Duoyu company conference room.

"What is the core philosophy of our company?" Xiaoxing asked.

In front of him was a row of college students. Although they had been employed for almost half a year, no one had ever taken a corporate culture class with them.

In view of the fact that Zhongshan Novel turned a profit last month and its business is now rising steadily, Mr. Pu paid out bonuses and recognized their efforts.

At this time, the pressure on my head is not so great.

There are people in charge of operations. Xiaoxing took the time to convey the corporate culture to these employees and explain to the newcomers what Mr. Pu taught him openly and secretly.

Some college students were hesitant to speak.

They wanted to say something, but they felt it wasn't necessarily right, and the company didn't have paper documents for them to see, so they were naturally hesitant.

Xiaoxing pointed at a girl casually: "Xiaoliu, tell me."

The girl said: "I think it's unity? After I came to the company, I felt that everyone was very united. We could complete any work together. The seniors explained it to us without any complaints. The working environment was great. I am a person with a bit of social anxiety. , In our company, people are more and more talkative. I think this is the power of unity, right?”

Xiaoxing nodded and did not answer. Instead, he pointed at the other man and motioned for him to talk.

"Um, hello, Manager Xiaoxing. I've been here for a few months, and I think it might be efficiency, right? Managers and colleagues in human resources administration often monitor everyone's overtime work, which invisibly increases our sense of tension. At 5 o'clock, we start work If I don’t finish my work, I will feel inferior to others, and I will feel ashamed when I leave the company. I will reflect on it at night, and arrange every minute of my work time more rationally the next day, and handle things more efficiently. After I came to Duoyu Company Procrastination has been eliminated. Maybe this is our corporate culture?”

Xiaoxing still nodded and motioned for the third person to speak.

After repeating this several times, everyone has their own answer.

Xiaoxing said happily: "You have been able to understand so many things in the five months since you came to the company, which is rare. This proves that you have been infected by the corporate culture of Duoyu Company. I heard a senior say before, A good corporate culture can motivate employees and allow everyone to consciously comply with and apply it to improve work efficiency and quality, while a low corporate culture can only exist in the employee induction manual and morning meeting slogans. "

"And I think there is a third type, the top corporate culture. That is no corporate culture."

"Just like the swordsman in martial arts novels, when you practice to the extreme, there is no sword in your hand, just a leaf or a flower, and everything around you can be used as a sword."

"This kind of corporate culture is to allow every employee to feel something different and find something that suits them, because everything in the company is carefully arranged, even if there is not a single line telling you: This is our company corporate culture, but you can just feel that this corporate culture can make every employee become a better version of themselves.”

"And this is the corporate culture of Duoyu Company, which is inclusive of everything. Pu Pingping's guidance is put together. It is the soul of our company's corporate culture and helps everyone become a better version of themselves."

For a time, all the students were mesmerized.

"I see."

"I originally thought that going to work would be a boring thing, but when I came here, I was doing pioneering work every day. So many people worked hard together. They were not working to satisfy the boss or manager's personal preferences, but to satisfy the personal preferences of the boss or manager. It’s great to work hard to get something done! I wouldn’t even want to leave work so early if possible!”

"Indeed. Not only did the intense and exciting work during the day not make me feel tired, but I also cherished my time even more when I went back in the evening. I had a great time playing games, and I felt fulfilled every day."

"Oh, by the way! The wallet is also full."

At this point, everyone laughed.

As senior interns, they know very well what the word "intern" means.


Naked exploitation!

The bosses of those companies outside will not give them corresponding remuneration for their labor at all, it is pitifully low!

For 50 yuan a day, you can't recruit migrant workers, but you can recruit a large number of senior interns.

There are even some grievances who offer money to find internships!

During the same period, people who joined Duoyu Company are now considered the best in the eyes of their classmates!

A true master!

Many singles found girlfriends because they worked at Duoyu Company, and thus became a hostess in a hotel, ending their handjob career that lasted for more than three years.

Tian Gou has been licking more and more goddesses recently. Some people even heard that he works as a manager in Zhongshan novels, drives his boss's Maybach, and even takes the initiative to lick his!

It made him a little unaccustomed to it, and he no longer had the same interest as before.

Very realistic!

You must know that the people recruited by Duoyu Company are more or less not very talkative, and they are not top students in the traditional sense. Some of them are even very weird, and no one wants to play with them.

Even if they have a certain skill, it is difficult for them to find a good job, and most of them are not very happy.

Because they don’t fight for their own interests, form cliques, fight in offices, lick their superiors, and don’t understand the ways of the world.

They only understand that if you value me, I will work hard for you. Job-hopping? nonexistent.

Xiaoxing gave a long lecture on corporate culture and felt much more at ease.

'In the future, these will be the backbone employees of Duoyu Company. It is not enough for us old people to make money for Mr. Pu. Mr. Pu will not be satisfied with the current speed. The only way is to tap more outstanding talents like Tian Gou. Only by doing this can we truly fulfill Mr. Pu’s belief and make Duoyu Company bigger and stronger. ’

After the meeting ended, Xiaoxing felt a chill on her back.

Then when he saw the students pointing at his back, a bad mood suddenly spread throughout his body.

He turned around and saw that it was Tian Gou.

"Harm! Tian Gou, you scared me, I thought"

"What do you think? I'm also a college student in the Internet Literature Department! Editor Xiaoxing didn't teach with me? I'm so angry!"

"Ah this." Xiaoxing was speechless.

After finishing the matter here, Xiaoxing and Tian Gou returned to the desk where the four of them discussed matters.

Start planning the next phase of Zhongshan Novel and Zhongshan International.

Mr. Pu happened to walk over and asked casually: "How are you doing? Have you had any difficulties recently?"

When Xiaoxing saw this, she instinctively stepped back, stood behind everyone, and listened quietly to Mr. Pu's speech.

Record it secretly and try to analyze it.

Mr. Pu looked at the increasingly busy work of the Internet and Literature Department, as well as the recent repeated overtime work, and said: "Well, you have a lot of business, and the two domestic and foreign websites are doing a lot of work. It's time to add more staff to you. I'll give it to you later. Recruit some 'high-quality' new people."

Increase the fixed expenses of the Internet and Literature Department, resulting in inability to make ends meet.

There is a lot of work now, but when Qidian and other capital come to suppress it and attract traffic away, there will be no work left.

By then, everyone will definitely be fishing if they have nothing to do!

Isn't it wonderful to spend a large amount of extra employees' wages and drive the entire department to fish?

After giving some pointers, Mr. Pu went back.

The other three people naturally focused their attention on Xiaoxing.

At this time, Xiaoxing held her head high and walked towards the stage from behind: "As for Mr. Pu's instructions just now, let me roughly translate them."

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