I really want to hit the street

Chapter 324 The data of

Chapter 324 The data of "Online Game: Almighty Druid" is recovering (additional update, 47135)

Multifish Company.

Mr. Pu looked at the effervescent Malzahar in his office and was a little surprised.

This actress actually found her own company.

So hard?

Malzahar was also a little embarrassed, but as a professional actor, she didn't suffer from stage fright.

He said openly: "I'm not lying~ I'm really your fan. I have been reading your "Infinite Time and Space". When the team was destroyed, I even scolded you in rhythm!"

Mr. Pu: "."

It turns out to be friendly forces!

"It's a pity that it didn't stop this book from becoming a god in the end."

Malzahar rolled his eyes at him, his pretty face expression very vivid.

She thought Pu Jie was mocking her for not overestimating her abilities.

"Okay, okay, okay, I know, you are a great author, right? The grass is as gray as a snake, the veins are thousands of miles deep, and that wave of resurrection is really amazing, I really didn't expect it."

Pu Jie smiled: "Good guy, if you can say this word, then you are indeed an old Internet article reader. Okay, it's confirmed that you are my fan, but... why are you looking for me?"

Malzahar blushed slightly.

The originally pale face had two obvious blushes, which was very pretty.

Pu Jie felt that Malzahar was even more beautiful than on TV.

Very tender.

Especially the skin, which is very white, whiter than the old man in his village who died for three days.

You'll definitely get a red mark if you pinch it, right?

Malzahar said: "Well, I want the role of Alice. As a fan of yours, it's not too much to ask for a role, right?"

Pu Jie: "Good guy! You, as a fan, have really high welfare. Other readers see that the author updates too much and give him some souvenirs. You just take advantage of the author, right?"

She winked playfully: "Actually, I brought the blade with me, but it didn't go through the security check in the lobby, so I left it outside."

Pu Jie: "."

"Xiaoyu, see you off! Don't even want a reader like this!"

Malzahar quickly stopped Mr. Pu who was about to stand up: "No, no, no! I was joking. Why are you like this? I know you are the screenwriter of "Resident Evil 1", and they all listen to your opinions, so you recommend me. Okay? I promise, I can definitely play the role of Alice. Not to mention ketchup on my face, even if it gets all over my body or in my mouth, it won’t affect my acting. I’m very dedicated, look at me. He also has a very good foundation in dance movements and can complete many difficult movements.”

Malzahar was so anxious that a standing horse came directly to Mr. Pu's office.

He crossed his legs and said to Mr. Pu, "How about it?"

Mr. Pu called him a good guy!

This is too standard. The two legs are straight and connected in a line.

As expected of a professional.

He just said with some regret: "Why are you wearing jeans?"

Malzahar: "???"

"Pubian! No whispering!"

Mr. Pu looked embarrassed, as someone actually understood his subtext.

"Ahem. The hardware conditions are indeed good. I'm personally very satisfied, but"

Malzahar put away his pretty legs and asked nervously: "Just what? You don't want Cao Fen, do you? No, no, no?"

Pu Jie: "."

The black line on his face almost fell across dimensions.

Can you say this directly?

Little girl, there is nothing subtle about it!

Once you hear this accent, you will be like an old book friend. He is very good at yin and yang.

A big star who looks like a goddess on the surface, but secretly she is actually a book lover!

Pu Jie: "It's just my say that doesn't count. It's not a movie I invested in. I'm just a small screenwriter. Even if I say it, people may not be able to choose."

"Okay, okay, as long as Editor Pu can recommend it, it will be great. Whether it can be done depends on God's will, can it be done, can it be done~"

Malzahar approached Pujie, shook his arm, and could even feel the softness passing through him, and a scent of fragrance came to his nostrils.

"Sister, are you acting coquettishly?"

"hold head high!"

"Very good! To tell you the truth, this is what I do. If it can help, I will give it a try, okay?"

"Okay!" Malzahar was very happy that his goal was achieved.

There was a cunning look in his eyes.

So it turns out that you can get Pu Bian's promise without using those adult toys taught by Sister Mi?

Sure enough, he is indeed her favorite author, he has principles!

At first glance, he is different from those stinky men in the entertainment industry!

Well done!

Wait until I go to Weibo to mobilize fans to build momentum for your new book!

