I really want to hit the street

Chapter 380 Duoyu Company just wants to beat everyone here to death, or be beaten to death by everyo

After driving Zhao Si away, Mr. Pu had a lot of ideas.

Since he himself can't think of any good projects that will make Duoyu Company lose money, then it's better to let other peers suppress Duoyu Company. As long as they sanction Duoyu Company like Qidian, then their business will be greatly reduced, and won't they lose money in the end?

Duoyu Tingshu has a lot of voice actors and audio bloggers who write columns. Once the business declines, the fixed costs and current costs will crush their current modest profits, and they will have to lose money in the end. .

Many seemingly brilliant companies died step by step like this.

For example, Best Express has not heard from him for a long time.

He was silently squeezed by a bunch of peers until he was about to go bankrupt, and was recently acquired by Jitu Express.

Because the huge operating network he established when he was prosperous did not have so many express mails to send, and the money he earned was not enough to pay the staff, he naturally could not continue to work.

However, he still had his own express delivery network and site that could be used. After being acquired by the outside company Jitu, the two were merged into one and reborn under a different name.

But Mr. Pu only needs to learn from the failure experience of Best Express in the first half.

Suppressed by peers to the point of bankruptcy.

Duoyu Tingshu is currently growing bigger and bigger, with more and more products and columns. Everyone is very optimistic about this platform, so the content will naturally increase.

In addition to providing subsidies to the authors of individual columns, the website also gives additional large subsidies to some experts, such as the maternal and child channel columns, which means paying a lot of money to hire people to do the columns.

Even if you can’t make money, you still have to give money to others.

Therefore, as long as Duoyu Tingshu is suppressed and many companies occupy the market space, it will inevitably lead to losses year after year.

The same is true for Zhongshan novels!

They signed a large number of mid-level authors and gave them high-guaranteed contracts. No matter whether so many people read it or not, the amount of money they should give to the authors cannot be less.

Qidian later joined many authors, and many chose to sign guaranteed contracts.

This is very common for a new novel website.

Give the author a clear income through a guaranteed contract, and then people will try to come to you to write. Otherwise, who knows what will happen after a few months of writing.

The same is true for previous Yuedu novels.

Therefore, once the total revenue of Zhongshan Novel drops, it will inevitably lead to the website losing money!

It’s not about making less money, it’s about losing money directly!

"This time we clearly rejected Qidian's olive branch. Then the pressure will definitely come next. I really look forward to how much pressure the industry boss can put on us."

According to the current situation, both companies will benefit from a merger.

Accepting Penguin's shareholding, and then ensuring his control over the company, the two parties cooperated to build momentum to promote the listing of Zhongshan Novel, and together they drove up the price of B, uh, the stock price, and in the end both parties made a fortune.

This is how a beautiful novel capital operation case is completed.

Very classic.

Mr. Pu's 51% stake may then be worth several times more than all the shares now.

Qidian will also make a lot of money, and then integrate the resources of both parties to jointly lay out the novel industry, and make Zhongshan novels the endorsement of its own foreign channels and domestic self-operated channels, enriching its own plate.

But they never imagined that Mr. Pu didn’t want to make money at all!

Letting him make money means killing him!

"Then as long as we find a few more powerful opponents for the company, I will definitely lose money if I don't have to do any new projects this cycle!"

Mr. Pu shouted: "Assistant Qi! Give me a list of the capital companies that have recently contacted us, and also include their industries."

The afternoon of the 8th.

Mr. Pu began to make random calls to these capitals that offered them an olive branch.

"Hello? Is it the Yuanshan Group? Oh, I haven't changed my mind. I just wanted to say it. The software you invested in before called Xiaoqingying Audiobook is really good. Our Duoyu Audiobook is missing several sites. I'm sorry. Let me put it bluntly, your investment team should have contacted Duoyu Tingshu as soon as possible. At that time, it was impossible to accept it. Now that we are full-fledged, who can control me in Tingshu? Who else!"

