I really want to hit the street

Chapter 267 Even if you become a god, I will still be the reader’s father who loves you the most!

Since the rise of online writing and gradually becoming part of people's daily life, the status of online writing has also been increasing year by year.

Qidian Company vigorously promotes the era of big IP for online literature.

In the past five years, a large number of adapted online works have appeared in the TV series, movies, and animation markets.

Among them, there are many good works and many bad ones.

But no one can deny that Chinese online writing has become part of the mainstream aesthetics.

Countless people are connected because of online articles and care about news related to online articles.

July 30th.

Today is the day after the successful signing of "Infinite Time and Space".

The overwhelming news came out.

Even if Qidian and Huayi did not buy Hot Search, the sky-high copyright fee of "100 million" is really eye-catching.

It has become the number one trending search topic on Weibo.

People in the film and television industry were shocked when they learned about this copyright deal.

This is China!

When did copyright fees ever appear to be so high?

You know, "Infinite Time and Space" has just reached the top of Qidian for more than a week. It has not yet become a super popular masterpiece, and the book has only 1.5 million words.

It still needs some time to ferment.

Huayi took action at this time and directly spent huge sums of money to obtain the full copyright of this book.

What does this mean?

This shows that Huayi is not only optimistic about the book’s traffic and topics!

But he really valued the content of the book, recognized the plot, and thought he could earn back the money.

Very courageous!

Some film and television companies who had inquired about the copyright of "Infinite Time and Space" before, but did not recognize that it was worth 100,000 yuan per subscription, were a little angry at Qidian for not allowing themselves to participate in the bidding meeting. They even complained to Qidian on Weibo, saying that they were floating. .

The result is 100 million.

Can't afford to offend!

Delete Weibo immediately.

They don't let them go because they want to save their face!

Otherwise, I would go there with the company's budget of more than 10 million, and I'd be afraid that I wouldn't be able to say a word by then, and would be embarrassed in vain.

Some film and television companies are optimistic about it, and some are not optimistic about it, but no one comes out to cause trouble at this time.

Everyone is congratulating and congratulating.

IP adaptation must give the audience confidence that something good can be made, and then they will pay for it.

If audiences are disgusted by IP adaptations and think they are money-grabbing garbage, then all film and television companies will be unhappy.

So, on the surface, there is harmony.

And the traditional literary circle.

It's like eating a piece of frozen jelly on a hot day. Although it relieves the heat, it smells bad.

Everyone knows that the copyright of written works can be sold for such a high price, and they are subconsciously happy. The higher price is a good thing for the author.

However, when I think that this price was paid for by a low-grade online article, I feel like I am stuffing my mouth with hamburgers.

Just disgusting.

The traditional literary circle has been in recession in recent years with the decline of paper books.

Once an industry is in recession, there will be more idle people.

Otherwise, where do you think so many Northeastern female anchors come from?

Some traditional literary writers began to make weird comments on Weibo.

Among them, Shi Zhenxiang, who wanted to post anonymously on Weibo but was authenticated by his real name, posted:

"The False Prosperity of Internet IP - The Bubble Behind Sky-high Copyright Fees"

Directly pessimistic!

I think that the adaptation of online literature is not as good as traditional literature. In the end, it disgusts the audience, incurs heavy losses to the film and television companies, and brings down Chinese movies. Qidian and the author make a lot of money.

As soon as this article came out, a group of fellow lemons rushed to repost it and like it.

It seems that in this way, the 100 million copyright fee can be distributed to them.

In the film and television industry, agents are always paying attention to the actions of major film and television companies.

Once a big company wants to make a blockbuster, they will definitely find suitable roles for their own artists.

Even if you can appear in a big-budget movie, that's fine!

I have never seen how many domestic film and television superstars happily rush to film in foreign Hollywood blockbusters even if they are playing small supporting roles at a low price.

Domestically, Huayi belongs to a major first-tier studio. It has acquired the copyright of "Infinite Time and Space" and announced that it will open an infinite world movie universe. It is considered the king of the film and television industry.

If this is really done, it will be a big deal!

Even though Blue Star is not the same as Pujie's earth, Hollywood's superhero universe has blossomed around the world and has become a trendy culture in the film and television industry. Every time it is released in China, it will take away the box office of blockbusters.

It is difficult for domestic films to compete.

It can only be circumvented by setting up a domestic film protection month.

Even a film like "The Man from Earth" would be turned into a piece of shit if it were to compete with Hollywood superhero blockbusters at the same time.

Commercial blockbusters can still make money.

Obviously, Huayi is a giant in making commercial blockbusters.

