I really want to hit the street

Chapter 266 Mr. Pu is down-to-earth and looking up at the stars

The final negotiation result was naturally that Huayi, which offered 100 million yuan, won the full copyright of "Infinite Time and Space".

80 million yuan for the film copyright, and 20 million yuan for other copyrights.

This book is most suitable for filming movies, and the other copyrights are just a bonus.

The prices of TV series, comics, and animation copyrights are much lower than those of movies.

In general, being able to sell all the copyrights in one package is what Qidian hopes to see most.

Pu Jie wanted to protest this result very much.

But as soon as he said that the price was not suitable, or wait a little longer.

He was warned by the system.

Because this price is too high, it is already the first price for the current Chinese online literature IP adaptation.

It even exceeds last year's annual hot books "Daqin Case Solver" and "The Sun".

The copyright fees of those two books were not sold so high!

Therefore, the system judged that the copyright was deliberately rotten for 100 million yuan and did not sell it, and directly gave an electric shock warning.

Suddenly, President Pu felt cold all over, and cold sweats ran down his body in the hot weather.

He had no choice but to return to the hotel, and with the help of Assistant Qi, he successfully got into the exclusive small quilt he brought from Kyoto.

Before he came, he thought that he might need it.

Sure enough!

Without the warmth of Xiaobeiji, President Pu could not survive in this cold world.

The copyright fee of 100 million squeezed him hard, drained his energy, and emptied him of everything.

What happened next was all President Pu's nightmare.

Finalize the details, sign the authorization, and reach the cooperation.

On the contract, the official seal of Qidian and Pu Dingle's signature fell.

President Pu looked at the 8 zeros on the contract and felt that the world was going to abandon him.

One hundred million!!!

After the website splits, he will be given 50 million. If the copyright fee is paid according to the tax, President Pu's income has reached the top tax level.

After a series of complex calculations.

Qi Fei gave President Pu the real amount of money he could get: a little more than 30 million.

About 40% tax was paid.

President Pu. I want to cry but I have no tears.

I was already very desperate, but now I can't even convert much money with a conversion rate of 1%.

After making a profit, it is only 300,000 personal property.

This is fucking ridiculous!

It's better to write a script!

The total box office of "The Man from Earth" is 100 million, and Mr. Pu got 10 million. After sharing with the teacher, he got more than 4 million.

"Well, let's do it, let's finish it early and go home."

Mr. Pu has no desire to live. He knows that he has failed in this cycle after getting this money.

A complete loser.

He doesn't know where the problem lies.

He obviously calculated every step, why did it turn out like this?

Mr. Pu feels that after this cycle is settled, he needs to go out for a walk, take a look, and learn. He can't work in isolation.

Go to more bankrupt companies, learn more about failure, and do more good things.

For example, help a few poor female college students.

Assistant Qi keenly noticed Mr. Pu's mood changes.

"Sure enough, even 100 million will inspire President Pu who is in a state of making money? Still not satisfied, not proud, and even reflecting!" As President Pu's assistant, she watched President Pu sell the most expensive IP in China's history, and was so excited that she could not control herself. But what about President Pu? He didn't care, he was very calm, and even typed at night. Assistant Qi has never seen this state in any president since he served as the president assistant of 5 companies. "Maybe this is why President Pu has been making money? An enterprise always needs a calm leader. He never cares about the past glory, but reflects on all his operations down to earth to see if there is room for improvement. At the same time, in the night when I can't see him, President Pu must be wrapped in a small quilt and look up at the stars!" President Pu's small quilt must have a basis. Qi Fei thought she had found it. Thinking of this, her eyes were a little wet again. Finally, she was no longer the black widow of Kyoto Enterprise, but followed President Pu to witness the rise of a legend! Whether it was President Pu personally or Duoyu Company. After the matter was done, Mr. Pu and Assistant Qi flew back to Kyoto.

After the whole thing was done, Mr. Pu received the only good news that Huayi invited him to revise his own script and gave him a considerable screenwriter fee.

This can be regarded as Mr. Pu making a living by his own ability.

Pu Jie certainly couldn't completely copy the scripts of these movies in his previous life, but Pu Jie could still handle the plot direction, characters, key lines and overall style control.

The rest of the part depends on Huayi's screenwriter to supplement.

Pu Jie also told the other party directly.

"I have my own company and I am still writing a book. I don't have enough time, so I need a co-screenwriter to complete the script for me. I hope you can understand."

"Understand! Must understand! Mr. Pu is a busy man. It's fine if the script can be supervised by us to rewrite. Most of the plot can also be found in the book."

Who would have thought!

Pu Jie sold the copyright for 100 million, but he didn't make as much as taking a screenwriter job himself.

After Pu Jie and Assistant Qi returned to Kyoto.

Qidian started to promote!

[Infinite Time and Space topped Qidian.com, with a double harvest of subscriptions and copyrights]

[Shocking! The highest copyright fee in the history of online literature is released - 100,000,000! ]

[On the era of big IP of Qidian online literature]

[Pu Dingle is expected to enter the Forbes wealth list of Chinese writers this year]

Huayi also cooperated to stir up the heat.

[Huayi spent huge sums of money to buy the copyright of "Infinite Time and Space" to create an infinite world universe in China]

[According to insiders, the first world of "Infinite Time and Space", "Resident Evil 1", has been included in Huayi's filming plan this year]

【deal! The genius screenwriter Pu Ding, the original author of "Infinite Time and Space", will personally adapt the script of "Resident Evil 1\

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