I really want to hit the street

Chapter 382 Shock! Xiaoxing is actually the biggest backstabber in the company!

There is a consensus in the Internet Literature Department: Only Editor Xiaoxing can understand Mr. Pu’s will most thoroughly.

Even if others analyze some of the reasoning behind it, they still have to check with Xiaoxing to see if there is anything they don't understand.

At this time, as soon as Mr. Pu left, Xiaoxing began to help "translate".

Chinese translation.

"Mr. Pu said he would add people to our online and literary department. He is obviously very satisfied with our current model and is willing to let us copy it, strive to open up a larger market, and earn more advertising and subscription fees."

"Furthermore, Mr. Pu said that he would add more people, but he did not specify which talents to add. Let me make a bold guess here. In addition to the talents who officially work in our company, Mr. Pu also wants to bring in the translators from Zhongshan International. , signed a long-term contract and became our official non-staff personnel to ensure the needs of our overseas business expansion.”

"Thereby...making more money for the company."

After a brief analysis, Xiaoxing felt that it could help colleagues understand it clearly.

At this time, Niu Zi suddenly asked: "Editor Xiaoxing, last time you analyzed what Mr. Pu meant when he said that we should build overseas sites for free?"

Xiaoxing blurted out: "Free is the biggest payment! Mr. Pu said that we should be free, so of course he asked us to imitate the advertising sharing model of domestic Zhongshan novels and build Zhongshan International into a seemingly free but actually profitable website. This... we are not Have you already done this? Why do you ask so suddenly?”

Niu Zi looked at the stalwart figure behind Xiaoxing and nodded with satisfaction.

Finally, Xiaoxing editor’s contribution is no longer unknown.

What he did should be known to President Pu. He should know that there is still a person in the company who always takes it as his responsibility to implement President Pu's will. He can peel off the cocoons every time to find the way that President Pu really wants them to do.

Every time, I will bring everyone together to make money for the company!

He doesn't show his merit every time and just stands in the shadow of the company burning out.

Mr. Pu should know about his achievements!

Seeing Niu Zi's eyes, Xiaoxing suddenly realized something, and a slight chill came from the back of his neck.


Xiaoxing turned her head stiffly. Mr. Pu, who had already left, had returned and was standing behind him like black coal.

An instinctive feeling came to my heart.


Something bad is going to happen!

Although she doesn't know why, Xiaoxing always feels that she should avoid being in the limelight at Duoyu Company, otherwise some very bad things will happen, such as traveling to Africa.

His skin is delicate and his stomach is not good. A foreign country is definitely not a vacation. Being acclimatized can kill half of his life.

And Mr. Pu has a unique emotion for Africa, so he must never let himself be in the spotlight and be discovered by Mr. Pu.

And at this time.

Mr. Pu nodded, nodded, and nodded again.


Got it all!

It all makes sense!

As soon as he returned to the office, he thought about the fact that he had not arranged for several giants from the Internet Literature Department to go on a trip. When he turned around and came back, he heard Xiaoxing's "high talk" and wildly misinterpreted his instructions!

"Okay, great! Xiaoxing, Xiaoxing, I really didn't expect that it was you who proposed the Zhongshan International advertising payment."

If advertising payment had not been implemented abroad, he would have converted at least more than 100 million more!

This is equivalent to Xiaoxing taking a sledgehammer and demolishing his Kyoto courtyard house with his own hands! ! !

"It's not Mr. Pu, I..." Xiaoxing was about to argue when Tian Gou patted him on the shoulder and stood up bravely: "Mr. Pu, what are you talking about!"

Xiaoxing's heart felt warm. Sure enough, his teammates were still reliable at this time. As long as he shared the firepower with him and made everyone work together, he could continue to lurk and silently contribute to the company.

Africa is OK. Just leave it to others!

Tian Gou is really my good brother! Once this calamity is over, I will definitely ask you to play string.

Tian Gou gave Xiaoxing a reassuring look and continued: "Mr. Pu, you are wrong. Not only is Zhongshan International's advertising payment, our Zhongshan Novel's first advertising payment idea is editor Xiaoxing's from your It was analyzed in the guidance!”

small star:"."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Pu subconsciously looked towards the other two people.

Li Ke and Niu Zi gave them affirmative looks.

Weibo even added: "In fact, for Zhongshan Novel to get to where we are today, Mr. Pu, your big strategy is the most important, but without Editor Xiaoxing's analysis, it would be difficult for us to understand the full intention of each of your strategies. Let alone complete implementation.”

small star:"."

Mr. Pu nodded outwardly, but secretly his fists hardened.

"No wonder. No wonder you all make money no matter how I guide you. It's all thanks to you, Xiaoxing! What do you think I should reward you with?"

Xiaoxing didn't know why, but she heard a trace of murderous intent in Mr. Pu's praise.

"Well, there's no need for that, right? Mr. Pu, I'm very satisfied with my current treatment."

"No, no, no, you must have a reward! A reward that is different from others!"

Mr. Pu was shocked and angry!

Unexpectedly, the "top ten employees" he always thought of were actually the biggest backstabbers in the company!

Every time, he takes the lead in misinterpreting his own instructions, dragging the company step by step into the abyss of making money!

Fish monster (×)

The deep hidden struggle (√)

On a hot day, Mr. Pu was so angry that he was trembling slightly and sweating profusely.

It turns out that the reason for the company's profitability that he has been searching for is actually around him!

He is still the person he trusts the most!


In all the civil and military officials of the dynasty, no one was loyal!

Seeing Mr. Pu and Xiao Xing "friendly" discussing how to give rewards, the other three people in the Internet Literature Department laughed heartily. They finally let Mr. Pu know everything Editor Xiao Xing did, so they no longer had to be unknown heroes. .

At this moment, they felt that they were all sublimated.

Do your best for your colleagues!

If placed in other companies, that would be unbelievable. If you don’t take credit from others, you already have quality, let alone taking the initiative to claim credit for your colleagues. That’s not making yourself uncomfortable!

But the person involved, Xiaoxing, just felt bad!

Although he thinks he is doing everything right and certainly agrees with Mr. Pu’s wishes, Mr. Pu’s rewards may not be something he can accept.

He has been avoiding this kind of thing from happening. After all, what he loves most is online writing. As long as he is allowed to work in this department and take Zhongshan Novel to take off step by step, he will be satisfied.

After the two sides faced off for a while, Mr. Pu was so angry that his teeth itched.

What else should such an employee do?

I can't bear it anymore! ! !

"Xiaoxing, starting from today, you are no longer in the online literature department. You are fired!"

After hearing Mr. Pu's words, Xiaoxing's mind was buzzing and she didn't react at all.

The other three were also stunned.

Mr. Pu: I have a showdown! I just want to show off! I can't tolerate this kind of hidden struggle to make money for me in the company, I can't

[Beep~ Warning! It is detected that the host violates the basic employment logic and has a tendency to become corrupted. Electric shock level 1 is being prepared]

[PS: It is recommended that the host find a place where no one is around, otherwise it will be very embarrassing if he becomes incontinent in front of the employees. 】

Mr. Pu: “!!!”

Mr. Pu suddenly felt that it was not completely intolerable.

He immediately said: "Xiaoxing was fired from Duoyu Company and officially established Duoyu Company. You will be the boss of the subsidiary!"

At this time, several others suddenly realized.

It turns out that Mr. Pu’s reward is actually this!

Mr. Pu watched the system's warning slowly dissipate from his eyes, feeling relieved.

so close

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