Pu Jie looked at his first month's manuscript fee at Zhongshan Novels.

It was put on the shelves on the 1st of last month, and there was almost no money before that.

This is not Qidian, otherwise there would be some money from rewards during the free period.

[Work: Online Games: Almighty Druid]

[Total manuscript fee in October: 83,262 yuan. ]

[Main site manuscript fee: 58,772 yuan; WeChat channel manuscript fee: 24,490 yuan. ]

A very simple manuscript fee of more than 80,000 yuan.

Pu's mouth showed a smile.

"Good! Sure enough, it didn't exceed 100,000 yuan, very stable! If this were Qidian, I'm afraid that my manuscript fee for pure subscription would be 100,000 yuan. Zhongshan Novels' low-price strategy is still very useful!"

Because of the large amount of gifts for recharge, Zhongshan Novels is half the price of reading books at Qidian.

The average subscription of "Online Games: Almighty Druid" is now more than 9,000, close to 10,000 subscriptions.

After it was no longer recommended on the homepage, the average subscription of this book began to increase slowly. After 7,000 first orders, it only reached 9,000 average orders per month.

If it were on Qidian, it would at least double.

In the end, there are fewer permanent readers.

This book is already the top work on Zhongshan Novel website, not to mention others.

It is all supported by the traffic of new users!

The readers' subscription is also unstable. Sometimes a wave of people suddenly come, and sometimes thousands of subscriptions drop suddenly in a day.

The main reason is that some people have not developed the habit of reading Zhongshan Novel regularly.

This is a big gap from Qidian.

However, they are not without advantages. Zhongshan Novel is building its own new media channels.

Hundreds of WeChat public accounts are operated by them.

Although the number of people is definitely not as many as so many official channels, fortunately, the money they earn is their own, and they don't have to share it with channel dealers, and they have gradually operated many of their own public accounts to attract novice users to read books.

"The Almighty Druid in Online Games" is quite popular on their public accounts.

Pu Jie doesn't care about this.

He only cares that the book is a failure, and it doesn't matter if he makes some money.

In the end, he will definitely earn a subsidy from the system.

"Hey, by then the company will make 500 million, and I won't care about the millions of subsidies from the system. I'm also free, so how can I worry about the company not being able to make money? It's so funny! It's totally unnecessary."

I took a quick look at the royalties from Qidian, and the money earned from the four old books was not bad.

"Infinite Time and Space" earned 1.3 million in royalties last month. It is worthy of being the first work on Qidian's bestseller list after it was completed. It's really awesome.

If I sign a contract with a great writer, this money can increase by 40%.

Pu Jie is sometimes surprised. He wrote such an awesome work?

Damn! I'm so awesome!

This money is all for the next cycle. When the company's money is lost, the next cycle will be used to maintain the company's expenses. Otherwise, there are too many projects that lose money. What should I do if the company goes bankrupt?

Pu Jie thought that instead of thinking about the boring question of whether the company could make money in this cycle, it would be better to think about Zhongshan Novels's huge losses. Can it still pay so many authors' royalties in the next cycle?

"That's right! At that time, let Duoyu Audiobook make more money and then extend the life of Zhongshan Novels, and stabilize the situation."

Pu has begun to worry about what will happen after the company loses all its money.

Now, the new book and the company are under control.

Pu can relax for a while.

Save some manuscripts, and after getting the subsequent money from "The Man from Earth", decorate the new house and do something shameless with Han Ruyan on the balcony of the new house.

I'm a little excited when I think about it!

"By the way, if we calculate the time, "The Man from Earth" should be nominated for the Golden Rooster Award and the Golden Horse Award this month, right?"

Half a month later.

The crew of "For the Fans" finished filming.

As a script without special effects and big scenes, and it was filmed entirely by Duoyu Film and Television, there were no trivial issues.

The crew had the final say.

The filming was very fast.

It was shot much faster than Huayi's "Resident Evil 1".

The project was established earlier than "For the Fans". The actors have just been finalized and the shooting has not started yet.

In the end, the heroine chose Yang Mimi, who has a hotter body, good acting skills and rich experience in showing cleavage.

Malzahar was unfortunately not selected, but she was also happy for her good sister.

After all, Yang Mimi has not proved herself on the big screen. The two films she made were both bad movies, the kind that cannot be mentioned at all.

In the end, the audience was left with only one impression: big!

Really big!

Big Mimi, well-deserved!

Pu Jie came to attend the wrap-up party of "For the Fans" today, and also received an invitation call from the newly selected heroine Yang Mimi.

"Pu Bian, are you free to have a drink with me tonight? Thank you for what you did." Pu Jie was puzzled: "Oh? I didn't do anything. You were chosen because of your ability. Maybe Huayi thinks you are more suitable for this role." Pu Jie personally thinks that if you want to achieve the effect of the original version, if you choose a Chinese actor, Yang Mimi's appearance conditions will be fine. She is big and wild. It would be better if she could fight a little better. However, this is not a problem. Chinese movies have the world's number one martial arts director. Hollywood should learn from them. There is no problem with action design, but it will definitely be a lot of hard work.

On the phone, Yang Mimi said in a unique sweet and coquettish voice: "Pu Bian didn't do anything but help me. Anyway, we need to cooperate more in the future. Please come tonight~"


This kind of voice is simply irresistible!

But Pu Jie is a man who has seen the world after all!

As the boss of a big company, he naturally has his own temperament.

He said very reservedly: "Since you sincerely invited me, then okay."

At the wrap-up party of "For the Fans", Pu Jie raised his glass to everyone and drank a few glasses together, then left.

Wu Ma sighed: "Pu has a lot of business."

Zhang Yang: "Of course not! Our investment of 30 million is just a small project in Pu's eyes. It's just to support my dream of being a screenwriter."

Liu Ming was surprised: "By the way, Editor Zhang, can you tell me the story between you and Pu? Why did you invest in this movie?"

Director Wu Ma also became interested: "Yes, yes, it's the first time I've seen a boss who trusts others so much. The coal boss likes to come to the crew when he is fine. Pu has almost entrusted Zhang with all his power. How much trust is this?"

Today, everyone drank a lot after the filming was wrapped, and Zhang Yang was drunk.

"Okay, then I'll tell you that Pu discovered my talent, and it all started with a script. Its name is "Each One Discusses Each Other"."

Mixianju Restaurant in Kyoto.

A restaurant that requires members to make reservations in advance to have a place.

Only serves the rich.

If you are not a member here, you are not eligible to eat.

It is very private and is favored by many stars and nobles. At least here, you don't have to worry about being bumped into when doing any business.

Everyone has a private passage when they come.

As a big star, Yang Mimi will naturally choose a place where no one can take pictures to have dinner with Pu Jie.

As an artist with many husband fans, her public relations team will not let anyone take pictures of her alone with any man.

Even if there is a deal, they have to go to the place they prepared to prevent certain videos from being circulated.

Obviously, someone on the earth is not very aware of prevention.

The result benefited netizens.

After Pu Jie came, the agent and assistant left.

Only Pu Jie and Yang Mimi were left in the room.

Yang Mimi smiled and raised the red wine: "Pu Bian, have a drink?"

Looking at the beautiful big star in front of him, Pu Jie licked his lips

2 updates today, and more updates tomorrow for monthly tickets.

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