I really want to hit the street

Chapter 343 Golden Horse Award Blessing

December 13th.

Xiangjiang City.

The Golden Horse Awards ceremony.

Bi Gan, Wang Xiang and Chen Mingdao were sitting in the seats in front.

"The Man from Earth" was nominated for three awards: Best Actor, Best Screenplay, and Best Film.

It is a very competitive movie this year.

Pu Jie didn't come to attend the premiere last night. As a co-screenwriter, Wang Xiang just came.

He hasn't been to this place for 6 years.

At this time, I revisited my old place with a look full of confidence.

He, Wang Xiang, is back again!

Your gold medal screenwriter brings his and students' works to compete for the Best Screenplay Award!

Compared to the excited Wang Xiang, Bi Qian and Chen Mingdao were relatively calm. The competition at the same time was huge, and they did not have such big expectations as the best screenplay.

The audience, directors, writers, and actors all looked at the trio with looks of recognition.

They knew the movie was good.

After some polite and playful opening remarks and interactions, the awards began!

When it came time for Best Actor, this year's Golden Horse Best Actor, Chen Mingdao sat up slightly, although he still had a casual smile on his face.

It's a pity that the flowers fell into his family.

Wang Xiang patted Chen Mingdao on the shoulder: "It's okay, Lao Chen. You are no less of an actor. This movie has some limitations for you."

Chen Mingdao nodded: "I have thought of it."

After several awards were announced, the Best Screenplay award went to "The Man from Earth" without any suspense.

Wang Xiang came to the stage to receive the award.

Picked up the microphone and said: "I am very happy to win this award. I remember the last time I won the Golden Horse Award for Best Screenplay. Haha~ My partner is also my student Pu Ding. He has a new I couldn't come to the movie, "For the Fans", which he also produced. Director Bi and I went to the cinema to watch the premiere last night. It was very exciting! The quality of the script was not inferior to that of our movie "The Man from the Earth". "

After Wang Xiang sighed for a moment, he directly turned the meeting into a recommendation meeting to help Pu Jie promote his new movie.

I thought to myself: 'This is all the teacher can help you with. I hope that following this wave of traffic from the Golden Horse Awards, I can help generate buzz for your new movie! ’

As expected, today's Weibo topics revolve around the various awards of the Golden Horse Awards.

Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Picture, Best Screenplay are all hot topics.

Wang Xiang's speech also made many viewers who pay attention to movies and some moviegoers know about a movie that is highly recommended by a gold medal screenwriter: "For the Fans".

The name is ordinary, and at first glance I thought it was some kind of documentary.

But after Douban opened the score and countless viewers gave it a high score of 9.0, everyone knew that another movie was going to be a hit!

The film market has developed to this point, and it is no longer the era of traffic stars.

Ratings have a huge impact on movies.

After the reputation of many movies collapsed, they even used their connections to prevent platforms such as Douban from displaying the scores of their movies, or hired trolls to increase the scores.

Just to ensure the attendance of his movie.

But "For Fans" doesn't use it.

The excellent script and plot have completely conquered the audience.

The excitement brought by various reversals made the audience who watched it extremely addictive.

As for the reporters and film critics who attended the premiere, except for a few who deliberately waited to ask for money, most of them gave good reviews sincerely.

There are so many people blowing it!

Wu Ma looked at the overwhelming comments on the Internet and finally understood why Mr. Pu said that their movie did not need publicity.

"This may be the peak of confidence!"

After watching the movie last night, Mr. Pu returned home wrapped in a quilt and trembling all over.

He muttered "It's over, it's over" and got into bed.

After staying in the quilt for a whole day, I finally came back to my senses at night.

"Fortunately. The film is good, but fortunately it is not popular. There is still a high chance that it will become a well-received film but not a box office hit."

Then he turned on the TV and prepared to watch the Golden Horse Awards tonight.

I turned around and heard the teacher crazily recommending the movie "For the Fans" during his acceptance speech.

Pu Jie: "???"

After taking a look at the hot topics on Weibo following the Golden Horse Awards, Pu Jie wrapped himself up in a few quilts.


"Why is this happening?"

"I treat you as a teacher, but you treat me as a big enemy???"

This time, it's completely over!

Recommend this thing to be passed from person to person.

Just when someone starts to promote a movie, and other marketing accounts and movie accounts don’t promote it, it’s as if he has never seen the movie.

After the first batch of tap water came out on multiple platforms such as Weibo, Douyin, and Bilibili, countless bloggers who make a living from movies began to comment on the new film "For Fans."

Praiseful, objective, disliked, whatever.

After all, this is an anti-conventional suspense film, so I can’t force everyone to like it, but it’s getting popular!

A movie is not afraid of praise or criticism, but it is afraid of not being popular! No one else even knew this movie was coming out.

After these film and television account bloggers posted the video production, the audience was naturally guided into the cinema.

And movie theaters are not stupid either.

Their daily schedule of movies is dynamic. When a movie becomes popular, they schedule more scenes.

On November 14, the film schedule of "For Fans" began to increase significantly.

Pu Jie's face turned pale as he looked at the familiar operation.

"This is not like "The Man from Earth" again, 100 million, right?"

"Fortunately. Our production costs are much higher, so even if we make money, it won't be profitable!"


They didn't find Xuanfa Company!

Save yourself 15 points!

Moreover, the director did not get a share of the work. Wu Ma was only given a fixed director's fee of 2 million. He was a wage earner who would leave as soon as he finished his work.

Pu Jie tremblingly called Assistant Qi: "What percentage of the box office of our movie will the company get?"

Assistant Qi immediately replied: "39.4% of the total box office."

Mr. Pu: "."


Because they did not find a publicity company, they got an extra 15 percentage points. In addition to Duoyu Company's wholly-owned filming, excluding the payment of special funds for the film industry and special business tax, and then deducting the share of the theater chain and theaters, the rest was all It’s Duoyu Company’s profit!

The share ratio you can get is very high!

After hanging up the phone, Pu Jie knew that there might be tens of millions more to deal with.

After thinking for a long time, Mr. Pu, who was hiding under the quilt, took out his mobile phone and made an outrageous call.

"Zhongshan Novel. Additional investment, spend as much as you can!"

PS: Two updates today, short daily posts.

Although I am very embarrassed, I still have to give the monthly ticket to Binghuo.

Try to update 3 times tomorrow!

I, Binghuo, am actually a hidden struggler.

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