I really want to hit the street

Chapter 250 After Pu is settled, he will be resurrected with a new life!

Chapter 250: Pu is determined to start a new life—resurrection!

As soon as the beauty came out, the editors in the group were shocked.

They have set special care for the goddess of beauty!

Nothing else. I just want to ask Meishen a few questions.

Beautiful to the depths of the soul: "I have a different opinion!"

The group was silent.

For a time, the masters who created eloquent and eloquent characters were silent.

They knew that the God of Beauty was coming again.

At this moment, no one can overpower him

Da Xigua was a bit out of touch, so he hurriedly asked: "What do you think of this wave of beauty gods? Follow the process or just 2,500 words?"

Beautiful to the depths of the soul: " # 白眼 # 白眼 # 白眼"

Beautiful to the core of the soul: "Let's talk about the matter, I think your evaluation of Pu Ding is not objective. I really have objections. If it is not at the top of the best-seller list, it should be cut? If you subscribe to 2,000 or 3,000, you won't be interested. ? If you can’t make hundreds of thousands a month, it’s not worth writing. You are used to having good results, and you don’t understand the pain of those of us!”

"You are full of energy and have no worries about food and clothing. You always have a bright smile on your face. With spare money, you can travel, go to beauty salons and maintain your skin. You have a good attitude and you look younger. People like me are busy working on the street but working all day long to make a living. , being exposed to the sun and rain, eating hard steamed buns at the snowy station, and staying up all night to pay for my children’s tuition.”

"The clothes you wear to bed are made of better materials than the clothes worn by poor relatives like me."

"You can give a lot of love to the women you love deeply, and you can buy them expensive bags, natural cosmetics, and fur coats. An incompetent waste like me can only say: You go and have a rest, and I will wash the dishes and mops." "Dear, you are the woman I love most. I have nothing but you."

"Your family is harmonious, respectful, and gentle. We little people will become red-faced in the face of trivial interests."

"You guys! If you drive a luxury car and step on the accelerator, you can fucking crush the lifelong dreams and dignity of us poor people!!!"

"Life is so unfair. Why do you let me see the world of rich people like you and then tell me I don't deserve it!!!"

"Don't talk about ordering thousands, even if I order 500, I will write it down! Just so that I don't go to the construction site to carry bricks in the sun. Do you know how hot bricks are in July!? You don't know! You only care My own book! Just look at Qidian’s bestseller list and review it every day!”

"If I had thousands of subscriptions, I would have to update my handwriting every day even if my hands were broken! Even if the keyboard is bloody and bloody, I would still update until I die!"

After Mei Shen finished speaking, the group fell into a long silence again.

From the beginning, the masters looked like they were having fun, but then they gradually stopped joking and bit their lips, showing a look of shame.

They were struck by the God of Beauty!

Hit them right in the gut with the foulest fucking language.

If you don't get good grades, you'll cut it. If you encounter any setbacks, you'll give up. If it doesn't work, you'll start writing in a vest. If you succeed, you'll merge it into a larger one. If you fail, you'll just cut it off. Only those readers who are stupidly pursuing reading will be left with no one to take responsibility for.

Since when, they only have data and interests in their eyes.

I forgot my original intention, the days when I was poor, and the surprise of getting my first perfect attendance!

And the God of Beauty never forgets.

He will keep writing, keep writing, and always bring a perfect ending to his story.

At this time, all the great gods suddenly remembered that the beautiful god had never cut a book!

Editor Niba, who had been diving, was shaken out.

Editor Niba: "What the hell is this realm! Beauty God, I'm optimistic about you!"

But at this time, another old editor also came out. Buck teeth.

"Niba, don't rush to praise me. Let me ask the most important question."

The editor bucked his teeth: "Then how many words do you update every day? @It's so beautiful that it's deep in your soul."

Beautiful to the depths of the soul: "2000 words."

The editor bucked his teeth: "."

Edit Niba: "."

Slap in the face: "."

big watermelon:"."

(.Omit 44 repetitions)

Fat Dragon: "Damn it! Beauty God, you updated 2500 last time, why did it fall again!?"

Beautiful to the depths of the soul: " # is shy. There were too many updates some time ago, and the finger code was bloody and bloody. Now it has returned to a stable and normal update rhythm."

Big Watermelon: "High EQ: stable updates; low EQ: the author is so short! No quality: my sister-in-law is really miserable."

After some operations, Meishen left another sentence and withdrew.

