I really want to hit the street

Chapter 309 Mr. Pu’s double security strategy

After inciting Styx to rebel, Xiaoxing returned to his desk.

He tapped his desk lightly, thinking about how to get along with Styx in the future.

After all, he is the editor-in-chief and Styx is the editor-in-chief.

Does he have the nerve to arrange work for his guide and master?

After struggling for a moment, he opened his account and started asking questions.

"My old boss, whom I haven't seen for a year, came to work in our company and now works under me. I just joined the company. What should I do?"

After a while, many people responded.

One of the most liked ones was: "Tell his woman: Madam, you don't want your husband to lose his job, right?"

Little Star: (°ー°〃)

Depend on!

What monsters!

Can you give me some answers from the underworld?

There were some random answers later, but they didn't get to the point.

Xiaoxing cursed and closed it.

the other side.

After Mr. Pu dealt with the problem of Styx, he started to deal with the three strugglers (turtle version).

"These three people are a bit difficult to deal with."

"I sent them to Africa to investigate the market. Lao Meng talked about a project to promote Duoyu Audiobook to Africa. This is very reasonable. If I directly stop it, it will be a bad sign. I am afraid that the system's electric shock will not agree. Then How to minimize the impact of this matter? "

Lao Meng is a hard-working man who causes trouble for Mr. Pu everywhere.

Mr. Pu now doesn't understand why he didn't see through the superficially dull Lao Meng that he was actually this kind of person!

What about the spirit that drove his own studio to bankruptcy?


Suspected of false propaganda!

It’s time to report you to 315!

The international version of Duoyu Tingshu must be made. But how to do it without making money or even losing money is what Mr. Pu needs to consider.

"Logically speaking, if Internet companies in other countries see Duoyu Tingshu's model, they can just copy it. There is no need to operate our international version of the software. We don't have much reputation in the world. Who knows in Africa? So many fish! Then why was Lao Meng able to negotiate? Is it because there are so many stupid people there?”

"No! It's obviously impossible! It must be because of the risk! Yes, it's the risk! Companies in Africa want to try this business, but they don't want to take the development risks themselves. After all, making software, enriching the library, and other programs all require investment It’s a lot of money, but if you use ours, you can save a lot of expenses. After testing the water, you will make the best profit and share it with us. If you lose, you won’t lose too much.”

"Oh, I understand. Lao Meng has found a treacherous old gangster who wants to take advantage of our convenience to make money. When the time comes, as long as we teach them the procedures and operations of various programs, we can make an African copy ourselves. Can do it.”

"Hi~ The most important thing is that we won't pay any price. Even if the African company doesn't succeed, we will just lose some time. Those data and models are not worth anything. By the way, we can still make a few bucks." 100,000 licensing fees.”

A typical win-win-one-loss game.

Africa Company won, Duoyu Tingshu won, and Mr. Pu suffered a loss.

"No, this project has to be made pornographic for him! Even Duoyu listens to the book and pays for it!"

Mr. Pu's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of a good way to get the best of both worlds.

"Lao Meng!"

After Meng Xingkong came back, he was lying comfortably on his ergonomic swivel chair, trying to find out what it was like to communicate back and forth with Editor Xiaoxing.

"Here comes Mr. Pu!"

With one kick, the body and the swivel chair merged into one, and he quickly passed through the 16th floor of Duoyu Company. He took a few small steps to fine-tune the direction, and finally stopped smoothly at the door of Mr. Pu's office.

I straightened my suit and walked in.

Outside, Duoyu employees were filled with envy.

"Manager Meng's skills are truly at their peak. It seems that the winner of this week's swivel chair racing competition has another strong competitor."

"Bird food."

Part of the multi-fish culture: the swivel chair race every Friday afternoon.

Mr. Pu hopes that through such a competition, everyone can awaken their fishing spirit and let everyone know that buying such a good chair is not for working, but for playing!

However, now Duoyu Company

It’s like everyone has installed a means of transportation!

