I really want to hit the street

Chapter 290 We only have two goals!

Seeing so many ignorant college students coming to Duoyu Company one after another, Mr. Pu gradually became cheerful.

The mentality of being screwed by the system in the last cycle has also recovered.

"People always have to look forward. Although we didn't make any money in the last cycle, we didn't lose money. When this cycle is over, it's not unacceptable to earn 500 million in half a year."

"I kind of know it. Anyone with some work experience, if they don't fish, can at least do a good job. Whether they can succeed depends largely on the ability of their boss. Obviously, companies in the last cycle The three biggest problems are Meng Xingkong, Liang Sepi and Niu Zi. Among them, Meng Xingkong is the most hardworking person! ”

Mr. Pu finally sent all three people to Africa for inspection.

Niu Zi has recently made the new author system of the Internet Literature Department gradually come into force. If it is not removed, it will be bad if it gradually takes off like Duoyu Tingshu.

The management there is temporarily handed over to Mr. Pu’s most assured Xiaoxing, who should be able to curb the rising momentum.

To add to the outrage, the two of them set up a website for writing online articles, with the goal of turning Kaidian into a business. In fact, they actually lost 100 million and took the company with them.

Especially for new employees, Mr. Pu only needs college students with no work experience.

Not only will it not help, it will even seriously slow down the work efficiency of the entire department.

These old editors have to expend a lot of energy if they want to bring new people up from scratch.

Moreover, Mr. Pu picked a large number of students who had carefully set the threshold for him.

After arriving at Duoyu Company, not to mention the old employees who have trained them to be mature, it is good if the old employees are led astray!


Mr. Pu believes that as long as he learns from the experience of previous failures and changes his thinking in time, he can always find a way to collapse.

As the old saying goes - success is the mother of failure.

"I wonder how Li Ke and Xiao Xing are doing? I have to go and see."

Mr. Pu must be careful when spending money now, and not be a hands-off shopkeeper like before.

Afraid of being cheated.

Mr. Pu walked to the Internet and Literature Department. The space here has doubled, and the total number of people has increased from 45 to 70.

Their main recruitment targets are students who are doing programming and building their own novel websites and apps.

In order to make the website cost-effective to open, Mr. Pu specially recruited a dozen experienced programmers from the Duoyu Audiobook and Game Department to help with the early platform construction.

After all, if this thing can't be made, Mr. Pu won't be able to spend money.

This project is the top priority of the entire cycle. It will cost 100 million to ensure that the fund settlement for the entire cycle is within Mr. Pu's control.

At this time, the Internet Literature Department was in a panic.

They are all busy welcoming the new year.

These editors can't help with website matters. They come up with concepts and let these programmers implement them on the website.

The newcomers are busy studying. At this moment, there is a huge gap between school knowledge and practical application, and they all rely on the elderly to guide them.

But it’s hard for these programmers to teach newcomers how to work while working.

Mr. Pu turned around a little and saw that most of the newcomers had blank faces, and nodded with satisfaction.

That’s it!

If you can't do it, do it less.

Have a good time fishing!

With such a high-end computer, why don’t you take the opportunity to play games?

When the website is built, I will invite the old editors to play games together and show their true value.

Bring a new trend of contemporary college students' bad behavior to Duoyu Company!

"Xiaoxing, how are you doing? Which step are you at?"

Xiaoxing followed Mr. Pu and waited to ask questions.

"Mr. Pu, the code for the website has been written, and the app template has been modified and it is almost the same. It is currently being debugged and optimized. If it is simply launched, it will be fine in a week, just..."

Xiaoxing looked troubled, and Mr. Pu felt happy.

It’s okay if you have difficulties!

How can I lose money if there is no difficulty?

"If you have any questions, just ask."

It's outrageous that apart from looking at the daily lives of three managers who went abroad for inspections, they also assisted Xiaoxing in developing their websites.

