I really want to hit the street

Chapter 338 Movie announcement? Duoyu Company does not need to announce it!

After finishing the meal, the two shook hands in a ceremonial manner and left.

Nothing too outrageous happened.

After all, for Yang Mimi at this time, the bargaining chip of Bai Pier is not so high.

If Pu Jie had requirements in that regard before making the selection, he might as well give it a half push.

Other films may not pay too much attention to it, or they may not allow a screenwriter to do that.

But "Resident Evil 1" is different. This project has attracted widespread attention since its establishment, and it is a trump card launched by Huayi.

Moreover, Huayi named Pu Jie as the editor-in-chief of this series, fully referring to the opinions of the original author + screenwriter.

In Huayi's eyes, Pu Bian is the meat and potatoes, and his words are really effective.

Directors who are also tool men do not carry as much weight as Editor Pu's opinions.

Of course, the most important reason is that Yang Mimi knew the "inside story" through her agent.

Pu Bian is a 100% pure love god of war and will not do this.

This was completely confirmed after her own company signed a contract with Zhu Yinyin.

The two are from the same school, and as a woman, Zhu Yinyin's appearance and figure may not be comparable to that of a beauty of Yang Mimi's level.

But...younger and smoother!

Even a beautiful woman of this level would not even look at her.

It has obviously shown how strong his willpower is.

Yang Mimi admired Pu Bian a little. In the entertainment industry, there are very few people who are so clean and self-sufficient.

Even screenwriter Wang Xiang, who retired early, had many romantic pasts when he was young.

As his disciple, he is so upright!

"Such a talented and principled person is invincible in the entertainment industry. Our studio must maintain a good relationship with Pu Bian. His care will be indispensable in the future. There will be no shortage of dramas under his hands."

Yang Mimi explained to her agent.

As an all-around strong woman, one of her rules for survival in the entertainment industry is to know people.

"It's a pity. If Pu Bian had that intention, he could have connected them and tied them to a warship."

Yang Mimi said in her heart, she instinctively felt that the entertainment industry of this era would not miss this young man's name.

He is only 21 years old this year!

Pu Jie was disappointed that he did not hear Yang Mimi whispering "Wait a minute, wait a minute" in his ear tonight.

But it didn't matter when I thought that I was about to take off.

500 million!

Why is the batch date not arriving?

Even if it’s the Queen Mother’s golden seal, it’s still worth it!

In the evening, when she returned home, Han Ruyan had prepared sobering soup.

He smiled and said, "Would you like a drink?"

the next day.

Wu Ma called and asked: "Mr. Pu, the post-production of our movie is relatively fast. I can finish it in about half a month. How do you think the release date will be determined? Currently, the best release days are Double 12 or New Year's Day."

"Oh~ yes, the film will be released soon."

The crew finished filming yesterday, and they didn't have any post-production special effects to do. They just edited it very quickly. After all, the director had already edited it countless times in his mind while filming.

Coupled with the filming method that completely followed the script, the post-production process was really short.

If you're in a hurry, it's not impossible to release the film in 3 days.

Pu Jie calculated the days for a while.

This cycle has passed for 3 and a half months and will end in 2 and a half months.

In other words, according to the system requirements, he needs to choose a time to release the movie within 2 months and reserve 15 days for the movie to play.

Otherwise, settlement will not be given.

Today is November 20th.

He will release it before January 20 next year.

'New Year's Day definitely can't be released on New Year's Day. Although the competition is huge, the traffic is dozens of times higher than usual. Everyone can make ends meet by sharing a little bit. It's not appropriate. If not put it on New Year's Day, then put it on New Year's Day. On March 20th, the last day of release specified by the system? This way, there is exactly half a month before settlement, and the box office can only be counted for half a month. It seems to be the most appropriate.'

Pu Jie thought about it for a while and felt it was inappropriate.

What if something unexpected happens and he has a wave of high box office during settlement?

When the money comes, I won’t even have time to handle it!

Although this possibility is very slim, even if it is a slight recovery of 1/3 of the capital, which is 10 million, if Pu Jie does not handle it well, his net worth will be directly lost by 100 million.

Therefore, the movie release cannot be placed in the last half month.

When Wu Ma waited and thought he was disconnected, Mr. Pu's voice came over.

“Let’s make it on Double 12!”

"Okay Mr. Pu, then I will make arrangements."

The review of domestic films in this world is relatively fast. Although this time is a bit rushed, it is no problem for the experienced director Wu.

Especially since their movie does not involve pornography, gambling or drugs, there is no need to worry about being stuck in the review process.

After hanging up the phone, Pu Jie nodded with satisfaction.

This time is just right.

Double Twelve is not a holiday. People only do shopping at most, and students don’t have a holiday. It’s a slow month for watching movies.

The most important thing is that according to Pu Jie's understanding, films like his will definitely give way to the blockbusters released on New Year's Day, and will be squeezed out within a month of release.

Even if they are not completely squeezed out, the major movie theaters are not stupid. They will naturally take care of blockbusters in their film schedules. It would be good if his movie can have a midnight screening every day.

‘In this case, the release time will be compressed to 18 days, and how much money will be made can be dealt with in advance’


Wu Ma's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Pu, what about the early publicity?"

Mr. Pu was stunned: "Promotion? What kind of promotion? Our Duoyu Company never engages in publicity!"

Wu Ma: "."

Is this boss mean-spirited?

Why do you feel like you don’t really want to make money?

Which movie doesn't have any publicity before it's released?

If you didn’t tell me, who would have known it would be released!

When the time comes, no one will watch it in the cinema. You will cry!

He explained patiently: "Mr. Pu, if our movie is released, we need to hire a publicity company. There are still 22 days left, so we have just enough time to promote it."

Mr. Pu: "Xuanfa Company? Doesn't it deserve our money?"

"Although Xuanfa Company will take away 15 points, Mr. Pu, without the help of Xuanfa Company, our film schedule in cinemas may not be guaranteed, and some cinemas will not even show our movies."

Mr. Pu: “It’s a deal, double happiness is coming!”

Mr. Pu almost laughed out loud.

Isn't this a coincidence?

Who cares about your release?

Make me money?


Go eat shit!

After Wu Ma hung up the phone, he felt like there was a question mark on his head.

He was obviously ready to make a comeback with this movie, but Mr. Pu's operation made him a little confused.

Uncertain future.

"Does Mr. Pu really have a unique way of publicity?"

Wu Ma had no choice. After all, he was just a part-time director with almost no autonomy. He could only be divided into two parts with the people from Duoyu Company. He would edit the movie, while the other people were going to contact the release and theaters.

Thinking that if the movie is not announced and will lose a lot of film schedules, Pu Jie puts on a bright smile again.

I'm even planning to update one more chapter today to celebrate.

As for the extra 15 points of box office revenue, in Mr. Pu's opinion, it is dispensable.

Even if 100% of the proceeds from a movie that no one watches is given to him, how much money will he have?

Laughing to death!

While Mr. Pu was busy with the movie.

Zhongshan Novel has negotiated with major new media channels this month and completed the release of books through all channels.

This does not conflict with the channels you arrange. If you bloom more, you may not know where it will explode.

These days, it happens to be the first batch of channels to recommend books to test the waters.

"Online Games: Almighty Druid" is naturally among them.

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