I really want to hit the street

Chapter 314 Pu Ding’s fifth book (additional update, 45/135)

Chapter 314 Pu Ding’s fifth book (additional update, 45135)

Changes in the company cannot escape Mr. Pu's observation.

Seeing the employees starting to work, Mr. Pu didn't panic at all.

Because he knows that as long as the direction is wrong, the harder you work, the more you will lose.

"Haha~ I laugh at that outrageous little star, who just started it hard and lost money; when he promoted Wu Ma, bad movies became popular; in the great spring, Xinyou scratched his head; Lao Meng was deceived and scattered money abroad; Niu Zi is old "Can you still eat?"

In the entire company, only the human resources administration department and the finance department have not been touched by Mr. Pu.

All other departments fell into a vortex of losses.

Seeing that the situation is getting deeper and deeper, the money on the entire company's books is rapidly decreasing.

Mr. Pu felt that if this was not considered stable, then he really didn’t know what stability was.

He really couldn't think of any reason for him to make a comeback this cycle.

After watching the company for two days, Mr. Pu found that everyone was very busy and busy losing money to the company.

It's just him. He's so idle that it hurts.

"Ah~ I can't live without a day, I feel so uncomfortable, I feel like there are ants crawling all over my body."

Pujie thinks he is suffering from Stockmore syndrome.

I was given PUA by the online article.

When I first started writing the book, 4,000 a day was the limit of the human body, and it was extremely ferocious even to hold it up.

Then after the days passed, I found that it was just like that.

It will not cause harm to the body.

And it adds a lot of firewood to an already poor life.

The more updates you make, the more money you will make.

The difference between 2,500 and 3,500 a month is still huge.

After coming to this world, Pu Jie has become accustomed to updating, and has endless fun fighting wits and courage with readers every day.

It's only been a week since I took a break, and I feel a little out of tune.

Empty, lonely, cold.

The kind that can't even be warmed by a small quilt.

"Hey~ I can't be a lazy guy anymore. I have to think about the new book. In this case, if the company really makes money this cycle, even if it is a one in ten thousand chance, it is not impossible to happen under Murphy's Law. I still Let’s make first-hand insurance and make money in case there is no chance.”

There are systematic subsidies for writing books and hitting the streets!

If Pu Jie had a rough estimate of whether his book would be successful, for example, 80% would be successful and 90% would be successful.

Then this time, 100% turn into a dog!

I changed my website!

I no longer write at Qidian. I go to my own website to write.

From the source, it cuts off the possibility of Qidian doing anything on its own.

The upper limit of Zhongshan novels is too low!

Even if he is a top-notch work, his monthly royalties are tens of thousands of yuan!

And it is impossible for anyone to come to this small website to buy copyright.

In the current web IP copyright market, Qidian dominates the market!

Other sites are only soup.

And it’s the kind of soup only available on old websites. It’s normal for a new novel website to be unable to sell the copyright of a copy after it’s been open for several years.

These are market rules!

The first thing to consider when it comes to copyright is visibility.

It is difficult for an unknown website to be recognized by the film studio that produces it, and it is almost impossible to pay for it.

Insufficient credibility!

And the results are not very reliable.

Who knows if your website has faked this book?

You said there are 50,000 average bookings, but how many are actually there? Maybe it was a joint effort between the website’s co-authors?

Small websites are likely to do this!

Therefore, in order not to be deceived, production companies go to large websites to buy copyrights. The data is open and transparent, and they have a reputation and credibility. This is all for the sake of long-term development in the future, and they dare not engage in such things.

A small website may make a fortune, but a large website will stink as soon as it is launched. It will not only lose one order, but also the copyright operations of so many authors on the entire website.

Therefore, Pu Jie only needs to come to his home to write novels in Zhongshan.

Let’s get rid of copyright first!

According to the highest calculation, the manuscript fee is only the fee for "Legend of the Stars" he wrote at Qidian.

