I really want to hit the street

Chapter 246 Han Ruyan’s little thoughts

Thursday, July 14th.

Kyoto Love Home Houses for Sale and Rent Chaoyang Branch.

The store was a little deserted today, with few customers.

front desk.

A beautiful woman lightly applying makeup was leaning on her arms in a daze.

The bright red phoenix eyes, the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, and the black pupils are large, which can attract others' attention immediately.

Paired with a well-proportioned small nose and oval face, she is a perfect beauty.

Moreover, her eyes have a certain beauty to them, as if they are trying to seduce people, but their expression is very serious, and there is a special beauty of contrast.

She is particularly able to arouse other people's desires, but she also looks polite and polite, making people feel that her inner thoughts are evil.

The male colleagues around me would always glance at this girl secretly while chatting or playing on their mobile phones.

Curious about what she was thinking.

Do you want to fall in love?

So do I have a chance?

It would be so honorable to introduce a beauty of this level to a friend!

Some people YY, some people take action.

Lai Pigou, the manager of Lianjia Chaoyang Branch, is wearing a straight suit, his hair is slicked back, and his belly is slightly swollen, expressing his identity as a mature man.

33 years old, divorced, a little rich.

The golden kings and queens of the blind date market.

He walked up to the dazed beauty and tapped the counter gently.

"Ruyan, come to my office and tell you something."


Han Ruyan came back from her reverie and remembered that she had just imagined that her father was completely back to normal. Pu Jie went to her house and said to her father: "Leave Xiaoyan to me from now on, I will take care of her for the rest of her life!" ”, and then happy reunion.

She blushed slightly.

‘What are you thinking about! He is a big boss who is just playing with himself. How can he go home with him? ’

Lai Pigou swallowed unconsciously when he looked at Han Ruyan with a rosy face.

He is not the kind of man who has never seen a beautiful woman, but Han Ruyan's looks are so impressive. Just like a starlet, the most important thing is that she is young and beautiful. She usually keeps a distance from the opposite sex, but her eyes are so alluring. The kind that people want but can never get.

If you don't get what you want, it will attract him even more.

Lai Pichou had hinted several times before, but Han Ruyan ignored them.

But he knew that Han Ruyan's family was short of money. She worked during the day and worked as a driver at night, so he recently thought of a better way.

Arrived at the office.

Han Ruyan asked: "Manager Lai, what's the matter?"

Lai Pichou: "Come and sit down. The store hasn't been very busy recently. I want to chat with you casually."

Han Ruyan frowned, but still sat down.

Lai Pichou: "Ruyan, our real estate is in a slump recently. Houses are hard to sell, and the rental business is also fiercely competitive. It's past the time of picking up money from sacks~"


"I guess everyone won't make much money this month. I remember you. It seems you haven't made a bill yet, right?"

"Yes." Han Ruyan nodded helplessly.

The purchase order for a house could not be completed, and the rental house was not rented out. This month has been a bit miserable. After sending the money to my family, I guess I will not have the money to pay Pu Jie back for the time being.

I have to be a chauffeur in the evening.

Lai Pichou felt happy when he saw Han Ruyan's helpless look.

"I heard that your family situation is not very good and you are short of money?"

Han Ruyan's eyes moved slightly: "It's okay, right? Manager Lai knows a lot, right?"

"Hehehe~ I care about you all. We are colleagues in the company and friends when we go out. We should care about each other."

Lai Pihou glanced at Han Ruyan's beautiful face, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, and continued:

"Ruyan, your body shape and face are very good, and you are quite photogenic. I have a friend in a film and television company who is looking for a graphic model recently. I think you can try it out without taking up your working time. Go after get off work. Just shoot a few commercials, and you’ll earn a lot of money. If you’re familiar with it, you can earn at least 20,000 to 30,000 a month. If you think it’s okay, I can take you to try it out today.”

A sincere smile appeared on Lai Pichou's lips. He looked like a good leader who considers his employees, but he had already begun to smile evilly in his heart.

model? First the jacket, then the off-the-shoulder photo, and then the underwear photo, breaking through her bottom line step by step.

Han Ruyan was a little tempted when she heard the monthly salary.

But when she thought of Lai Pichou's previous hints, she immediately gave it a pass.

He said politely: "No need, Manager Lai. I'm going shopping with my boyfriend in the evening. I don't have time. I'll leave if there's nothing else to do. It's my turn to pick up customers outside."

