I really want to hit the street

Chapter 345 The Expanding Online Literature Market

The online literature market has begun to expand rapidly in the past two years.

That point was when "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" exploded in popularity and sold millions of copies.

From that day on, online novels completely broke out, introducing this culture to countless people who had never had the chance to read novels.

Office workers, delivery people, father-in-laws, workers, and many other people have been poisoned by new media novels.

It has to be said that sometimes what hinders the development of online novels is the online novel platform itself.

Their power cannot reach these potential reading customers.

They have only cultivated a paying readership of 25 million for 20 years.

It seems like a lot, but compared to the country’s population of 1.4 billion, it’s not enough to read. There is a lot of room for development of online articles!

If nothing else, since Qidian launched the big IP era, many excellent works have been adapted into TV series.

The number of broadcasts of these TV series is more than 100,000 readers who subscribe.

A popular TV series has a total viewing volume of at least 100 million, evenly spread over 40 episodes, which is also a work with an average subscription of 2.5 million.

The original work is probably just a work with an average subscription of around 10,000 yuan.

The stories in online articles are interesting enough, but TV dramas cannot express as much content as novels, and the amount of information is very low.

Online novels are very dense in terms of information and exciting points. Reading them in one afternoon is equivalent to 40 episodes of a TV series. However, many people do not have the habit of reading novels, nor do they have the channels to read novels. There are even more people who have the habit of watching TV dramas.

The emergence of new media novels has made up for the lack of traffic for online novels. They are promoted on major platforms with a large user base and put this thing in front of others, and they decide whether to read it or not.

This is also an expansion of the base for online novels.

And the number of new media readers is extremely high!

In just one year, it has surpassed the number of paying readers of all online novel platforms before.

And the potential is still huge!

The number of authors of online articles is also increasing. This is the era of the rise of online articles!

You will eventually get tired of reading new media articles.

Novice readers will eventually become experienced readers. They have higher reading needs and need more interesting works.

The simple Dragon King's son-in-law can no longer satisfy their enjoyment, and they need something more interesting.

This group of users will gradually become readers of mainstream platforms.

The number of readers of several leading online writing platforms, such as Qidian, Hengshu, and Feilu, has also been gradually increasing in the past two years.

The rise of new media novels not only does not take away their readers, but also expands the market and continuously sends more readers to these mainstream platforms to read books.

Many works on mainstream platforms are also making a lot of money through new media channels.

Qidian attaches great importance to channel novels and believes that the two parties have a win-win relationship.

Therefore, we also attach great importance to the cooperation with Zhongshan Novel and provide convenience.

Because they are not afraid of being robbed of users, the end result is that you may make money, but I will never lose money.

Not to mention the exclusive 55-percent share contract, which simply made Qidian’s top management laugh out loud.

Zhongshan Novel has indeed not taken away Qidian’s readers. Most of its users are new readers, diverted from major platforms.

The advertising strategy really works.

In particular, the monthly advertising volume of 30 million is enough for potential users to see Zhongshan Novel's advertisements several times a month.

The addition of Zhongshan Novel has once again enlarged the scope of online literature.

Moreover, the recent waves of operations of Zhongshan Novel have gradually formed a synergy, and the development speed has soared!

Pu Ding, the author of the most popular online article of the year "Infinite Time and Space", has brought his new book to Drain, and Malzaha has promoted Pu Ding's new book under his real name. It focuses on a low-price strategy and is the only novel software on the entire network that makes money by users watching advertisements. A large number of middle-level The author has joined and the entire website has a novice writing style, which is very friendly to new readers.

In terms of content control, the works of Zhongshan Novel can be said to be very down-to-earth. There are no high-quality articles like Qidian's head-turning works. Many books have a reading threshold and may not be understandable even if they are culturally poor.

This situation does not exist in Zhongshan Novel. Most of the backbone authors are veterans of Duoyu.com’s literary department. What are they best at?

Fight collectively!

A good subject, a lot of people can work on it together.

What is their style?

Pu Ding’s style of writing!

How about their updates?

Riwan is a gay!

The entire website is deeply influenced by Pu Ding.

He brought all his habits to the new website, and after other new authors came, it inexplicably started to update more.

Think about it!

You, a job-hopping author, are going to make money by writing a book at Zhongshan Novel.

Then I invested in, signed a contract, and joined the Zhongshan novel author group.

When the spelling room opened, the starting point was 10,000 words, and they were chatting with each other about who would break the room first today.

You, an author with 4,000 updates a day, are embarrassed to speak in the group.

4,000 words? It’s fish farming!

I was ridiculed by a group of authors for being short, and then I finally endured it and followed my own pace. Readers quit and asked you why everyone else updated by 10,000, but you wrote 4,000? Are you going to let people chase you? If you can write, just write; if you can’t, just drive screws!

You, your mentality is broken.

Then he cried bitterly and vowed to beg the audience not to leave, and immediately started to update.

You started getting thousands of dollars, and in exchange for the affirmation of the author's friends, and the affirmation of the readers, it appeared more frequently in the "Recent Updates" on the homepage, and the number of new readers doubled.

Your editor also decides to push your work more and more, and the results will get better and better.

At the end of the month, because you were gradually losing weight every month, you cried with joy when you saw the royalties that were twice as high as 4,000 per day. You didn’t expect that you could do this, and after receiving these royalties, you could no longer Accept half of the royalties back.

Gradually, you become the appearance of Zhongshan novel

Zhongshan novels are now filled with this kind of culture.

Readers have also been tricked and have high requirements for the number of words to be updated every day. Even a small number of people downloaded Qidian after reading Zhongshan Novel, and finally found that they were completely unsuited to the writing style and rhythm there, so they came back again.

Readers have also become the shape of Zhongshan’s novels

Under the control of Li Ke, Xiao Xing, and Tian Gou, Zhongshan Novel recruited authors to write books even if it was losing money.

After originally borrowing Qidian's library, due to the efforts of so many volume authors, my own library has gradually become thicker.

After I published more books, I made more and more money.

With the injection of large sums of money, Zhongshan Novel has never lacked a library since its launch, and users have always stayed in their software.

Coupled with the operation of more than a hundred WeChat public accounts and reading accounts, this platform with the largest traffic in China has also attracted a group of users of its own, and captured users with the works of their own website that are significantly higher than the quality of other public accounts!

Reading articles about the miracle cure for a son-in-law every day would make other people tired of it!

Readers' tastes are gradually evolving.

If any website thinks that new media readers will always like a certain kind of article, it is not far from death!

While other new media articles are still digging into urban pretentious articles, Zhongshan Novel’s sign-in article has already penetrated the new media market!

Zhongshan Novel’s books have also opened up major new media channels, and their online game articles, check-in articles, simulator articles, and survival articles have all been published!

Killing indiscriminately!

The four-person team from the literary department of Duoyu.com has decided to push their novel to the next stage.


After three months of development, their first batch of books has reached about 800,000 words, and the more recent ones even have works of one million words.

The subsequent new books ranged from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of words, and many passerby authors who came here because of the reputation also started writing works of different types.

Products are gradually enriched.

It’s time to let Qidian’s works withdraw from traffic and let the website make money with its own books!

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