I really want to hit the street

Chapter 346: De-initiation

Duoyu Company, conference room.

Niu Zi thought for a long time but didn't say anything, always feeling that he was missing some inspiration.

Tian Gou was stunned for a moment after seeing the message sent by the goddess, and replied: "Baby, remember to brush your teeth after giving someone a blowjob next time."

The ultimate secret of a licking dog. If you are tired, I can help push.

Tian Gou thought that he would not marry these goddesses anyway, and if he maintained them well, it might be his turn one day.

Licking them on WeChat doesn't cost anything.

He sent a greeting emoticon to the other two goddesses.

A goddess Mengmeng who had a good chat with him suddenly replied: "Tian Gou, I went to the dentist yesterday."

Tian Gou: "Ah? What's wrong, baby, are your teeth uncomfortable?"

"Drink more hot water and eat less sweets."

"Cleaning your teeth regularly, don't eat anything randomly. Wait!"

Tian Gou's face suddenly turned pale.

"You won't give it to others."

Goddess Mengmeng: "Ah, the dentist told me that the situation is very urgent and needs to be extracted urgently."

Tian Gou felt relieved, fortunately it wasn't

"Okay, baby, then remember to go and extract it early, and I'll go to school to see you after get off work."

Goddess Mengmeng: "Hehe~ You deserve to be single!"

Tian Gou: "???"

He looked at the goddess who had not replied to his WeChat, and was a little confused.

"Why are you still scolding me? A dog licker can't have a partner, don't you know?"

Although he has licked so many goddesses, and even licked several successfully, he has never had a partner, which will affect his licking other goddesses.


Tian Gou continued the meeting.

Lipu pointed at the blackboard and said, "Then let's arrange the third phase of work! How to de-Qidianize? For the same book, we can earn half of the money from the books on our own website, while we can only earn 1/4 from the books on Qidian. We are half the difference. Half of our best-selling books are works from Qidian. If these sales are evenly distributed to our own books, the profit this month can increase by more than 10 million, and we are very close to breaking even." Xiaoxing added, "Obviously, it is impossible to completely de-Qidianize. We have a large number of users who need Qidian's books to maintain, so Lipu and I have come up with a way to push our books to new users while maintaining the reading continuity of current users. This requires an interface upgrade of our novel software!" "The works recommended on the homepage are only books on our website! If new readers want to find books after reading the books they are directed to, the first thing they see is all books on our website. This will allow us to keep most of the traffic attracted by advertising on our works, and then open another secondary category of "Qidian Boutique" and make another set of recommendations, which will all contain Qidian's works. In this way, if readers like Qidian-style works, they can completely read them in this category. "If we do this, we will let new readers read our books first and spend money on our books, and we will not lose readers who like Qidianshu's works. It's a win-win situation!" Tian Gou nodded: "Yes, I can see from the background data recently that more and more new readers have entered our software. These are not only attracted by our advertisements, but also many are from tap water. Or recommended by friends, and downloaded from the app store rankings." "By the way! Speaking of friend recommendations, since we have Mr. Pu's 30 million, why don't we do an invitation like the advertising gift coins. What about rewards? As long as you invite others to register our software, you can get a lot of book coins. If friends subscribe to chapters, watch ads, and recharge, they will give corresponding rewards to old users. In this way, our third phase of expansion will be faster! Let's continue our free reading policy! "

Libi clapped his hands: "Okay! Then the 30 million will be divided into three parts: 10 million will be used to push online game articles to users of WeChat official accounts, 10 million will be used to buy traffic and dig authors for Zhongshan Novels, and 10 million will be used for old and new rewards. When the number of users increases, we will make a profit next month!"

After a few people discussed it, they did it.

All the people in the online literature department started to move.

In December, the authors who had been authorized by Qidian to Zhongshan Novels were all happy.

After the settlement of the manuscript fee last month, the third batch of authorized people laughed so hard.

After watching other authors pretending to be cool for two months, it was finally their turn to have a bite of the cake.

And the excellent works with better data will make more money!

Especially fast-paced articles with dense excitement points.

For middle and high-level authors like Gengshuang and Jige, the channel royalties last month reached 20,000+, which is very good.

Although it is not as high as Qidian.com, it is free!

Who would give him more than 20,000 yuan for no reason?

Qidian.com Group 2 Authors.

Gengshuang: "To be honest, brothers who have not opened a channel should open one quickly. You will make money if you can get this wave of traffic. I opened one last month. The royalties of this site have not been affected, but I made more than 20,000 yuan from the channel."

Yeying Lianji: "It's like this. Take advantage of the high traffic of Zhongshan Novels to make a fortune. I feel that it will not be so high in the future. Open it early and enjoy it early."

Uncle Tian next door: "Queshi, I have been eating money for 3 months. Although it was only 6,000 yuan last month, it is still good. As long as it is hanging, there will be a lot of money every month."

Binghuo: "Giao! I only had 10,000 last month. I will soon become a waste like Lao Tian. It's so uncomfortable. It's falling."

Uncle Tian next door: "??? You are fucking."

Rumor has it: "Hey, hey, hey! I made an objective analysis and found out that there were more books opened last month, so the book recommendations are differentiated, and the traffic is not so concentrated. In the future, there will definitely be works with better quality. The more channel royalties there are.”

Magic Conch: "Let me add, it should be that the more the works conform to the taste of readers there, the more profitable they will be. My hard-core science fiction book can be ordered at Qidian 2000, but the channel fee for a month there is only 300, so I'm crying!"

In short, everyone’s channel royalties have fluctuated this month. Especially after the works of great masters entered the market, many of them received good royalties. Some works with poor initial quality or that did not meet Xiaobai’s reading style had very low channel royalties.

Of course, there are also examples of books with poor Qidian data that made a lot of money because their style was liked by Zhongshan Novel readers.

The authors have also reached a consensus that whether you can make money by opening channels is like Schrödinger's cat.

We will only know next month when the channel is opened.

However, if you don’t open channels, you won’t have money. If you open channels, you will make some money.

Then why not open it?

The author of Qidian has regarded Zhongshan Novel as a good brother of Qidian. Many people are also clamoring for Qidian to simply acquire this website. Then they will promote the works on their own website. Wouldn't it be flattering?

Of course, they don't know that the reason why everyone's royalties are so considerable is because Zhongshan Novel is burning money like crazy and is still unable to make ends meet.

In mid-December.

The interface of Zhongshan Novel has been revised. The recommended pages that can be seen at first glance are all the works of the authors of the own website, while Qidian's works become a separate secondary interface.

Traffic from new users is transferred to the website itself.

The old-bred-new policy and free coins for watching advertisements have also become a paradise for book lovers.

New users.Significant growth!

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