I really want to hit the street

Chapter 268 Brother Jie’s shadow looms over my head across 5 provinces...

Chapter 268 Brother Jie’s shadow looms over me across 5 provinces

One Club Bar.

Bi Gan looked at the news on his phone, shook his head and sighed: "I knew Pubian would take off in the future, but... I didn't expect it to take off so fast. An online article actually sold for the highest price in the history of IP copyright. Amezing!"

Wei Fan took a sip of the light brown cocktail and said with a smile: "Last month I helped Bian Pu find a company to discuss copyright matters, but was blocked by the Qidian Copyright Department. Their funds were not enough. This wave of threshold is really because I think too much. I never worry about selling Pu’s books!”

Bi Gan: "Hey, people are so annoying when compared to others. I thought I made a movie called "The Man from Earth" and it made 100 million at the box office. It was pretty good and a small achievement. But compared to Pu, I'm just a loser. Shit!"

"Haha~ Who isn't? There is a saying that the popularity of the drama "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" is mostly due to Pu's script and various miraculous operations. I have benefited a lot. See I am really happy that Pubian has taken off. A genius like this deserves to make money!”

"Hey! What do you think Pu Bian is doing after making so much money?"

"Maybe celebrating and having fun?"

"Shall we make a phone call to congratulate you?"

"The person carrying the sedan chair is reliable!"

The two made an impromptu phone call to Pu Jie

Wang Jin and Zhang Wei.

Through the TV series "Country Love", the two have moved from behind the scenes to the stage, and have officially become serious screenwriters in everyone's eyes.

"Our drama will start tomorrow. I don't know how many people will watch it."

"Brother, don't panic. From a foolish brother's point of view, this drama is still good to watch. Not to mention it is not as good as Pu's "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King", but at least it can make ends meet and not lose money."

Wang Jin looked at the topics on Weibo and clicked his tongue.

"Why don't Editor Pu write a little script in a hurry and give it to us two brothers every time? It turns out that he is busy with big work. The light of our screenwriters is worth 100 million!"

Zhang Wei: "Well, it should be the light of other people's online writing, right? But it doesn't matter. Pu's online writing and screenwriting skills have reached their peak. I'm waiting for Huayi's movie to come out. If it's a movie of this level, he can bring us to write together. It would be great to have your name on the big screen.”

Wang Jin rolled his eyes: "That's funny! This is a movie script. Editor Pu wrote it himself, doesn't he know how to write it? There's no need for us at all!"

Zhang Wei's face turned red.

Yes, editor Pu had no time before and gave them some soup to drink. Such a big movie must be directed by himself. He thinks too much.

"Anyway, at this time, it's always right to call Pu Bian and congratulate him."

"That's for sure! It doesn't matter that our brothers have to write scripts for another 6 or 7 years, but in the future in this industry, we have to look up to the editor. He can't finish it. If he can give us some work, it will be enough for a lifetime."

The two happily dialed Pu Jie's phone number.

"This is my student!"

Wang Xiang patted his chest and gestured in front of the principal.

It's a great thing for Wang Xiang that his students sold copyrights at sky-high prices!

Regardless of whether Pu Jiecheng admits it or not, others will think that this writer and future star of screenwriting is his student brought out by Wang Xiang!

Otherwise, why did Pu Jie not have a good reputation before going to college, but after entering the class he taught, it was as if he was cheating?

It's like a changed person!


It’s not because of his teachings!

The two also co-wrote "The Man from the Earth". Wang Xiang took the initiative to be small, obviously to praise his students.

This time, the fact that Pu Ding was the protégé of gold medal screenwriter Wang Xiang was confirmed.

The administration of Beiyi School really wants to hang Pu Jie’s photo directly on the wall.

Honorary alumni who have not yet graduated but are still alive.

You know, once someone becomes successful, everyone will care about which school he comes from.

Especially art universities!

In my Baidu Encyclopedia introduction, I wish I could include all the accomplished honorary alumni.

A certain famous director, a certain famous actor, a certain famous screenwriter.

So much face!

Isn’t this better than the admission brochure?

Oh, those honorary alumni have been included in the admission brochure, so that’s okay.

The top management of Beiyi University is preparing to include Pu Jie in next year's admissions brochure for the next semester.

After Wang Xiang finished bragging to the principal, he went to look for the next person to brag to.

But it's summer vacation now, and it's hard to find anyone except the guard who keeps guard every day.

"Hiss~ You can't show off this kind of news. I feel like there are ten thousand ants crawling on me!"

