I really want to hit the street

Chapter 398 Temporary Workers

Xingchen did not call Xiao Hua in the end.

He had vomited blood and was hospitalized.

Xingchen wanted to get angry at him but couldn't find anyone, and was so angry that he almost suffered internal injuries.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m really in poor health, or I’m just taking the opportunity to recuperate.

With such a big mess revealed, Xiao Hua, who was so confident before, no longer has the face to show up at Qidian.

Xingchen did not notify the director who brought Xiao Hua in before, but directly told his assistant: "Let him resign on his own."

As time passes, public opinion outside is fierce. This matter has become a hot topic, and everyone is waiting for Qidian’s official response.

Xingchen was alone in the office, looking at the high-end lights above his head.

"Although Xiao Hua did something wrong, his three strategies did not pose any threat to Zhongshan Novel. They were all calculated by others."

"Pu Jie, Pu Ding, Mr. Pu? What kind of person are you?"

Xingchen felt a huge pressure coming from the distant Kyoto, shrouding him.

Zhongshan Novel is the biggest challenge he has encountered since taking office.

He thought for a long time and made a few phone calls.

Then arrange for public relations to come forward to clarify.

The next day, Qidian officially responded!

The main contents include the following three points:

1. The person in the video is indeed Xiao Hua, but... he is a temporary employee of Qidian. He has been with Qidian for less than a month and is in the probation period. He has not officially joined Qidian Group and his actions have not been approved by Qidian. The top management allowed it because he wanted to become a full-time employee sooner. Qidian had no knowledge of this and had already fired Xiao Hua, a temporary worker, and would never hire him again.

2. Although Zhongshan Novel was not harmed, Qidian still wants to apologize to Zhongshan Novel and express its sincere apology for this incident. In addition, the two parties have always been friendly partners (attached are screenshots of the contract between the two parties and Zhongshan The "Qidian Boutique" interface of the novel, as well as several popular novels by Zhongshan International are Qidian works). This incident was completely Xiao Hua's personal behavior, which seriously affected the relationship between the two parties and the strategy of Qidian Company. Going in the opposite direction, Qidian hopes to continue to deepen cooperation with Zhongshan Novel in the future, jointly build a prosperous Internet literature, and export Chinese online novels to the world.

3. Qidian will strengthen internal self-examination in the future and will not allow similar things to happen again. Netizens are welcome to supervise and report

The announcement was sound and convincing.

As expected of Qidian’s public relations, it is indeed of a high standard.

He decisively admitted his mistake, but transferred the conflict to himself, and emphasized the close cooperative relationship between Qidian and Zhongshan, saying that netizens should stop watching the show, as our two families are good buddies who make money together.

Netizens left messages under Qidian’s official video.

"Temporary workers? I believed your lies! How come they are temporary workers when something happens? I feel sick when I see these three words now. Please don't blame everything on temporary workers, okay? Temporary workers are digging into your home Ancestor’s grave?”

"Qidian can still clearly recognize the situation and know that he is wrong. Which company doesn't have a few bad apples? I usually use these two websites for reading books. Qidian has a close cooperation with Zhongshan Novel, and the library of both parties is still there. There are a lot of similarities, just deal with this Xiao Hua, everyone should be rational and exercise restraint."

"I have one thing to say. I feel that Zhongshan Novel has not come out to speak out, so we should stop representing it. From now on, Zhongshan Novel will still have to rely on Qidian to make a living. The best solution for both parties is to stop the matter."

"Oh, I always feel like the water is very deep inside, but I can't see clearly. Does anyone know what's going on between these two websites?"

——Reply: "I do know a lot of inside information about this matter. Since you asked, I will just say a few words. As for my identity, you only need to understand it. In short, this matter, this is the situation now, specifically Well, everyone can see it. Because of this identity issue, I have to say a few words. Maybe you don’t understand it very clearly, but the meaning is that, even if you don’t know my identity. There's no need to guess, I've seen this kind of thing a lot, I just want to say that everyone understands it, and I won't explain it to those who don't understand it. After all, just know it yourself, and don't ask me what's wrong, interests are involved. It’s too big. It’s not good for you or me to talk too much. Just pretend that you don’t know. The rest I can only say that the water is very deep and involves many things. It is difficult for you to find the details yourself. Most of them are already online. Deleted cleanly.”



In short, after Qidian apologized, the matter came to an end for the time being. After all, neither party suffered any substantial losses.

Moreover, Zhongshan Novel officials did not come out to speak out.

Today's netizens are much more sensible than before. They don't just take one side of things and wait for the bullets to fly.

If you want any opinions or insights, it’s okay to wait until Zhongshan Novel speaks out.

But in Zhongshan novel, there is no movement.

Mr. Pu didn't even know about such a thing until he was watching the short video.

After reading the whole incident, he had a question mark on his face.

"What the hell? When did Qidian fuck me? Why didn't I feel it?"

Three consecutive question marks.

Mr. Pu was really frustrated.

These days, he has been waiting for Qidian's attack, and the longer he waits, the happier he becomes!

Because after accumulating power for such a long time, the next blow will definitely be earth-shattering!

It’s written like this in novels.

He thought he was surviving the calm before the storm, but the truth was that Qidian was over before he even felt it.

After being silent in the office for a long time, Mr. Pu slowly uttered two words: "That's it?"

Before he could lie down, the other party had already lost strength and died.

What the hell is this?

Mr. Pu originally planned to wait for Qidian's attack. He cooperated within the Duoyu Company, working together internally and externally to destroy Zhongshan Novel, and lost a lot of money without anyone noticing!

Who would have thought that the boss is a traitor!

But now Qidian has given up.

"I can't accept it! I can't accept it! What the hell is this! Which 'enthusiastic netizen' exposed it! It's so shameless! I curse your little umbrella for leaks!"

"No! Could it be?"

Mr. Pu immediately called Assistant Qi.

"Let me ask everyone if the person who stirred up trouble is from our company. Well, I don't have any other intention. The main thing is to give an explanation to the society."

Assistant Qi: "Understood!"

After she walked out of the office, she called Fang Ke directly: "You didn't do this Qidian thing, did you?"

Fang Ke: "Uh, maybe, right?"

Assistant Qi: "You remember wrongly. You have been familiar with the data center business and have no time to do it. Do you understand?"

Fang Ke: "I understand."

Assistant Qi nodded and called the Duoyu Public Relations Department: "I have issued a statement that Zhongshan Novel has no knowledge of this video recording issue and is very surprised by it. We and Qidian are good partners. There must be something wrong." The villain is causing trouble and obstructing the friendly cooperative relationship between the two websites. We will continue to cooperate in the future as we do now."

After hanging up the phone, Assistant Qi nodded with satisfaction.

"Finally completed Mr. Pu's arrangement and gave an explanation to society."

As the assistant to the president, she certainly knew what to do at this time, which was not to admit that the video was released by Zhongshan Novel.

Don't ask, just ask a certain netizen who is an enthusiastic hacker.

As for Mr. Pu, does he know if it was done by one of his own? Haha~ Assistant Qi certainly won’t doubt Mr. Pu’s IQ.

Obviously, Mr. Pu knew.

The matter has come to an end for the time being, and Zhongshan Novel has attracted a group of new customers through the victims of this incident, which is a blessing in disguise.

But Qidian headquarters is not peaceful.

Xiao Hua's failure is not the end.

Qidian’s overall strategy of overseas expansion will not change, and Zhongshan Novel is still a stumbling block in front of them.

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