fast. That's just right. Copy the game to my computer and I'll give it a try."

"Brother Jie, it's okay!"

After Mr. Pu left, Liang Sepi said with a look of resentment: "Manager Liu, our game framework is set up, but the town model and character model are still being debugged, and the most important 10 beautiful characters have not been completed yet. , a bunch of cheap general-purpose mosaic models, how can Mr. Pu play with this?”

At present, the game development has reached an advanced stage. The gameplay and process mechanisms have been completed, and only the final model embedding and debugging is needed.

But this is the key step in this game, the one that gives the game its soul.

One million goddess models!

Built using Unreal 5 engine.

The skin is delicate and real, just like a real person. The physical movements and collisions are all over the body, and all kinds of interactions are no problem.

More than half of the money for this project has been spent on these 10 goddesses. We haven’t even finished it yet, so why do we just let Mr. Pu play with it?

Isn’t this just looking for criticism?

Dachun waved his hand: "Don't worry about these details! Mr. Pu only needs to know the general gameplay of our game. He is an excellent online article writer. Can't he think of 10 goddesses? Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion."

Liang Sepi: "Okay."

Although he felt it was unreliable, Manager Liu definitely knew Mr. Pu better than himself.

After installing the game without the final character model on Mr. Pu's computer, Liang Sepi retreated tremblingly.

Dachun served as the commentator and introduced Mr. Pu how to play the game.

Mr. Pu looked at a small town and various crude models, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

What should I say? Have you ever played Minecraft? This picture is exactly that style!

Absolutely amazing!

Dachun spent 15 million to make a bunch of mosaics!

However, Mr. Pu still carefully explored the content of the game.

"You can't destroy this item casually, right?"

"Well, most of them can't be destroyed. Those with missions can be destroyed."

"There are no synthesis tables, building houses, and farming elements, right?"

Dachun scratched his head: "No. Do we need to add these?"

"Please do not!"

Mr. Pu knows that the game "Minecraft" has not yet appeared in this world. If he makes it, he will make at least billions of profits!


Mr. Pu played the game, but except for dialogue, running the map to complete small tasks, and some kind of favorability bonus, there was nothing!

There is no fighting, farming, or confrontation!

Very boring daily life.

"Then do you have any big changes in the future?"

Dachun thought about the words: "The gameplay is almost like this, but the subsequent models will be slightly more refined."

"Only the model is more detailed? Good! Very good!"

Dachun: "Brother Jie, do we still need to make any changes?"

Mr. Pu: "You must not change it! As it is, there is absolutely no problem. I really saw you right, Dachun! Another person really wouldn't be able to play such a game."

"Hey! I really praised Brother Jie. It's my responsibility to share your worries!"


Liang Sepi paced back and forth in the office, feeling restless.

He was afraid that Manager Liu had not introduced their game well and Mr. Pu would misunderstand that they were fishing.

He didn't want to lose such a good job.

But I saw Manager Liu come out with a happy face and gave him an OK gesture.

In an instant, my heart was relieved.

"It has to be Manager Liu. This half-finished product, I can't even tell you. Manager Liu convinced Mr. Pu so easily!"

"We have to hurry up and try to finish the final work next week!"

There is still half a month before the time Mr. Pu gave them, but the most complex gameplay of the game has been completed. The model, environment, lighting, etc. are all completed. One week is enough.

"I hope our finished game can surprise Mr. Pu by then!"

Liang Sepi was very confident about this.

One thing or another, he sneaked past those goddess models.

Today is short and I feel deeply guilty

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