Han Ruyan's decisive refusal surprised Lai Pizhou.

Do you not even consider a part-time job that costs tens of thousands a month?

And I've never heard that she has a boyfriend.

"Oh! It's okay. It's okay if you're not free today. Let me know when you're free and I'll contact you. By the way, when did you meet your boyfriend? What do you do? You can bring your company to see us when you have time. You keep it in check, hahaha~"

Han Ruyan smiled slightly: "No need, he is a big boss and is usually very busy."

Then he left.

Lai Pichou looked at Han Ruyan's leaving figure with a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Big boss? Didn't you show off a long time ago? And you are asked to be a driver every night? Either you are a waste, or you don't insist on it, haha~"

He didn't care at all and felt that sooner or later he would be able to embrace the beauty.

Seeing Han Ruyan coming out of the manager's office, the other female salesmen looked jealous.

With Han Ruyan here, all of them will only become foils.

Good-looking women always attract inexplicable hostility from the same sex.

Before get off work.

Han Ruyan called Pu Jie out of nowhere.

"Pu Jie, are you free tonight? Can I go to your house to cook for you?"

"No, no, I can just ride there by myself."

"You can get it, it's okay then. Okay."


Zhang Yang drove his Audi A6 to the door of Lianjia Chaoyang Branch, smiling like a dog.

"Sister Yan, Mr. Pu asked me to pick you up, let's go?"

"Well, let's go."

Han Ruyan felt the envious eyes of her colleagues around her, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly in a beautiful arc.

No woman can refuse to be pampered.

Especially in front of other people.

Male colleagues watched Han Ruyan enter the Audi A6 with disappointed looks in their eyes.

Famous flower has an owner

But it's normal to think about it. With Han Ruyan's good looks, if she wanted to find a capable boyfriend, it wouldn't be difficult for her in Kyoto.

They, the migrant workers, can only feel jealous.

"I don't envy mandarin ducks, I don't envy immortals, I envy chaebols every day!"

"I miss our youth~ girls still believe in love~"

Some female colleagues were a little jealous of Han Ruyan. They seemed fine on the surface, but they often spoke ill of her behind her back. At this time, they were even more upset.

"Hmph~ Woman, once you think about it, the money will come."

"I said why I don't like to talk to others lately. It turns out that I'm hooking up with a rich man."

"Eh~ I can't say for sure. This sly-looking guy is her boyfriend, driving out in his boss's car to show off~"

"Hahaha~ That's really hilarious. Don't be deceived for sex and money."

"Stop talking, Sister Yan is very nice!" A little girl said angrily, but she was ridiculed again by these old saleswomen, and she almost cried.

And the general manager’s office

Lai Pichou looked at the car driving away, squinting his eyes slightly.

"Haha~ It's just an Audi A6, and it's not a good car. I can bite the bullet and get it, but I just don't want to buy it. How can a big boss sit in this car? It's probably just a show-off."

At this time, a saleswoman knocked on the door and came in.

"Manager Lai, my mother sent me some lemons grown at home. Would you like to try them? They're so sour!"

Lai Pichou: "."

Beiyi School, senior performance department.

Jiang Yuhan's graduation drama ended successfully.

After dinner in the evening.

We'll all go our separate ways tomorrow.

Some people are proud and others are worried. Those who have films to film have already made appointments, while those who have no films to film are still looking for ways.

Jiang Yuhan has a movie called "Urban Son-in-Law Dragon King 2", and the crew is ready. She will go to Hengdian to shoot tomorrow.

Jiang Yuhan, who became the heroine of a popular TV series before graduating, naturally became the most popular among their class.

In the evening, I was praised by the teacher and sought after by others, and my social status was initially revealed.

However, the girl in her dormitory who was willing to go out of her way to trick the 40-year-old coal boss into investing in a movie for her was even more glorious.

Don't worry about what you have to do behind the scenes, the glamorous appearance of the actor's profession is enough.

Zhu Yinyin went to audition for a TV series in advance but never came back.

Jiang Yuhan felt a little sad when she thought about leaving Kyoto and Pu Jie tomorrow.

After drinking some wine in the evening, her head was a little hot. She missed Pu Jie especially and wanted to give it to him.

Took a taxi.

"Master, go to Hengtai Dijingcheng Community."

PS: There are still 2 chapters. They have been reviewed and you can read them after they are released during the day.

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