Wang Xiang scratched the non-existent ant on his body and thought for a moment.

"Call my good student. Now he definitely needs the teacher's congratulations and encouragement."


The filming scene of "Legend of the Stars".

Yuan Hua and Zhu Yinyin squatted on the set to eat lunch.

Yuan Hua took a look at the news and couldn't help but feel sad!

"I feel like I have to live in the shadow of Brother Jie for the rest of my life. It's so strong that I can't resist."

After this period of experience, Yuan Hua knows how complicated it is to polish a good script.

And what about Pu Jie?

Writing books every day and running a company, he never even saw Pu Jie polishing his script!

Did Pu Jie not do it?

Obviously impossible!

The TV series and movies he wrote are all well-received, so how could he not polish the scripts?

That must be a script for staying up late every day when he can't see it!

"Brother Jie must often see the four o'clock sun in Kyoto."

Next to him, an emotionless female voice came.

"Editor Yuan, you can't see the sun at 4 o'clock in Kyoto."

Yuan Hua: "."

Zhu Yinyin: "."

The air suddenly became silent.

People coming and going on the crew looked at Zhu Yinyin dressed in ancient costume. As long as he was a man, they couldn't help but take a second look.

Beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful.

The figure and face shape are top-notch.

Apart from anything else, the choreography of this drama is still great, and Zhu Yinyin's several costumes can perfectly show her agility and beauty.

This is why this drama with a lot of investment chose her, a newcomer in the film and television industry, as the heroine. For no other reason, beauty is enough!

If Jiang Lan is not beautiful, how can she attract the destined protagonist Qin Feng?

After a while.

Zhu Yinyin sighed.

"Hey~ Although I shouldn't say it as the leading actor, I really feel that it was a mistake for our drama not to hire Pu Jie as the screenwriter. The screenwriter on our crew doesn't understand web writing at all, nor does he understand "Legend of the Stars". He still follows the martial arts That action design is just like a wise one.”

Yuan Hua's face gradually turned ugly.

Zhu Yinyin covered her mouth: "Ah! Editor Yuan, I'm talking about them. If they don't take you, I won't take you. I feel that as Pu Jie's roommate, you have been influenced a lot by him. If you are asked to be the chief screenwriter, you will definitely be able to do it." The adaptation is better than theirs."

Yuan Hua heard that his greatest advantage was Pu Jie's roommate.

Even more uncomfortable!

I couldn't help but look up to the sky and scream: "Ah! Brother Jie's shadow has shrouded my head across 5 provinces."

Zhu Yinyin: "Who isn't? I thought I could take charge of my own business, but in the end there was no Pu Jie drama!"

Yuan Hua stood up.

"No matter what, we should be happy for Brother Jie. I'll call him first to congratulate him."

Zhu Yinyin hesitated for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking.


"Ah, yes, yes!"

"You can think whatever you want!"

"I went to take a shower"

Pu Jie had just returned to Kyoto and hadn't had time to have a good rest.

I was bombarded with phone calls!

Pu Jie had a black question mark on his face.

Whip the corpse!

Naked whipping corpse!

Pu Jie felt that he had sold a copyright and the whole world was happy, but he was the only one who was unhappy! ! !

So angry!

Why are you so happy?

And he laughed in my face! Never stopped!

Pu Jie was extremely angry, wrapped in a quilt and furious for a whole day.


To his surprise, Zhu Yinyin, who had disappeared for several months, actually called to congratulate him.

I also talked to him about some of my recent life.

Only then did Pu Jie know that Zhu Yinyin had gone to play the heroine Jiang Lan in "Legend of the Stars".

I can only sigh with emotion: "Everything in the world is unpredictable, and the big intestine wraps up the small intestine."

Before hanging up the phone, Zhu Yinyin also said something meaningful: "Editor Pu, I have a script. Remember, there is a spare vase actor. What I said before has always been effective."

Pu Jie thought about what Zhu Yinyin had said before.



It's moving, DNA is moving!

Pu Jie's intermittent pure love God of War DNA moved.

He felt that he couldn't think too much, the situation was already very complicated.

Han Ruyan was so angry some time ago that she stopped answering her phone calls.

Jiang Yuhan was also filming outside.

Mr. Pu, who is in urgent need of warmth, now only has a thin quilt.

In the past, there was obviously a warm and humid place with a temperature of 36.8 degrees where I could warm myself.

"Ruyan. What are you doing?"

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