Communication between various departments and employees is extremely smooth, and everyone works smoothly.

The efficiency has been improved inexplicably!

"Lao Meng. Regarding the cooperation with Duoyu Tingshu for the international version, I have thought about it and think you are too conservative!"

Meng Xingkong: "Huh?"

It is still conservative to recommend a book-listening software to Africa. Should we go to Antarctica to transport polar bears?

Mr. Pu continued: "Your idea of ​​making an international version is very good, but why can't we do it ourselves? Why should we share the profits with others?"

Meng Xingkong: "Because African companies are more familiar with their network environment, they spend money to do the initial work, and give us licensing fees and subsequent shares. This is relatively low risk for us."

"It's smaller! It's smaller!"

"Is there a risk? That's right if there is a risk! Our Duoyu Company will not do anything without risk!"

"Now that we have decided to do it, we will do it on a bigger scale. We will establish a wholly-owned international version of Duoyu Audiobook, run it by ourselves, and do it by ourselves! All the money we make will belong to us."

Meng Xingkong was stunned.

"But what if we lose money?"

Mr. Pu was very happy!

What if you lose money? It’s definitely a loss!

We Chinese people don’t understand foreign markets at all, let alone culturally poor Africa. How many people can listen to this stuff?

And the language gap is so big, even if you produce a foreign language version, the audience there will probably not pay for it, and in the end, it will be a waste of time, energy and money.

To do this entirely by myself is a pure and simple injustice!

Why should all the money you earn belong to you?

What Mr. Pu wants is for all the money to be paid by Duoyu Company!

Lao Meng wanted to say something else, but Mr. Pu stopped him directly.

"Old Meng, you have changed."

Meng Xingkong: "???"

"The little achievements of Duoyu Listening to Books will make you timid, very utilitarian, and sophisticated. Your eyes will no longer shine with the light of dreams. You will become a person." Businessmen, businessmen who only care about profits and numbers, I am very disappointed in you!”

"I still appreciate Lao Meng who dared to tell me to build a listening software that no one else has made, Meng Xingkong who is full of adventurous spirit, exploration spirit and fighting spirit!"

Lao Meng's mind flashed with his step-by-step achievements since he came to Duoyu Company, and he suddenly felt that the DNA in the part of his body belonging to the struggle force was moving.

His hands trembled and his eyes flashed.

"Mr. Pu! I, I understand! I am too striving for stability. Since we want to make the international version of Duoyu Audiobook, we must make the best audiobook software and prevent others from tarnishing our Duoyu Audiobook Signature! I will set up Duoyu Tingshu International Department.”

Mr. Pu nodded with satisfaction: "That's right! I'm very optimistic about you!"

"That's right! Just get that money from Duoyu Tingshu. Spend the money you earn by yourself. Don't hand over unnecessary income to the company!"

Meng Xingkong: "Okay, Mr. Pu!"

After Lao Meng left, Mr. Pu suddenly felt relieved.

Okay, a struggling guy was arranged to go out, and by the way, he burned the money of Duoyu’s audiobook department.

It provides another layer of insurance for losses in this cycle.

Mr. Pu has already arranged the strategy.

Zhongshan's novel suffered a big loss, while the "For Fans" movie suffered a small loss. Theoretically, these two projects can almost complete the initial capital of Duoyu Company and the profit for this cycle.

But Lao Meng's insurance would cost several million a month.

This will lead to possible insufficient funds for the other two projects.

At this time, Mr. Pu showed a fox-like smile on his lips.

"Insufficient funds? That's right! If the project is unfinished, it will be over. Anyway, if we can ensure the operation of the software and the new movie is released, it will be over. Who wants to guarantee quality and quantity?"

Mr. Pu’s money-losing plan this cycle is like a sow wearing a bra—one set after another.

It’s like putting a cover inside a small umbrella – extra safe!

"The remaining two strugglers will have to arrange other things to do. We can't squeeze out the money."

Mr. Pu was so embarrassed that he smiled crookedly.

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