I really want to hit the street

Chapter 323 Pu Jie: I am a principled screenwriter

It was an actress who was interviewed today. I don’t know where he got her phone number from.

Pu Jie had an impression of her. She was a very pretty girl. It was said that she had starred in a love movie and was nominated for the Best Actress Award at the Golden Horse Awards. Although she didn’t win the award in the end, her strength was recognized.

Her acting skills were also good.

But she lacked the wildness and was not cool enough.

It didn’t have the flavor.

After Pu Jie expressed his opinions, the other party still didn’t hang up the phone.

“Pu Bian, if you think there is something wrong, I will change it. I can play this role. Do you have time tonight? Let’s make an appointment. Can you tell me about the play?”

Pu Jie: “Oh?”

Talk about the play?

Just talk about the play?

He remembered that this actress seemed to be 30 years old this year, which was the age of charm. She was very well maintained and had a face like a little girl. At first glance, she was the kind of goddess of otakus.

If we talk about the play, what if we talk about the bed?

“Well, no need. Your performance is very good. Director Bob and I will seriously consider it.”

After hanging up the phone, Pu Jie shook his head.

This kind of thing cannot be agreed to casually.

It is fun to have sex with a female star. The physical and psychological stimulation is absolutely amazing.

But what happens after the fun?

If he takes advantage of her and refuses to recognize her, and finally makes her lose the selection, wouldn't he be a sex scammer?

Although this kind of thing is consensual, Pu Jie feels that if he can't help her, he won't provoke her.

He still has principles.

He really doesn't think this actress is good.

If he lets her act, the project will be ruined.

Pu Jie has a 4% box office dividend. After the mess, his part of the money will be much less.

The original box office was 200 million, and the final result was 50 million.

He can earn 6 million less personally!

6 million personal assets!

How much sex can he have?

Therefore, for the sake of his own long-term interests, he can't do such short-sighted things.

"Haha~ Maybe Huayi has already calculated this and gave me 4% dividends, so that they can let me join the main creative team with confidence. They know how to choose the right actors, and I don't want to lose money."

If this operation is a coincidence, Pu Jie doesn't believe it.

Then in the following time.

Pu Jie's phone kept ringing.

Although it was not as obvious as the first actress's hint, they all said to sit together, have a meal together and talk about the play, but if you go deeper, Pu Jie feels that anyone who can call him today will not be too resistant.

"Hiss~Is this the right of the chief screenwriter in this world? It's really awesome."

Although he said so, Pu Jie politely refused. Even if it was a call from Yang Mimi, he struggled in his heart for a long time and refused with tears.

After all, it was a movie made by someone else's company. The selection of actors may not be counted by himself.

As long as he can decide, let Yang Mimi know who is your deddy today!

"I don't know which old bitch leaked my phone number, so many actresses know it!"

Hengdian. Wei Fan, who was filming "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King 2", sneezed several times in a row.

"Who is missing me?"

"Is it Pu Bian? He must be so happy, right? I gave out all his phone numbers!"

"For this movie, Pu Bian can do it with just a little manipulation~"

Jiang Yuhan: "Huh? Director Wei, what happened to Pu Jie? What is he manipulating?"

"Nothing, just some business discussions, go and do your own thing. By the way, Pu Bian should be busy tonight, he has a new movie to shoot, you'd better not disturb him."

Wei Fan said seriously.

"Oh, okay." Jiang Yuhan walked away in a daze.

Wei Fan showed everyone a proverb said by Lu Xun.

Girlfriends pit girlfriends, brothers help brothers.

"I hope Pu Bian can remember my kindness and get me two good scripts to shoot. I want to shoot the TV version of "Infinite Time and Space"!"

In the next few days, Pu Jie quickly wrote books while watching auditions.

He explained all his insights on movies to Director Bob.

The big bearded man who spoke in Beijing dialect was stunned.

Because what Pu Bian said made sense and sounded like pertinent advice.

In the evening, when Bob was chatting with producer Li Men, he said with emotion:

"Pu Bian seemed to have filmed this movie in his mind. He could easily take out some clips to tell me about the storyboard. It was amazing. I have never seen such an imaginative and logical screenwriter."

"The choice of actors was also so appropriate, as if he had seen these characters before. Is this the strength of online writers?"

"It is a pleasure to work with Pu Bian. I have more confidence in our movie."

After spending a few days with him, Li Men also recognized Pu Jie.

"Pu is a very principled person. Those flirtatious things failed to capture his heart. He is so old-fashioned that he doesn't look like a rising star, but like an old screenwriter. In this audition, I think Pu The editor's opinion was very pertinent, and the final list was out, and it was pretty good. By the way, Editor Pu also took the time to provide guidance on the makeup and action design of the zombies. After the group performances were completed, I was impressed! I’m so scared! It would be great if Editor Pu could always follow the crew.”

"Bird food."

The two of them were already reluctant to let Pu Jie go.

Anyone who has watched the original movie should watch it at least three times.

That is more profound than those of them who only read words!

But Pu Jie couldn't stay too long, because everything he could remember had been told, and everything he understood had been told.

If you stay for a while, the secret will be revealed!

The true level must have been seen by these people.

So, it’s better to miss each other than to meet each other. After finishing the audition, it’s time to yo-yo.

It’s up to them to take pictures, but they have already tried their best.

"Hey, this big company is like Moji. I've been auditioning for a female lead for a week, but I haven't decided yet."

Pu Jie was sitting in the company, enjoying the caramel milk tea made by Jimmy.

In the company, after he handed over the tasks, he basically didn't need to take care of them anymore.

Everyone else was busy losing money, and no one came to play with him.

Mr. Pu could only watch the money in the company's account disappear rapidly, smiling with satisfaction.

"If this continues, the company's money will not last until the end of this cycle, and it will have to reduce expenses in the last two months. Tsk tsk~ This is a huge loss."

The main reason is that Zhongshan Novels burns too much money.

Li Ke and Xiao Xing enjoyed advertising, and they changed their tactics to promote their own website ads on various platforms.

30 million yuan in advertising fees are spent abroad every month.

The exposure is really good and the downloads are also good.

But Mr. Pu doesn’t mind. He only looks at whether he makes a loss or a profit every month. The money you make through advertising is not as much as the money you spend.

As long as you make a loss every month, your department will be stable!

Next cycle, bonuses will be distributed to all employees!

What a hero!

Pu Jie has already thought about it. When the time comes, he will only give bonuses to the departments that lose money, and the departments that make money will be rewarded with African tourism.

After doing it several times, employees will naturally know how to choose.

Fishing = bonus.

Struggle = Africa Tour.

Subtly, this company is doomed.

They are all fish monsters.

When the time comes, you can lose as much as you want!

Pu Jie was looking beautiful when Xiaoyu at the front desk knocked on the door and walked in.

"Mr. Pu, there is a woman wearing sunglasses looking for you outside. She said she is a fan of your books."

Mr. Pu was stunned.

"What a book lover, you've found the company? You're a hard core! Niubi, let Jimmy make a cup of milk tea for me and send it to my office."

"Let people come directly, book friends! Can't you still kill me offline? I'm not like Lao Tian, ​​who updates 4,000 words twice a day, and asks for leave when there is nothing to do. For a diligent author like me, it must be impossible Some fans want to harm me.”

Pu Jie is very confident.


Looking at Malzahar who was sitting opposite and taking off his sunglasses, Pu Jie was speechless.

"Good boy. Why did you, a big star, find my company? And you pretended to be my fan!"

There will be an update tonight.

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