"Actually, it's not that everyone can't stand it. He just needs to maintain this rhythm of endless reincarnation of terror and pressure, and the readers who follow him will buy it. Don't scare away the current readers by repeatedly messing up. There will be more in the future. If you can get up, I really don’t recommend him to cut it and write along this line of thinking. The copyright is too soft to sell!”

And others reflected it too.

I feel that besides talking nonsense, Meishen still has a few words of wisdom.

Manager Ouchi: "The God of Beauty has a big picture in mind. I decided to book this book, even if it was to sell the copyright, I couldn't finish it so quickly. If I have this original ability, I have to use it to the extreme! I heard a brother in the copyright department say, They have discussed the copyright of this book with Pu Ding, and they will sell it for a sky-high price!”

Everyone: "Hiss——"

"That's right! The buddy who just told Pu Dingdie to stop going!!! Tell him about Meishen's overall view!"

I'm in Puding, and I rarely go to QQ, but I have contact information for several editors.

The relationship between the people in the master group and the editors is good.

Meishen's last sincere opinion finally reached the hands of the second group editor-in-chief Styx.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to tell Pu Ding again.

Because the current situation is very difficult for him, and so are his colleagues in the copyright department. Everyone followed Pu Ding's suggestion and waited for the performance of "Infinite Time and Space" to improve further, and then negotiate the copyright when it reaches 20,000 yuan, so as to get a good price.

As a result, average bookings plummeted!

Who can bear this?

The copyright department and some senior executives from Qidian have given orders, and the operation team is cooperating with Styx to push the book to an average of 20,000 orders!

Even if it’s a hard push, keep pushing!

This is a major event related to Qidian’s copyright strategy.

Ming He felt that they were not the only ones who felt uncomfortable at this moment, Pu Ding was the one who felt the most uncomfortable!

"Even if he still updates 10,000 words a day and even makes jokes with readers, in the dead of night, he can't help but hide under the quilt and cry secretly, right?"

Shaking his head, he sent Meishen's pertinent suggestions to Pu Ding.

And attached a sentence: "Don't worry, the daily guide for the day after tomorrow has been arranged for you, it can make a big profit!"

Pu decided: "???"

"What the hell!"

After Pu Jie received the news from Styx, he was quite happy at first, because the great gods also knew that he had pounced, which was great!

But what the hell is this last message!

My book is about to be thrown away, so I have to save it, right?

Qidian, no shame!


Pu Jie can only spit in the bedroom, which cannot change the facts.

"But I can make the book more poisonous!"

Pu Jie has succeeded many times. He feels that tasks that were impossible before can now be easily achieved under his control!

"No one knows how to put poison better than me!"

Pu Jie began to analyze Meishen's suggestions sentence by sentence.

"Keep the rhythm, don't scare away readers by repeatedly messing around? Can you get up later? Write along this line of thinking. Will you be too soft to sell the copyright?"

Pu Jie thought for a moment. Got it!

"I understand why some people still read it! Because I wrote the plot under reasonable circumstances. Although it is very poisonous, it is actually quite reasonable in this world view. Some readers accepted this setting, but instead I thought it was pretty good, so the God of Beauty asked me not to mess around and keep the world style. Although I lost a lot of readers who were driven away by poison, I gained a group of readers who like this style, just like some people like to watch ghost movies. Everyone is killed."

"Hiss~~So! The copyright will sell better!"

Pu Jie suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Even if you subscribe to get more food, he can't sell the copyright!

Otherwise, if millions of royalties suddenly enter the company, he will lose money!

"No! This can't go on like this. I have to go against what Meishen said. Now that you have accepted the plot of the death of your teammates, then I will do something messy and resurrect them directly!"

Screen readers in both directions!

In the past, the Duan Destruction screened away the readers who loved supporting characters and teams, and in the later revival, the readers who accepted the protagonist as a lone wolf were screened out again!

It's like the reader has already cried over the death of the heroine, and then the author suddenly pulls the heroine back from the underworld and laughs loudly: I lied to you, fool!

"Poison poisoning!"

Pu Jie was so happy that he started writing immediately.

He can't wait to see the remaining 3,000 scolding comments from readers!

Although it is short, I still recommend books... If you are an attentive reader, you will have noticed that Qidian is recommending books to each other a lot now. Does anyone know the reason? The answer will be revealed tomorrow...

Today I recommend a book about urban rebirth written by my good brother, it’s simple and good!

Book title "From 2008"

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