I really want to hit the street

Chapter 289 Duoyu—The New Five Knights!

Not surprisingly, the imaginative Liu Ming was assigned to the production department by Assistant Qi, and followed Zhang Yang to revise the script.

He himself was very satisfied.

Because he is studying directing.

It's a professional counterpart.

After the two met, Zhang Yang was very interested in this senior with thick glasses.

That's right, Zhang Yang and Pu Jie have just started school and have officially entered their junior year. According to their grades, they really have to be called seniors.

However, this is in the company.

"Liu Ming, from now on, we will discuss our own affairs. I will call you senior, and you will call me Mr. Zhang. No one will take advantage of the other."

"Ah, Mr. Zhang?"

"Hey! By the way, my senior, I heard from Assistant Qi that you are very good at writing and imagining. Why don't you show it off?"

"Huh? Why are you showing off your skills like this? Everything I write is impromptu and a little critical."

"Huh? I have a good brother who often composes poetry and is also critical. You said that and I became interested. Let me give you a proposition. You can read my script and improvise a few sentences. "

"This script of mine is really amazing! I dug into it several times and came up with it."

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Liu Ming adjusted his thick glasses and sat on the chair to read.

Zhang Yang's ordinary script, after Dachun's magical changes, has been completely changed, leaving only a main line.

After Liu Ming looked at it, he pondered for a moment.

"You think you've reached the deepest point, but many people have reached deeper levels."

Zhang Yang: "???"

"Are you talking about my script?"

"Ah! That's right! Mr. Zhang, I think the script is very interesting, but there is still room for further study. The plot is a bit conservative. It can be more exciting. Only in this way can we arouse the excitement of the audience, get them excited, and make every reaction Every turn has a blast.”

"Hiss~ Senior Xisui!"

"Look, Mr. Zhang, the first few twists were okay, but after the plot officially unfolded, the twists became a bit stiff. Although it makes sense logically, the gimmick that almost attracted the audience must have hints and then attract the audience's attention. Attract them, and then use the following plot to slap the audience in the face. This is called violation of will. It is a very effective way to mobilize the audience's emotions. In my opinion, this point should be changed like this."

Liu Ming talked eloquently. When talking about film and television literature, there was no usual image of social fear. It was as if there was countless knowledge in his mind that he could never finish.

If the HR department of Duoyu Company took a closer look at Liu Ming, they would find that he is a well-known film critic on Douban and has written many interesting film review articles. Some people also paid him to be a shooter, but he never wrote He has always maintained a very high reputation through any QQ post.

When the director was looking for actors, Liu Ming's participation added more dramatic tension to the script of "For Fans", and the neurotic reversal gradually transformed into an ups and downs dramatic effect.

Game Adaptation Department.

Card game genius Jiang Rui joins.

With this specialty of his, he can only come to this department.

And coincidentally, after helping Zhang Yang change the script, Dachun was free again.

He looked at his rank of Brass 4, which was ranked more than 1,000 times, and was unable to advance due to problems with his teammates, feeling a little helpless.

I just changed my game recently - Teamfight Tactics.

For things like playing chess, there are basically no requirements for hand speed, just operation.

And there is no need to cooperate with pig teammates, Dachun feels that he can definitely control it.

When Jiang Rui came to the game department to report to Dachun.

I happened to see Dachun being carried away by the eighth person from the Bronze Bureau, and I was a little surprised.

"Mr. Liu, have you hung up?"

Liu Dachun: "???"

"If you don't know how to speak, speak less. This game is very difficult. It extremely tests people's memory, operation ability, and resource coordination and allocation ability. Hey, you don't understand even if you haven't played it. Reporting, right? Go and find a job over there. Just sit down.”

Jiang Rui thought about his second place in the Genting TOC National Open last season and felt a little helpless.

I wanted to say something, but how dare he, a newcomer, talk back to Mr. Liu?

"Okay Mr. Liu."

Desperately, he went to find his workstation.

I originally thought that I must have the worst position and the worst computer in the company, but it turned out.

Everyone has a single station!

Two tables per person!

Dual-screen display computers, high-end peripherals, color printers, and super silky swivel chairs.

very talented!

This made him feel a little unconfident, so he quietly asked a colleague who was working next to him: "Brother, can I sit in this place?"

The staff member turned his head with a smile on his face: "Have a seat! You're welcome. We all have single workstations. Just get used to it. It just takes more effort when talking."

"Huh? There's a newcomer here? Have you ever played our game? "Strategy Goddess Simulator", it's super exciting!"

"If you need anything, tell me. I'm not busy at work and can help you get familiar with our company."

"You can eat and drink the company's bread and drinks as you like, you're welcome."

Seeing how enthusiastic his colleagues were, Jiang Rui was a little flattered.

Nothing bad happened that I imagined, which is great!

After a while, after he sorted out his things, he saw that no one had arranged work for him, so he went to find Dachun again.

"Mr. Liu, look at me. What do I do?"

Dachun: "You come and play this chess game. This pile of broken equipment and broken cards. I'm so unlucky that I can't play."

"Playing chess at work? Not good, right?"

"What's wrong? This is how the game department should be. Mr. Pu told me personally! Come on, I'll teach you if you don't know how."

"Okay, I'll try."

After 20 minutes, I succeeded in eating chicken first.

Dachun: "."

"What the hell? Can you win this? Master! Teach me!"

Therefore, Jiang Rui's first job when he came to Duoyu Company was to find a fool-proof deck for Mr. Liu to play to ensure that he could break through the bronze tier.

But fortunately, this is not difficult for him.

After playing chess for a day, he became Liu Dachun's confidant!

"You have great potential. You can develop the next game!"

"Ah this!?"

Technology geek Fang Ke and craftsman Cao Mu entered the audio reading department.

A programmer started working directly and provided technical support for the new column.

However, as a person who practices folk remedies on the Internet, he actually found a lot of technical loopholes on the official website of Duoyu Tingshu. He immediately repaired them and counterattacked several sources who had crawled on the official website of Duoyu Tingshu to steal information. past.

After some operations, all the old employees felt confused.

"Huh~ Okay, the equipment they use to store information has been tracked by me and projected with a homemade virus. If they continued to connect to the Internet, the equipment would be smoking today."

Everyone: "."

Good guy!

Get a hacker boss?

Duoyu Audiobook is so popular. Naturally, not only Wangyiyun and others are interested in this new market, many Internet companies are eyeing the audio reading software.

It's just that they have no experience, and seeing that Wang Yiyun hastily launched the project and failed, they naturally have to make a decision before deciding.

Collecting data from Duoyu Tingshu’s website is one of the important sources of information.

However, today, these malicious companies have all received a wave of counter-sanctions, destroying all the stolen information.

The icons on the desktop have been replaced by a red panda holding three incense sticks.

Cao Mu, there is no job for him at the moment.

Help me with some chores, and I still have time to do some crafts.

When he came, he brought a box of figures he made and placed them at the front desk as a gift for the employees of Duoyu Company.

But it's not enough at the moment. He wants to make a few more when he has nothing to do, and try to give each colleague one.

"What do you want to do? How about making Duoyu Tingshu peripherals?"

With this thought in mind, he moved his hands again.

A pair of skillful hands flew up and down.

Liu Ming, who was passing by, sighed: "With such good hands, it would be a pity not to play the piano. Beethoven once said that the decibels are as high as the fingers are fast."

Tian Gou will never be rejected as long as he doesn't express his feelings.

Successfully entered Xiaoxing's door.

Become a member of the Internet Literature Department.

As soon as he came up, he encountered a problem.

Xiaoxing and the others looked sad.

“How can our novel website defeat Qidian?”

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