Moreover, their own website does not have new media channels, and it is only spread on their own website and a few broken WeChat public accounts.

The influence is too small!

There are too few places to make money!

Pu Jie never imagined that he would have any possibility of making big money.

He admitted that Pu Ding's pen name might attract some loyal fans, but so what?

The entire website is trying its best to promote him, and coupled with readers from outside, it may be difficult to even order 10,000 yuan.

It doesn't matter!

This is a no-win business.

"System, open the fifth online challenge for me!"

[Ding~ Start Challenge 5: Create an online text with no less than 2.5 million valid words. The maximum subsidy standard is 5 million yuan (the host’s score in the previous book will be additionally increased by the subsidy standard. The better the score, the greater the increase. The second increase ratio is 100%, the amount of increase: 1.3 million yuan)]

[The host's "Infinite Time and Space" has opened up a new theme in this world, proved its strength, and has taken a solid step on the road to becoming the supreme god of online literature. It has already had its own place in Chinese online novels. When the words 'infinite flow' are mentioned in the future, everyone will remember your achievements and continue to increase your influence. However, the film and television works adapted from your works have not yet had much influence. Please actively contact copyright development, which will be of great help to you in becoming the supreme god of online writing. Finally, I hope you can write a work with a more inclusive aesthetic to conquer more audiences. 】

[PS: We are getting closer to our goal, please go all out, Pu Jiang! ]

Pu Jie: “.”

This system is getting more and more outrageous.

It’s just like a pyramid scheme.

If it wasn’t for the fact that it has a ‘10x manuscript fee crit module’ that can make you rich quickly, I would have untied it.

It affects my normal performance!

“Bah! Dog system, when I make money, I will directly write an invincible explosive article, okay? Then I will let you see what real strength is!”

Hmph~ Let me show this book to the world first.

Pu will soon become a poor ghost.

He arranged for Assistant Qi to find him a house in the core area of ​​the Third Ring Road, in a community less than 15 minutes’ walk from the company.

Beautiful environment, quiet in the bustling city.

Exquisite two-bedroom small western-style building, 85 square meters.

The public area is not high and the space is reasonable.

It’s the price of Pu’s 6.9 million, and he will directly invest 6.8 million.

The money left for him personally is only 100,000 yuan.

He originally wanted to buy it in installments, but the owner of the house did not sell it in installments, and the houses in this area were indeed easy to sell.

And it was rare that all aspects were satisfied.

Mr. Pu really needed a place to manage his time.

Besides, if you buy this thing, you will not lose money.

As long as Kyoto is still the capital, it will never collapse.

It is only the inflated and hyped properties in the surrounding areas that will collapse.

The real core area prices have been very stable.

And it is hard to find a house.

After Mr. Pu took it, if he wanted to decorate it, he had to make some money himself.

"But, finally I have my own house in this world! Son, grandson, even if you don't have a system in the future, you can live by collecting rent."

Chinese people feel at ease only if they have a house.

No one is an exception.

Maybe this is a flower grower.

How to grow flowers without a house? How to farm?

"Then next, I will operate on two lines, make money on both sides, and double-pick, and wool the system twice!"

Pu Jie saw this task.

It's great!

First of all, the word count requirement has not increased, it is still 2.5 million words.

It seems that this number has reached the upper limit of the system and will not increase.

After all, 2.5 million is a watershed for a normal online novel. Many times, writing more is just hard padding. I guess the system doesn't want him to be a water king.

But the subsidy money has increased significantly, directly doubling.

"I made money in the last cycle, and the subsidy in this cycle will increase. Then set a small goal. This book will first get 4 million from the system!"

The remaining 1 million is left for my own fault tolerance.

As for the subject matter of the new book, Pu Jie has already thought about it.

The Dead Sea in the Red Sea.

The kind that can never be popular!

I feel ashamed that the update has been weak recently. It happened that the big boss of the Silver Alliance urged me to update. I will add one chapter today to express my apologies. In the future, I will double the monthly tickets and add more chapters every day.

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