"Hey! Is this Baoli Investment? I am the boss of Zhongshan Novel and Zhongshan International. I think the thing you talked to me about before about building an overseas online literature cultural ecosystem is very interesting, but I decided not to take you there. I'll do it myself. What if I send you a red envelope when I succeed? It doesn't matter if we don't have any money or no one? It's so funny! We Zhongshan Novel has such a good foundation now, so we can just do it casually, why do we need you to get a share of the pie? If you have the ability, you can make a Zhongshan novel on your own."




"Hey! Tengda Group? Who am I? I'm Mr. Pu from Duoyu Company! Don't you want to acquire our novel website? What? That's not the case?"

Mr. Pu looked at the list. The phone number of Tengda Group below was the one he saw in the advertisement on the website before and made a mistake.

"Oh, okay, does your company plan to build a novel website? Already have one? Oh, I saw it, it's rubbish."

Mr. Pu hung up the phone and was in a happy mood.

After making these calls, I offended 8 investment companies with countless industries under their subsidiaries. If there is any move, Duoyu Company will be shaken!

Let alone 8 companies, let alone 1. If you target multi-fish companies, you will have to make it difficult for them to move.

This is capital! Businesses can easily reach hundreds of millions or billions.

8. Fatal dose.

On this day, investors from eight well-known domestic investment companies had questions on their minds.

Whether they invest in shares or make acquisitions, they all recognize Duoyu Company’s Zhongshan Novels and Duoyu Tingshu. They believe that these two pillar industries of Duoyu Company can help them make money and have bright future prospects.

Then the move was made after the company's shareholders voted.

Mr. Pu’s operation is tantamount to provoking them all at the same time!

If you don't accept it, you won't accept it, and you will mock them.

The CEO of Yuanshan Group looked gloomy after hearing the phone recording brought by his assistant.

"Does the boss of this small company really think that his business is impeccable? I can randomly pick out a few Internet companies under my command to be much more profitable than them. Do you think he is really careless or has something else? picture?"

The shrewd assistant said: "You don't know."

Miao Gong, the CEO of Yuanshan Group, crossed his hands: "Haha~ I'm not stupid either. I don't believe that the boss of this company really has the guts to challenge me. Find out who is behind him and dares to come to our Yuanshan Group. medicine."

After the assistant left, Miao Gong smiled: "No one has dared to fight head-on for a long time. The market seems to have been peaceful for too long, and we have forgotten how our Yuanshan Group made our fortune."

At the same time, the top management of Qidian Group also received the message brought back by Zhao Si: Mr. Pu is an iron-headed boy and will not cooperate at all.

Xingchen pondered all afternoon and held a board meeting overnight.

The next day, a report titled "About Building Qidian International Network and Laying Out Overseas IP" was released. Like a shark that saw the smell of blood, this behemoth pounced on it quickly.

Some of the other seven investment companies were irritated by the arrogant Duoyu Company and were ready to show off this short-sighted junior, while some did not take it seriously and thought it was a joke.

Nowadays, what everyone pays attention to in doing business is to be friendly and make money. If you don't cooperate, you don't need to mock the other person. What boss would do this kind of thing that is only harmful to the company but not beneficial?


Mr. Pu called again the next day to confirm whether there were any results yesterday, and increased the measurement without taking it seriously.

"Today, our Duoyu Company just wants to beat everyone here to death, or be beaten to death by you!"

The image of a villain with no limits to his ambition.

Suddenly, major investment companies were furious!

So outrageous!

This small company must be punished! Let him know that capital is the top of the food chain in this world!

Whenever a company goes bankrupt, there will inevitably be internal and external troubles.

"Now that the external troubles have been dealt with, how can we cause internal troubles?" Mr. Pu was going to walk around the company to see if there was any way to dampen the enthusiasm of his subordinates.

Carry forward the core philosophy of Duoyu Company.

"By the way, I've finished settling the accounts, and it's time to settle the accounts with these people who took the lead in backstabbing."

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