I really want to hit the street

Chapter 249 Meishen: I have a different opinion

Can physical pleasure replace spiritual enjoyment?

Human happiness is divided into three levels: satisfaction of life instinct, health and love, and spiritual happiness of self-realization.

Can people really be happy if they indulge in low-level pleasures every day?

Pu Jie learned through practical actions that it is really **** happiness!

No wonder everyone doesn't envy mandarin ducks or immortals, but envy the plutocrats every day.

This is so cool!

After Jiang Yuhan left.

Pu Jie feels that he is very motivated to write a book today!

After driving the piles for thousands of times, the next batch will be like a god!

"Huh? Something seems wrong."

Since Pujie’s last group was wiped out and he fed readers a lot of shit, he has continued to update more and more to provoke the remaining readers by saying naughty things, and the subscription has hit rock bottom.

But this follow-up subscription only represents the number of subscribers per day.

There will be fluctuations.

From the initial plunge to 2000, to now after two weeks of explosive updates, some readers have come back to read it shouting "woof woof woof".

However, this time, very few came back.

"Infinite Time and Space" has an order of 16,000, with a follow-up order of 3,000 within 24 hours.

This ratio is already shattering.

The normal ratio should be kept above 2:1.

The average order is 16,000, and the follow-up order is 8,000, which can stabilize the current results.

If the follow-up is higher than 8,000, the certificate is in an upward period and there is room for improvement.

If it is lower than 8,000, the book's score will continue to decline. If the update is normal, it will be dropped every day.

Before Pu Jie wrote that the group was wiped out, he had more than 18,000 average subscriptions and 13,000 follow-up subscriptions. The number was growing every day, and the average subscription number was close to 20,000!

Then the sky fell apart.

The more chapters that are updated every day, the faster they will be ordered.

If Malzaha hadn't said it once on Weibo, which attracted a wave of traffic and gained a group of new readers, Pujie would have dropped another 1,000 average subscriptions.

Therefore, this is also the reason why after an author writes a poisonous point, he is criticized by readers and quickly becomes a eunuch.

The psychological gap is too big!

It feels really uncomfortable to watch your subscriptions drop every day.

Some authors with an average subscription of 500 don’t understand why an author with an average subscription of 5,000 suddenly becomes a eunuch. A camel is bigger than a horse when it collapses!

He yelled: "If I had 5,000 average subscriptions, I could write until Qidian goes bankrupt!"

I despise the behavior of the boss!

What others don't want is what you want. It's so sour to death.

But, that’s not necessary.

Because the subscription collapsed, the plot was over, and there was no way to save it.

His average order will only get lower and lower every day, and finally drop to 4000, 3000, 2000, and 1000 step by step.

And if a book with an average subscription of 500 is rising every day, it may not be worse than him in the end.

But an author who can write with an average subscription of 5,000 cannot stand this psychological gap. When he thinks that he was originally a well-known high-quality author in the Internet literary circle, but the more he writes, the average subscription gets lower, and finally he becomes a street person. He is definitely not willing to write anymore. .

If you stop updating at this time, you can still maintain your current results. Whether you are negotiating a guaranteed contract with the website or just showing off, you can use it.

Therefore, if another great master saw that his work with 18,000 average subscriptions collapsed like this, it would definitely be unfinished.

If I continue to write, I will lose my reputation as the author.

Might as well open a new book!

So, comrades, don’t ask if you see that a certain Wanben work suddenly stops being updated. 90% of it has crashed.

Of course, those players who are used to updating twice every three weeks are not included in this list.

I just made enough money! (acid)

Pu Ding's performance dropped, and he couldn't hide it from the great masters of Qidian.

After the wave of traffic brought by Malzahar disappeared, the ranking of "Infinite Time and Space" on the best-seller list plummeted to the naked eye!

It dropped rapidly at a rate of more than 10 places per day.

From the 7th best-seller list, it fell all the way to the 100th best-seller list.

