I really want to hit the street

Chapter 344 Mr. Pu’s support

I can’t count on the movie anymore, I’ll just see how much I can make back in time.

With an investment of 30 million yuan, if the box office is as high as 100 million yuan like "The Man from Earth", they can still earn 9 million yuan after recovering the cost.

Zhongshan Novel will have to burn more money to capture the upcoming profits.

The next day, Mr. Pu rushed to the company in a hurry. After confirming the amount of additional investment with Li Ke and others, he walked into his office and got sulky!

At this time, Zhang Yang walked in swaggeringly.

Mr. Pu was so angry that his liver ached when he looked at Zhang Yang who just barely had the words "Praise me now" carved on his face.

Zhang Yang pulled a chair over, sat on it and said, "Brother Jie! Just tell me how good my brother is! Didn't I embarrass you?"

Mr. Pu: "."

Zhang Yang casually picked up the fruit on the table and started to nibble on it: "Brother Jie, you have a sharp eye for heroes. You caught my eye at a glance as a talented screenwriter. If it weren't for your encouragement at the beginning, I would have thought I didn't have this talent. What a talent!”

Mr. Pu: "."

Zhang Yang continued, minding his own business: "Before, when we talked to those cinemas, they were really a bunch of big guys, just like we were begging them to show our movies, begging them to give us food, if Director Wu hadn't used Due to some factors, our premiere schedule is probably very poor. Fortunately, the quality of our movies speaks for itself! Today, major theaters are rushing to get copies from us, and each of them is more polite than the other. Brother Jie, you didn’t see it. Hahaha. I’m laughing so hard!”

Mr. Pu: "."

Um? Element detection!

Wu Ma used his connections to stab me in the back?


I'll give you a job, and you'll do this for me?

Mr. Pu has silently written him down in his revenge notebook!

Sooner or later, get rid of this traitor!

Where is the bad movie director you promised? What's the average Douban score of 4? What about the bad reviews you said?


It's all a lie!

Zhang Yang and the others have sent copies of the film to theaters all over the country, and the number of films scheduled has increased significantly. They are already confident of winning, and there are especially many people talking today.

"Brother Jie, I'm somewhat famous now. If you give me a little face outside, I've already thought about it. From now on, let's talk about our own affairs. I'll call you Mr. Pu, and you'll call me Editor Zhang."

After talking for a long time, Zhang Yang looked at Mr. Pu, whose face was getting darker and darker, and asked curiously: "Mr. Pu, why don't you look right? What's the matter? Tell Editor Zhang, and Editor Zhang will find a way to help you. Let’s solve it.”

Mr. Pu: "Let's go! Leave right away! Go watch your movie quickly!"

Zhang Yang walked out inexplicably.

As he walked, he muttered: "Brother Jie, you have changed. You are starting to be jealous of my talent."

Mr. Pu: "."

Mr. Pu, who was already unhappy early in the morning, was messed up by Zhang Yang again, and his mood exploded.

He shook his fist angrily in the office and said, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


The people in the game department were about to respond to Mr. Pu at the same time, but Liang Sepi stopped him with his eyes.

"Shhh! Don't make trouble. This is Mr. Pu's approval of the production department. We have to keep a low profile now and complete "Martial Arts Cultivation Simulator" and then celebrate with Mr. Pu."

Everyone understood: "The bird eats."

Liang Sepi: "Everyone is busy developing and trying to give Mr. Pu a surprise when the game is released!"

Everyone nodded, and the work at hand was done faster.

The success of other departments is the best incentive for other departments.

While the game department is busy working on new games, the online literature department is having a meeting.

Theme of the meeting: How to spend the additional 30 million new investments given by Mr. Pu.

In the conference room, Xiaoxing, Li Ke, Tian Gou and Niu Zi gathered in a circle to discuss.

Niu Zi was originally the content editor and took over the job that Xiaoxing had done before, but this time the incident had a huge impact, involving multiple people and multiple minds.

Not to mention that Niu Zi is the only person here who has learned advanced experience from Africa.

I'm not sure there are any new insights.

The ridiculously short hair always shines golden in the well-lit Duoyu Company, exuding the vitality of a girl.

She said: "Can you tell us how to spend the 30 million given by Mr. Pu? What adjustments should be made to our original plan? By the way, Mr. Pu said that the 30 million will be divided between next month and the month after. We need to spend all the money within 2 months.”

Xiaoxing raised his hand: "Obviously, after 2 months, Mr. Pu has emphasized this deadline many times. This is a signal from Mr. Pu to us, always reminding us that it is time to make profits! Loss. So far, this is a big The premise is that no one can move.”

Tian Gou: "I agree with what editor Xiaoxing said. The company will not let us invest money endlessly. According to my observation, Mr. Pu has advanced the funds for the successful project of the production department to us in advance. It is already a gathering. The financial resources of the whole company support us in fighting with Qidian. The total investment in this wave is as high as 130 million. We must increase our market share before we spend it all! We only have one month to lose money, and the next month! We must turn losses into profits and achieve Mr. Pu’s goal.”

Libi nodded: "It's OK. Our advertising business developed very well last month. Advertisers are very interested in placing ads in our software, especially the guarantee of completion rate, which makes our advertising unit price more profitable than other software ads. According to the data I got, we take out half of the viewing advertising fee and give book coins to users, which is a very considerable amount. It is very attractive to users, and the number of new users has begun to surge again." Xiaoxing added: "Although we take out half of the money to subsidize users, users use book coins to subscribe to works, and we can also recover half of the profit from this money, which means that we earn 3/4 of this advertising fee, and only need to give 1/4 of it to the author. This book coin allows readers to recharge less, and also makes the subscription of the authors of the website generally increase a lot. Our Revenue. Increased significantly! Win-win situation. ”

Tian Gou: “Thanks to President Pu! If President Pu hadn’t said that he would give more book coins to users, I would never have thought of such a good way to realize it. It’s true that learning is life, President Pu is so strong!”

Outrageous: “Let’s talk about the 30 million. I think it’s just right to invest in the next step of our original plan and complete the starting point of overtaking faster.”

Xiaoxing and Tian Gou raised their hands at the same time: “I agree.”

Niu Zi pondered for a moment and said: “What about the plan after that? I always feel that we have a better revenue channel. It’s in my experience in Africa. What is it? Africans don’t read our online articles, so where is the opportunity?”

He felt that he was about to remember it.

When everyone was waiting for Niu Zi’s post, Tian Gou’s WeChat rang, and he looked down.

It was the goddess Xuan Xuan (170, long legs, likes to wear black silk, likes cars, and wants to be warmer when licking).

She just posted a circle of friends,

"The playground was so cold last night, my throat is uncomfortable."

When he saw that everyone was waiting, he simply took out his phone to greet the goddess Xuanxuan.

As a senior licker, he does not allow himself to have a window period.

After work, only by licking the goddess can he enrich himself.

If you lick her, you will make a lot of money, and if you don't lick her, you won't lose.

Tian Gou: "It is easiest to catch a cold when the seasons change."

"Drink more warm water."

"The weather is colder in the morning and evening, so you must pay attention to your clothes!"

"You can also drink a cup of hot milk in the morning."

"I didn't take good care of you, baby"

Goddess Xuanxuan: "No, I don't have a cold, I gave someone a blowjob last night."

Tian Gou: ( ̄口 ̄)!!

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