After the two chatted for a while, Pu Jie sent this flexible book friend away.

A recommendation is a recommendation, but he didn't say he only recommended one.

Anyway, he will keep all the actresses he thinks are suitable. As for the final choice, let Hua Yi decide.

Of course, he didn't know what Malzahar wanted to help him promote.

Otherwise, she would be the first to be eliminated!

A typical example of repaying kindness with hatred.

"It's a pity that Da Mimi didn't come. It would be great if I could take this opportunity to listen to 'Wait a minute, wait a minute.' up close."

Pu Jie often watched this classic short film in his previous life.

Malzahar walked out of Hengtai Building wearing sunglasses, got into the red BMW driven by his agent, and left.

Crossing the road.

Yang Mimi and her agent were sitting in another black car.

She picked up her phone and called Malzahar.

"How is it? What is Pu Jie like in private? Has he made any excessive demands on you?"

Malzahar: "A very interesting person, very principled. He just promised to recommend me, without saying anything, and he didn't take the opportunity to make any unreasonable demands."

Yang Mimi: "Okay, I understand."

After she hung up the phone, she sighed.

He told his agent: "Let's go. Editor Pu is not this kind of person. This time we can only rely on our strength."

The agent, who is in his 30s, wears gold-rimmed glasses and looks like a young woman.

She said: "That Zhu Yinyin was right. Pu Jie is a 100% pure love god of war. He can't tolerate sand in his eyes. It's hard to see such an upright person in the entertainment industry."

The agent had met Zhu Yinyin on the same set before and heard her say something about Pu Jie.

Zhu Yinyin said that what impressed her most about Pu Jie, besides his talent, was his pure love for the God of War.

A very traditional man will not be tempted by external things.

Yang Mimi: "I thought it was just a joke, but I didn't expect that Pu Bian is really this kind of person. There is no response even if Zaha comes to his door, so I won't test it. On the contrary, it will make people look down on him and see the real thing under his hands." Bar."

"By the way, Zhu Yinyin is an actress with good potential. Please sign in to our studio. We can focus on training her in the future. Moreover, she and Pu Bian are classmates and have a good relationship. Maybe she can do it in the future."

They also drove away from Hengtai Building.

Duoyu Company was not delayed by the filming of "Resident Evil 1".

Still running smoothly.

Old employees and new employees burst out with new vitality.

Originally, these employees were very good at their work, but they lacked creativity and relied entirely on the manager's personal brainpower.

Now, an additional group of college students have integrated into the workforce.

Obviously there are more ideas.

There are endless forms of advertising for Zhongshan novels.

Texts, pictures, videos, and even Pin Xixi’s downloading routine to send cash red envelopes.

Simply doing everything possible.

New users are constantly being added.

The number of users who read books every day is also increasing steadily.

The daily active users of the main website have reached nearly 800,000. Although more than half of them are unpaid prostitute users, they are at least active and read books on Zhongshan Novel every day.

A week has passed since Pu decided to publish the book.

The largest recommendation section on the homepage still has the banner "The great god Pu Ding has published a new book "Online Games: Almighty Druid"".

This month, I don’t even plan to take it off.

Make more use of Mr. Pu’s reputation to cheer for the website.

If you don't use it for your own people, it will be in vain.

Moreover, as "Infinite Time and Space" is a completed book, not only will 1% of the extra royalties be distributed, but it will also be saved. In the next cycle, it will enter the company and receive a critical hit of 10 times the royalties.

Naturally, Pu Jie wanted as much royalties as possible for this book, so he authorized it to Zhongshan Novel.

It’s also great to spend the money you burn on your own website to give yourself some traffic and just a little more money.

Some new readers who have not read "Infinite Time and Space" also watched this masterpiece on Zhongshan Novel and became loyal fans of Pu Dinglia.

This can be regarded as making up for the devastating start of "Online Game: Almighty Druid".


It is outrageous to find that the data of "Online Game: Almighty Druid" a week later began to recover rapidly!

"Huh? Mr. Pu's book is actually so popular?"

"What's going on? Hasn't the sky collapsed?"

"Who is it? Reading Mr. Pu's new book?"

Three questions for the outrageous soul.

There are three updates today, and there will be three more updates tomorrow, two in the morning, and one in the evening. Remember to vote for the month, it’s the last day, brothers!

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