I'm about to be off the list!

If some readers hadn't picked it up again later and sprayed themselves with amnesia potion for the sake of five updates a day, the results would probably have been even worse.

It's picking up slightly now.

It can probably maintain its position at around 90 on the best-seller list.

Qidian official group of great gods.

Some people are discussing this matter, because these people are often at the top of the best-seller list, so they are naturally very concerned about their competing books.

A book about becoming a god and enlightening yourself is on the rise. If it has more words, it will definitely be in the top three of the bestseller list.

Everyone is in danger of the previous works that have an average subscription of 50,000, 80,000, and 100,000.

Pu Ding’s daily updates are twice as many as theirs!

Pu ordered 25,000 and the average order could win 50,000.

With an average order of 50,000, it went straight to the top of the best-seller list!

I can't afford it!

Now that "Infinite Time and Space" has come to an end, the great gods are a little sad.

Slap in the face: "Hey, Pu Ding is a dedicated and good author. As an old man, he often writes 3 chapters a day. Even Qidian was included in the battle list. To be honest, except for everyone's tiredness, In addition, it is a manifestation of progress for our entire online writing industry. I originally thought that a generation of scroll kings would kill gods and prove enlightenment, but it is a pity recently. "

Pu has been suppressing him since he wrote the last book. This book has been making rapid progress since it was put on the shelves, and it is still suppressing him.

He was constantly being ridden by Pu Ding and rubbed against him repeatedly.

Even if he was slapped in the face, Pu Ding would show his emotions.

Old Stockmore

Silent Cake: "To be honest, I have been following his book before. Before the story of the group destruction came out, I always thought this was the most creative book from Qidian this year, and it was also the strongest one in the suspense category. In this book, maybe no one can surpass him in this category, but why bother?”

Da Xigua: "Authors all have this time when they suddenly want to write something they like, but only after hitting a wall do they know how to turn back. I personally feel that Pu Ding is definitely not the kind of person who would probably poison and disgust readers. This is just his treatment of himself. A kind of respect for the infinite world he has built. When you think you are strong enough, more terrifying things will come and oppress you forever. Such a strong and stressful plot tension is what he wants to show, but the effect is not very good. Well, the current audience doesn’t buy it, and even thinks that he is deliberately poisonous. This may be the fate of the expresser to be misunderstood.”

Pang Long: "I really like his way of shaping the world. The feeling of pressure and adrenaline is what I pursue. The two horror films "The Ring" and "The Ghost Call" gave me a lot of inspiration. I feel that this The horror atmosphere of this book is very good. It would be better to rename it "Horror Time and Space"!

Snail Master: "I think the first one million words are enough to become a god. Now it's better to just finish the book and leave an open ending where Zheng Tuo wanders alone in the god's space to find a way to escape from this world."

Slap in the face: "It makes sense! I think the real person version is okay. It not only ensures the integrity of the story, but also exaggerates the atmosphere of terror, reincarnation, and struggle in the entire main god space. The previous story is enough for him to sell the copyright, and the follow-up I have a recommendation. It’s not a problem to get an average booking of 20,000 yuan. This year’s appointment with the big star is also stable. This real person’s suggestion is really good. If anyone has the contact information of Pu Ding, please join our group and talk to him. Young People, you can’t be stubborn! If you don’t have any grades yet, if you keep writing hard, it will only get worse.”

"Bird food!"

"Bird food!"

"Bird food!"

In the group of great authors, almost everyone is pursuing the book "Infinite Time and Space". Everyone has the same view, that is, let Pu Ding stop when he sees the poison and stop dragging down the performance of his book.

But at this time, a person who had not been around for a long time came out.

I am beautiful to the depths of my soul: “I have a different opinion!”

Everyone: (*゜ー゜*)

I always feel like something big is going to happen.

【There is sadness before】

【He is actually a cute guy】

[You are not qualified, you are not qualified! 】

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