I really want to hit the street

Chapter 336 Meng Xingkong! What are you doing again!

Pu Jie opened the system interface.

[Pei's online article operation module]

[Company name: Duoyu Culture Co., Ltd.]

[Total funds: 21,885,723 yuan (↓30,561,587 yuan)

[Challenge period: 180 days]

[Challenge rules: One week before settlement, the company cannot have backlog of copyrights, unsold products, etc. 15 days before settlement, the company cannot have unreleased movies and TV series. If there are, it will affect system settlement. Please pay attention to the time. 】

【.(Click to expand detailed rules)】

[Conversion ratio: Profit settlement 100:1, loss settlement 1:10]

[93 days left before settlement]

Today is November 5th, exactly half of this cycle has passed.

Pu Jie was sitting in the office, preparing to give himself a half-cycle summary.

Seeing the downward arrow in the system, Mr. Pu was instinctively happy.


What a loss!

"Have you already lost 30 million yuan? Hiss~ Then now the settlement is directly 300 million yuan? How cool!"

The Zhongshan Novel project has been losing money this cycle.

After deducting profits, their department has burned more than 40 million yuan, and they are still burning money.

Mr. Pu’s current favorite.

These days, he was particularly pleased with the biggest backstabbing monster, Li Wei.

Mr. Pu has already thought about it. If this trend can be maintained in this cycle and he can successfully lose all the money in the system, then the two great heroes, He Tian Gou, will definitely win the big prize!

Suite for one person.



There are three heroes!

And Xiaoxing, who takes the lead in fishing, also gives me a set.

Mr. Pu recently discovered that Xiaoxing has a weak sense of existence and always ignores him unconsciously.

"Hiss~ Is this the highest state of being a fish monster? Let the boss ignore his existence. Xiaoxing is so strong! When Zhongshan Novel loses all the money in this cycle, let Xiaoxing start the business of Duoyu Company in the next cycle As a cultural ambassador, I will teach everyone this concept and practice of fishing.”

"This recent group of college students don't know how to fish at all. I'm so disappointed in you!"

Mr. Pu gets angry when he talks about these newly recruited college students!

So obedient!

The old employees and managers did whatever they arranged, and shouted some cult quotes:

"The monthly salary is 20,000, and the company is my home. I can do whatever I am told!"

"With a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, whatever the boss says comes true!"

"The monthly salary is 5,000, and I can do it even if the requirements are not excessive."

"With a monthly salary of 2,000, I am your father!"

Obviously, the salary paid to each of them by Duoyu Company, including subsidies and other expenses, is already close to 20,000.

These young people are really capable!

One person can't wait to do the work of two people.

The bad habit of working overtime, which had been suppressed in the past, has been resurrecting recently, causing Mr. Pu to specifically ask the personnel in the human resources administration to work overtime to take care of other overtime dogs and struggling people.

Fortunately, these people were inexperienced and not as efficient as the older employees, which gave Mr. Pu some comfort.

Looking at the loss amount of 30 million displayed in the system, Mr. Pu felt that the amount seemed a bit wrong, so he did the math again.

Didn't understand.

"Assistant Qi! Come here!"

Half an hour later.

Mr. Pu looked at the documents compiled by Assistant Qi on the table, his joy faded and he became serious.

"There is indeed something wrong with this money!"

Mr. Pu looked at last month's income and expenses and finally knew where the problem lay!

Duoyu listens to books at no cost!

To be precise, it’s not that I didn’t spend any money, but that I earned back all the money I spent!

A profit of 10 million was made in October, and a profit of 10 million was also made in September.

It has brought a serious burden to Duoyu Company!

Mr. Pu saw from the expenses and income of the Duoyu Audiobook department that last month's revenue surged by 5 million, and he earned back all the money spent on research and development and production of the overseas version of the Duoyu Audiobook!

"Damn it, Lao Meng! What are you doing again!!! Come here!"

Meng Xingkong heard Mr. Pu calling him outside, and a smile appeared on his lips.


Mr. Pu knew about the mother and baby column last month and wanted to give him personal guidance!

"I really look forward to what kind of advice Mr. Pu can give!"

After Lao Meng walked in, he saw Mr. Pu with a sinking face.


Mr. Pu in a state of making money!

No panic at all!

As a veteran employee of Duoyu Company, he has long been used to it.

If the newcomers saw Mr. Pu like this, they would mistakenly think that he was angry!

And who is he, Lao Meng? Mr. Pu's subordinates have long been familiar with Mr. Pu's working methods. At this time, Mr. Pu will start to guide the work. He just takes out his notebook and starts recording.

