I really want to hit the street

Chapter 313 Duoyu Company is operating at full capacity

After Meng Xingkong came back, he integrated the original business of Duoyu Tingshu, and then arranged for people to start making foreign-language versions of the Duoyu Tingshu app.

The first version is the English version!

Because the official language of the Nigerian country he negotiated is English.

Moreover, after this version is developed, it will be useful for subsequent sales in many countries.

I have to admit that there are still many countries in the world that use English.

This is what remains from the colonial period

Of course, it is not difficult to change the app to the English version. What is difficult is the output of the content, which requires a group of talents who can translate.

"By the way, how is the maternal and child care channel of our listening software doing? When will it be launched?"

Meng Xingkong asked the chief designer.

The chief designer was the one who had been secretly informing him. Although Meng Xingkong was far away in Nigeria, he could still help Duoyu Tingshu formulate strategies and handle things.

"Manager Meng, we have hired professors of maternal nursing, infant diet, and child psychology from Kyoto Medical University to open columns with us. We will pay them a content creation fee in the early stage. If the profits of subsequent channels exceed the fee we give , it will be converted to a 55% share. The three courses of the three columns of mother and baby have been recorded and can be launched at any time.”

"Okay! The guaranteed contract is very reasonable. Although these professors are very knowledgeable and have published new articles in academic forums and newspapers, it is difficult for their knowledge to be spread downward. As far as I know, a small thing is It can be seen that many pregnant women actually think that they cannot take a bath for a month after giving birth and cover themselves with a big quilt every day. This is a lack of knowledge. No one teaches this knowledge and everyone does not understand. "

"Then we will build such a platform to better spread maternal and infant knowledge, and let them learn the latest maternal and infant knowledge by subscribing to our column. In fact, most of these professors' daily living conditions are It’s average. For their profound knowledge, their personal material conditions are far less high. They will also earn a share of money and honor through our columns, which is a win-win situation!”

"We want to use this column to open an era of payment for voice knowledge, so that knowledge can be spread and people with knowledge can be rich! All we have to do is let them make money!"

The people in Duoyu’s audiobook department were immediately in awe.

Manager Meng, this is the pattern!

In the past two months, Lao Meng has been gone. Although work has not been delayed and money has been earned, everyone always feels that something is missing.

What is missing is this emotion of fighting for your dreams!

In an instant, some of the employees who had been a little slack had the striving gene in their bodies that belonged to intermittent gangsters and was awakened again.

There are only four words in my mind: I want to fight! ! ! I want to make money for the company! ! !

Meng Xingkong looked at the brothers with great relief.

With this group of reliable people around, he had no objections to anything he did.

Thanks Mr. Pu!

I have recruited so many hard-working employees who are strong in execution but ruthless and don’t talk much.

But the 15 new college students felt like they were suddenly on fire.

"This is work! Work for your dreams!"

"I'm not here to work, I'm here to change the world!"

"Go, go, go! Go with Manager Meng!"

For a time, the audio reading department was full of enthusiasm and started two-end business.

While developing the English version of Duoyu Audiobook, we are also working on the launch and promotion of the maternal and child channel.

After the business started, Meng Xingkong sat in his office and fell into deep thought, and said to the chief designer:

"What content should we export to Nigeria? How can we ensure that they like the first batch of translated content?"

Chief Designer: "This is a big problem. If the content we make is bad and the first shot is not fired, it will be difficult to catch up later."

At this time, Fang Ke, a technical geek with sharp ears next to him, was thoughtful after hearing this.

Half an hour later.

Fang Ke came over with a form.

"Manager Meng, this is a survey report on the hot word content, event attention and national interest of the Nigerian Internet in the past year. Take a look. Is it helpful to us?"

Meng Xingkong took one look and was shocked!

"What the hell!? Where did it come from? Why didn't I find it?"

Fang Ke touched his nose embarrassedly: "I just did it myself."

Meng Xingkong: "."

He looked at the chief designer, who spread his hands helplessly: "I know this guy is very good at playing online, but I didn't expect him to be so good at it."

Meng Xingkong asked: "Is this data punishable?"

"Everything is OK, it can all be retrieved from public data. I just climbed down, and then simply sorted it out, and used the cloud big data algorithm to make a word cloud diagram and a proportional tree diagram."

Meng Xingkong: "That's it? Do you want to listen to what you are saying?"

"This is too exaggerated!"

Meng Xingkong was surprised for a long time before he realized that he had found a treasure.

This seemingly shy boy actually has this ability, which will increase his chances of winning the foreign market.

At least you know what people on the Internet in that country are watching, so you can develop targeted content.

"Okay, okay! During the next period of time, you can follow me and help me organize data analysis. I want a content report that can conquer Nigerians."


Fang Ke agreed. Anyway, as long as he was allowed to deal with computers, he would be happy.

On the other side, Cao Mu, who was recruited in the same batch, made the final cut, and a lifelike model of the goddess was ready.

She is one of the goddesses in "Strategy Goddess Simulator".

A faint smile appeared on his lips, then he put the tools into his small box and began to perform the work just assigned by Meng Xingkong.

Niu Zi's return did not have a big impact on the Internet and Literature Department.

Li Ke and Xiao Xing are enough to support this department.

At present, the online writing department is divided into two teams, one is responsible for website construction, operation and promotion, and the other is content creation.

Niu Zi is mainly responsible for content creation.

He gained the least from this trip. He didn't negotiate any business, but only found a good idea.

On the first day he came back, he launched an open class for more than 1,000 authors under Duoyu.

If you have time to listen, come to the Penguin Conference in the evening.

Niu Zi talked about a new theme he discovered called desert survival.

"I went to South Africa this time and saw a lot of beautiful scenery and a lot of deserts. I was thinking if a person was placed in the desert, would he be able to survive? This is similar to the "Robinson Crusoe" we have all watched. "Like "Jiu", a person's survival in a desperate situation will inevitably arouse the interest of readers."

"This theme is actually a variant of the city. It is different from the traditional rebirth era novels, or the entertainment genre, or the urban supernatural genre, but the urban farming genre!"

"The main line of the story is how to turn a desert into a home with green water and green mountains suitable for human habitation. No one believes it, but the protagonist relies on a magical system to do it every time, and then slaps everyone in the face, and then shocks everyone people."

"Almost every small achievement will shock others, starting from shocking the people around you, then shocking the city, shocking the country, and gradually becoming a world-famous existence."

"The story is very exciting and very suitable for viewers who like farming stories."

"And you can also modify this idea, such as desert island survival, Arctic survival, and rainforest survival. The main purpose is to reflect the harsh environment and give the protagonist the ability to transform the environment, overcome difficulties step by step, and conquer the world in the book. It also conquers readers.”

"Everyone can express themselves freely and create the literature you like."

After Niu Zi finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He used all the little he gained. Whether he can accomplish something depends on the authors.

But he vaguely felt that his trip to Africa should not only gain this much.

"But people in South Africa don't like to read our online novels at all. I tried to find some translators to spread the stories, but there was no response."

"Where is the problem? Cultural barrier? Or something else?"

"I feel like I'm stuck in a dilemma. It's like a fable, pessimists and optimists."

"Two businessmen selling shoes went to Africa. After returning home, one said very depressedly: 'Africa is really terrible, people there don't wear shoes at all!', and the other said excitedly: 'Africa is really bad. It’s great that no one sells shoes there!’ ”

"Did I...neglect something?"

PS: There is one more update today, please give me a monthly ticket for 3 more updates, isn’t it too much?

Preview: There may be explosive updates next.

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