She said: "Mr. Pu, there are many problems. The biggest problem is that we don't know how to surpass Qidian in terms of online writing. I have been reading in Qidian for so many years and have learned about all aspects of Qidian. It is too powerful. There are almost no flaws. Whether it is the number of authors or the number of readers, it ranks first in the entire network. One website monopolizes half of the online articles. Oh no! Since the editor-in-chief of Xingchen took charge of Qidian, we first opened new media and then developed self-operated channels. They also engaged in traffic promotion and the deepest layout of big IP operations, so that their stagnant business began to grow steadily. Although there are no official statistics at present, I based on some sporadic data and personal experience. Qidian is stronger. Now it’s not just half of the country, but even most of the country. We’ve thought about it for a long time, but we haven’t found any possibility of defeating it from any dimension.”


Mr. Pu took a breath, this is so outrageous!

Aren't you a translator?

Do you want to know so much about online articles?

I don’t even understand that!

I don’t know but I thought you had been the president of Qidian for two years!

But this is good news!

"Can't beat it? Just can't beat it!"

Xiaoxing, outrageous: "???"

"Ahem! What I'm saying is that if you can easily find a strategy to defeat Qidian, other websites have been defeated by other websites in recent years. Is it our turn? I believe that there is no perfect company in this world. As long as we find the right This method will definitely break the curse of being the boss of the Qidian industry. No matter what, I hope you will try more, spend more money, and don’t be afraid of losing money! How can you accomplish such a feat if you don’t try it all?

Try it or die!

Mr. Pu laughed in his heart. If he could defeat Qidian by trying, Qidian would be gone long ago.

He had done enough homework this time. So many capitals were chasing Qidian, poaching masters, poaching mid-level authors, increasing traffic, and improving search rankings. They used all means. What happened in the end? Qidian did not fail, and the capital was lost!

At that time, they spent more than 100 million!

If Mr. Pu gets this 100 million, he is afraid that before Qidian can fight back, he will be dead. He will be photographed on the beach with those seniors.

"If you spend this 100 million, we have only two goals. One is, the money is spent, and we fail! The other is, the money is spent, and we reach the level of Qidian."

Mr. Pu's confident and arrogant words would sound like a stupid rich man to another person, but these words coming out of Mr. Pu's mouth are particularly trustworthy.

Li Ke and Xiao Xing immediately felt as if they had been injected with blood.

"I believe what Mr. Pu said, there is no perfect company in the world, and there can be no company that will never be defeated."

"Then let's give it a try?"

Mr. Pu affirmed: "It is necessary!"

All three people laughed, as if there was a force driving them forward.

Tian hook.

I was shocked when I heard the conversation between Mr. Pu and two supervisors at the workstation next to me!

He knew he wanted to create an online writing platform, but he didn't expect that the first step would be to target Qidian.

This is too exaggerated!

"But Mr. Pu seems to be very confident and doesn't take this 100 million to heart at all. Hey, is this magnanimity?"

Shocked! Shocked!

Mr. Pu watched the two people lift their hesitation state, triggering the onset of intermittent gangsterism.

Seeing that he was about to take Duoyu Company to work with Qidian, he couldn't help laughing in his heart.

He really wanted to see what kind of trauma Liwei would suffer after losing 100 million. He couldn't even walk upright in Duoyu Company.

Let you fuck me!

From now on, you will always work illegally for me with the shadow of a loss of 100 million, and be a walking zombie with nothing but a high salary!


If you mess with me, this is what will happen!

Mr. Pu took two steps out of the Internet Literature Department and suddenly frowned.


Need to confirm again.

He walked back and asked Xiaoxing and Libu: "Can you summarize the key points of what I just said?"

Outrageous: “Find a good way!”

Mr. Pu looked a little uncomfortable and asked Xiaoxing: "What do you think?"

Xiaoxing said calmly: "It's just a waste of money."

Mr. Pu smiled and patted Xiaoxing on the shoulder: "You still understand it well, that's outrageous. Please learn more from Editor Xiaoxing!"

Outrageous: (°ー°〃)

Is it really?

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