On the front foot, Huayi has just released the news.

Soon after, major celebrity agencies and star studios came to inquire about the schedule of "Resident Evil 1" and other movies.


With the help of a big sister in the industry, she set up her own studio and hired an agent to help her take on roles and commercials.

"Zaha, have you read the news about Huayi? This opportunity is rare! If we can play an important role in such a large-scale commercial film, then our net worth can be doubled. I will just lie down from now on." I’ll choose the scripts for you and choose the advertisements with ease.”

The agent is also a young woman, 29 years old. She wears gold-rimmed glasses and high-end trousers. She is intellectually shrewd.

Malzahar was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, his two slender white legs swaying and kicking his butt.


On the mobile phone, it is the beginning chapter of the book "Infinite Time and Space".

This is the third time she has watched it.

"Well, this world is really beautiful to film, but this movie has a female lead, can I act in it?"

Agent: "Huh!? By the way! The latest novel you read is "Infinite Time and Space", right! Last time you posted an article criticizing the author."

Malzahar blushed: "That's not scolding. How can it be called scolding when scholars complain about each other?"

As he spoke, some incomprehensible words such as "layout", "yin and yang", and "vortex" popped out of his mouth, which made the agent laugh.

For a time, the room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"Hahaha, that's right! Zaha, since you know the original work so well and have read it several times, your understanding of the characters and the world must be better than other actors who are just scrambling! Let's give it a try. Anyway, you don't know how to do it. It’s a small piece of meat. If you choose it, I’ll have to worry about you this year.”

"Ah, okay, you arrange the time, I will prepare it."

At this moment, the agent suddenly showed a sly smile: "Zaha, are you familiar with the author Pu Ding? Has he contacted you since the last time he posted on Weibo? Do you have contact information? He is designated by Huayi Chief screenwriter, if you can ask him to introduce you, then..."

Show a look that understands everything.

Malzahar was stunned for a moment, and then said with a hint of annoyance: "He didn't even reply to me. It's so damning, so conceited!"

As she spoke, little stars flashed in her eyes again: "But how could you write such a good story if you weren't conceited? When we meet next time, I will definitely ask Pu Ding for an autograph!"

The manager looked at his artist looking like a little fan girl and covered his face.

It’s broken, my treasure, there’s a dog outside.

The news that the copyright of "Infinite Time and Space" was sold for 100 million was posted on Qidian's website banner and app's opening advertisement.

Hanging for 3 days!

Just to let all readers know that "Infinite Time and Space" is awesome! Pu Ding is awesome! Be awesome!

After knowing this news, the happiest people are the fans of "Infinite Time and Space".

They were really happy for Pu Ding.

This book went through many twists and turns, and finally came to fruition.

These readers who read the book may have experienced 0 to 5 times of abandoning the book, and finally they all read it. It’s so delicious!

Qidian has never written a book with such charm.

These readers are not surprised at all that this book can sell for such a high price.

They know how exciting the world in "Infinite Time and Space" is!

They are incredibly willing to bring these worlds to life on the big screen.

They wanted to see the impact of the zombie tide, the devouring of the aliens, and Sadako's terror.

Just thinking about it gets your adrenaline pumping!

The comment area was full of applause!

"Congratulations to the author for selling the copyright. We deserve the title of No. 1 in Qidian! - Mr. Liu who loves to be sick."

"We are number one!!! - Li Ke can only guide himself if he doesn't want to be a licker."

"I am optimistic about the film adaptation of "Infinite Time and Space". I believe that if Pu Dingliao personally directs the film, the quality will be guaranteed. I really want to see our Chinese film universe. - Senior film critic She Yiqiang."

"Woooooo~ I'm so touched, just like my own dog has grown up. I have followed this book until now, and I have not gone through any plot in the middle, even if I have been on the subway. I will blame you, because I know and believe that Pu Ding will be able to complete the plot, and sure enough, he did it! ——Law Enforcer Zhang San.”

"I feel like my own pig can eat cabbage. I'm so happy! - Yue Jing, who never visits relatives."

"I'm very pleased to see that the dog author is so promising. I didn't bark so many 'woof woof's in vain. I admit that I spoke a little louder before, but... please remember, no matter what, , even if you become a god, I will still love you the most as a reader, hahaha! ——Huang Shu is incompatible with gambling.”

"Yes, yes! You can't mess with seniority!"

"Wait a minute. Am I the only one who wants to push for an update? My Rong Hao hasn't been resurrected yet. I advise this take-off author not to be ungrateful and update 10 chapters immediately today! Update quickly, I can't sleep!"

Ahem! slightly shorter slightly shorter

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