Mr. Pu said: "Explain to me the sudden increase of 5 million in revenue last month."

This 5 million may not seem like much, but it has disrupted Mr. Pu’s plan. In the final settlement, there may be a loss of 10 million, which means that the conversion will be 100 million less!

He must find out what Lao Meng did again.

"Mr. Pu, that's it."

Meng Xingkong told Mr. Pu the process and purpose of making a mother and baby column.

The more Pu Jie listened, the more surprised he became, and his mouth opened up.

I have to admit that Lao Meng is really a damn talent!

Why did you recruit him here?

How could you be deceived by this kind of hard work and intelligence in the first place?

What went wrong with my own employment strategy?

Why did they only train two big bastards, Xiaoxing and Dachun?

Oh no!

Dachun wasn't trained by him, it was his own talent that others couldn't envy.

Natural fishing skills MAX.

If you don't pay attention, he can start a game just by turning your head.

Only Xiaoxing, whom he trained step by step, is now helping him achieve his big goal of losing money.

Among all the treacherous ministers in the dynasty, only Xiaoxing is loyal and good.

After listening to Meng Xingkong's report, Mr. Pu sighed deeply after a long time.

"Oh, Lao Meng, you have changed. You have become a philistine, you have no dreams, money, money, money! You think about how to make money every day, not how to contribute to society! Is there a new column? Good! But you actually use such a popular column? To make money? Is this appropriate? If we want to do a program to popularize science, it must be affordable to the audience. I will give you a number. You can change the price of the course immediately and give me a 90% discount. .80%, 70%, 60%, half, yes! Just cut it in half!”

Meng Xingkong was shocked: "Ah this! But"

"By the way, by the way, increase the research and development costs for the overseas version by half, let's go!"

Meng Xingkong wanted to say something else, but Mr. Pu had already issued an eviction order.

If you don't understand something, you can only figure it out yourself.

Mr. Pu looked at Meng Xingkong with a serious look on his face after he walked out.

He temporarily solved the 5 million problem and reduced the course income by half, which meant that they could only earn 2.5 million per month through the maternal and child column. Adding half of the investment in research and development for the overseas version would equal to 2.5 million is also invested.

I can barely control my monthly income to the original level of 10 million.

"Damn it! It's too easy to make money in this maternal and child column, isn't it? No wonder people say that pregnant women and children are the best earners. Is that true?"

However, Mr. Pu still likes the anti-fraud column created by Lao Meng, which is a good thing.

Sometimes with more popular science, there will be fewer cases where families and lives are lost due to fraud.

Although the problem was solved, Mr. Pu felt that Lao Meng was too capable and had to separate him from Duoyu Tingshu, otherwise he would have to stab himself in the back.

Today, mothers and babies earn money from pregnant mothers. Tomorrow, they may not be allowed to launch a two-dimensional program to earn money from obese and obese nerds.

I have to find something else to do for him next cycle.

If this person is not eliminated, he will be in serious trouble!

In terms of the company's money, except for Duoyu Tingshu, the income of other departments is normal.

The revenue of the game department has been declining month by month. It has dropped from 15 million to 10 million, and it will drop sharply this month.

There is no way, the life cycle of a stand-alone game is very short.

Last month, 300,000 copies were sold, which is considered a great promotion by LSPs.

If you try another game, it will probably get colder faster.

The revenue of the online and literary department has been stable but declining, falling from the peak of 6 million to only 4 million last month.

"Okay! When all the authors from the online literature department come to Zhongshan Novel to write books, the royalties will fall to the bottom. Maybe because of the high guaranteed contract, the company will have to make up money to pay the author's royalties, hahaha , Zhongshan novel lies in the gun!"

It’s outrageous to send it to these authors.

At that time, Zhongshan Novel, which was already not wealthy, would be even worse.

When Mr. Pu thought that Zhongshan Novel would have to burn money for the next three months, his mood became high.

"The remaining 20 million in the company, including the monthly income and expenses of each department, as well as the money spent on the online literature department and movie production, were all spent in the last month of settlement! Perfect!"

As long as there is no unexpected money, Mr. Pu will soon become a 500 million-level rich man at a young age.

Even the supreme god in the field of online literature is not as good as myself!

Then, go buy a car!

Use your own money to buy a sports car!

By the way, does Mercedes-Benz have a sports car?

It was not for any other reason. Mr. Pu just remembered that there was a sales girl in the Mercedes-Benz 4S store who was good at ventriloquism.

"Speaking of which, the royalties for Qidian and Zhongshan's novels were settled today, right?"

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