I really want to hit the street

Chapter 308 Styx: I am a very principled person

Mr. Pu, Minghe, and Xiaoxing, three people gathered in the same room.

The three people who used to write books at Qidian now meet in another company.

Previously he was the author, editor-in-chief, and editor-in-chief.

Now it’s Mr. Pu, editor-in-chief Xiaoxing, and editor-in-chief Styx.

Two years later, the status of the three people has undergone tremendous changes.

Styx seemed to be treading water.

At this time, there is absolutely no momentum like when I first came.

When he first learned that Xing was working at Duoyu Company, he was very happy, but when he found out that Xiaoxing was the editor-in-chief of Duoyu Company, he found that he was not so happy anymore.

People are afraid of comparison.

Fortunately, Styx changed his mentality in time and completed the tasks assigned to him by Qidian first.

"Pu Ju, I'm here this time because of your great appointment. I brought this contract. Do you want to take a look at it first? There may be many falsehoods in the news circulating outside. The content of the contract is more standardized and is Having your best interests at heart, among other things.”

Styx kept talking about Qidian's great divine contract, making people feel as if he became a god immediately after signing this contract.

Boasting Qidian’s glorious history and looking forward to the bright prospects for the future.

Mr. Pu nodded repeatedly as he listened.

He thinks Styx is right!

Qidian is indeed a great person. As long as he was right in his mind, he would have known that he wanted to sign an appointment with Qidian.

Many great masters from outside websites are trying their best to teach some sermons, and even pay millions for their own books. Why? Isn’t it this great promise?

This honor can be obtained by writing his name now.

Styx finally said: "So, for the sake of your own development, you, Pu Ju, must sign this great contract, and based on the results of your "Infinite Time and Space", as long as the next book can be half as good as this one, The platinum contract can be put on the agenda. At this point, it can be said that it has truly reached the top of the online literature industry. You know how difficult it is to sign the platinum contract with Qidian."

Styx finally released his ultimate move and revealed the matter of the platinum appointment. This was the result of Qidian’s internal discussion. They did not need to book the next book to maintain this 100,000 average subscription result. After all, this was the time of the year. Only the right place and right people can produce such a magical book. Even the most powerful author may not be able to guarantee that his book will reach 100,000 subscriptions.

So as long as the next book can be ordered at 50,000 yuan, the platinum contract will be guaranteed.

Mr. Pu clapped his hands: "What Styx said is good! I think it makes sense."

A confident smile appeared on Styx's face.

Sure enough, this is the eloquence of the old editor.

He is eloquent and eloquent.

I convinced Pu Ding in person.

"In that case, let's do it now"

"So I won't sign." Mr. Pu said.

Styx: "."


"I said I don't want to make so much money, do you believe me?"

"Don't make fun of Pu Ju."

Mr. Pu spread his hands, knowing that no one believed him.

If only other people could understand his original meaning like Xiaoxing, they would not be in this situation today and would have become billionaires long ago.

At that time, it will be a villa swimming pool, beauty party, candle whip, everything is available.

Seeing that Pu had decided but still had no intention of signing, Minghe looked at Xiaoxing for help.

Xiaoxing looked at Mr. Pu, who nodded slightly, indicating that he would do his best.

Xiaoxing suddenly understood!

"Giant Styx, are you happy in Qidian? Do you have dreams?"

Styx: "?"

An hour later, Minghe walked out of Mr. Pu's office thoughtfully and was pulled by Xiaoxing to the Human Resources Administration Department.

Styx was writing the form and suddenly said: "Wait! Something's wrong! I'm the editor-in-chief of Qidian! I'm here to invite Pu Ding to sign a contract with the Great God, not to apply for a job!"

I was just fooled by two people inside, and I almost joined Duoyu Company.

But at the critical moment, Styx remembered his glorious mission and noble status as editor-in-chief of Qidian.

Xiaoxing persuaded: "It's bad! You work wherever you go, why not choose a company with a better environment and a company where the boss pays more attention to you? Believe me, Mr. Pu will definitely use you as much as he uses me. Our Zhongshan novel has just started When you start, there are plenty of opportunities for you to display your talents. You are just a tool to perform tasks at Qidian. Don’t indulge in your comfort zone, Styx Giant!”

Styx shook his head crazily: "No, Xiaoxing, I have principles, and I plan to retire in Qidian."

"You're only 35 years old, Styx Giant, it's still too early to retire."

"No, no, no, I must go back to the Magic City. I still have..."

When the two were pulling.

Mr. Pu came out.

"By the way, I just forgot to mention that Styx's base salary is 30,000 yuan plus performance commissions and bonuses. It should be paid according to the treatment of the editor-in-chief of the Internet Literature Department."

Styx: "."

The pull is over.

Mr. Pu asked again: "By the way, why did you say you wanted to go back to the Demon City just now?"

Styx let go of Xiaoxing's hand and looked serious.

"Mr. Pu, you also know that I have always been a responsible editor. Naturally, I have to hand over all the work of Qidian before I can return to our Duoyu Company."

"Oh, I thought you didn't want to come to our company."

Ming He waved his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Pu is joking, I had a hunch when I set off from the Magic City. This trip must be a great one, and it is true!"

"Yeah! Very good, very energetic!"

Mr. Pu left with satisfaction.

He will have another big wretch in his hands who has lost his dream and whose body has been emptied by money.

To deal with the bad guys who dare to stab him in the back, Mr. Pu will take them all under his command and then control them!

One by one, they were transformed into bastards, and in the end they lost the meaning of life.

What is the difference between a life without dreams and a salted fish?

After Styx filled out the employment form at Duoyu Company, he returned to the hotel where he lived, feeling a little worried.

He is now middle-aged, with seniors and juniors, and it is the time when he needs to make money.

An extra 15,000 yuan a month will help his family live a better life.

Anyway, he and his wife are renting a house in Shanghai, and they can come here after paying back the rent. His wife has not gone to work since giving birth to her child. Recently, her child has grown up and gone to kindergarten, and she is just about to go back to work. This is a good time to start over. good opportunity.

Styx finally agreed and considered it thoroughly.

But, how to tell Qidian?

Editor-in-chief Xingchen, how do you explain it to me?

As the chief editor of a group, he still has a certain status in Qidian. If he resigns suddenly, what is the reason? Is it true that the salary here is twice that of Qidian?

Emotional intelligence is too low!

Although it is true that high salary is the final word, I certainly cannot say this to others, as it will appear that I am unprincipled.

"Wait a minute. I remember that before I came here, I seemed to have issued a military order to Xingchen."

He called Xingchen.

"Boss, I messed up my business. I feel too embarrassed to go back to see you."

"I said before I came here that Pu Ding must sign a contract with the Great God, otherwise I won't go back!"

"You know I'm a very principled person, so if I don't do it, I'll resign myself."

On the other end of the phone.

Xingchen opened his mouth.

Is this Styx crazy?

Hundreds of people set up this kind of flag every year, and I don’t see any of them failing to achieve what they really want!

He also guaranteed to the board of directors that Qidian will improve its performance by 10 percentage points this year!

If we can achieve 5 percentage points by then, we will be done with it.

How could he be really fired because the flag was not completed?

This is not only unreasonable, but also inconsistent with labor laws!

"Hello? Styx. Have you been tricked into committing telecom fraud in southern Myanmar? Do you want to call the police for you?"

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