I really want to hit the street

Chapter 399 Chapter 398: Cooperation between inside and outside

On the third day after the Xiao Hua incident, Qidian quietly offlined the author's agreement to operate the Zhongshan novel channel.

In other words, books after Qidian can no longer be published online from Zhongshan Novel.

They cannot withdraw the books that have been signed so far, but they can restrict other unsigned works so that Zhongshan Novel can no longer use Qidian’s high-quality books to enter the overseas market.

You must know that the foundation of Zhongshan Novels is still a bit poor, and it is not enough to support them in continuing to deliver high-quality novels overseas.

Once the novels currently serialized in Zhongshan International are completed, they will face the dilemma of a significant drop in the quality of the books.

At that time, it will be time for Qidian International to rise.

Isn’t it just translation? Qidian spends his own money to train a group of language college students!

Is it okay to raise it for a few months before coming out to work?

Zhongshan Novel discovered something was wrong after a day without a new signed book in its library, and soon learned the news.


The management of Zhongshan Novel is angry!

The supervisor said angrily: "That's too much! On the surface, he admits his mistake, but in fact, he is still evil! Everyone knows that Qidian is Sima Zhao's heart now! Didn't they just see that we, Zhongshan International, made a little money, and grabbed it faster than them? A foreign market? They actually unilaterally broke the agreement! The cooperation agreement between us was signed for a year, and now it’s only been half a year and we’re not going to accept it? Go ahead and sue them!”

General Manager Zhu Shiheng frowned slightly, and then quickly relaxed: "Qidian is in a hurry. If you dare to tear up the treaty now, then you will dare not synchronize books with us in the future. If you had planned for this kind of thing in advance, ask Mr. Pu what to do Bar."

He walked over quickly and knocked directly on the door of Mr. Pu's office.

Mr. Pu took a look, yo! Isn’t this the best person in the online literature department?

"Manager Zhu, what's wrong?"

Zhu Shiheng directly told Mr. Pu the current situation and stakes.

The more Mr. Pu listened, the brighter his eyes became.

Zhu Shiheng finally said: "If Qidian is allowed to operate like this, our book sources after Zhongshan International may be out of stock. Either the quantity is not enough, or we are forced to increase the quantity and the quality is poor. In short, there will be no It is conducive to the situation we are developing now.”

Mr. Pu: "Okay! Good news!"

Sure enough, Qidian did not disappoint him!

Attack quickly and ruthlessly, and just stop playing with them. This is actually a very effective method. In the future, the comparison between Qidian and Zhongshan Novel will be a comparison of the quality of the books. In this regard, Qidian currently has an absolute advantage.

Over time, the quality of Qidian's foreign websites' works was higher than that of Zhongshan International, so they naturally couldn't beat them.

Foreign netizens are not stupid. For the American people who have just awakened their interest in reading online books, they are in urgent need of a large number of online novels to satisfy their appetites. The more than 20 books serialized on Zhongshan International are simply not enough for them.

According to reports from market analysts, many foreign netizens are looking for new Chinese online writing websites online and are looking forward to more works.

For them, reading Zhongshan International novels does not affect reading other Chinese online novel websites.

Qidian finally found the key point and stopped the loss in time.

Zhu Shiheng wondered: "Mr. Pu, if this happens, our domestic and foreign novel websites will be greatly affected, and the efficiency will continue to decline. How good is this?"

Mr. Pu smiled happily.

You don’t understand my brother’s happiness!

You have no idea that I am actually on the same side as Qidian in my heart!

Didn't you expect that? I was the one who brought the devil!

He wanted to say to Qidian now: "Taijun, please come inside! I will show you the way."

However, Mr. Pu in the company cannot behave like this. If the old SM monster in the system hears it, he will send another electric shock warning.

"Ahem! What I mean by good is that the sanctions from Qidian are good. Since we want to choose to compete with Qidian, we have to face this kind of sanctions. This is a very normal thing. Don't make a fuss. Just get used to it. , Okay, if you have nothing to do, just go down and do your work."

Zhu Shiheng asked: "If Qidian does this, why don't we fight back? For example, go directly to the court to sue them for not abiding by the contract and force them to give us the authorization to open the novel."

Mr. Pu shook his head: "It's too small, the pattern is too small! Since Qidian is no longer planning to play with us, is it interesting for us to stick to it again? Even if you win the lawsuit, Qidian is forced to give us the authorization for half a year, then Aren’t we going to have to face this kind of thing in half a year? It’s just the right time to let our team get used to it in advance. That’s it, there’s no need to sue Qidian.”

Seeing that Zhu Shiheng still had something to say, Mr. Pu said directly: "Don't worry, I have expected it. You just need to work hard. There will be a road to the mountain."

Seeing Mr. Pu say this, Zhu Shiheng nodded and went out.

The next second, Mr. Pu slapped the table and laughed!

"Hahahaha! Sure enough, it is convenient to have prestige. Just say a casual word and you have already expected it, and they will believe it, hahaha! No, it makes me laugh to death."

What a fart he expected!

He, Mr. Pu, just wants to be with Qidian!

"Qidian, come on! I'll do the logistics for you!"

As a result, the storm calmed down in Zhongshan Novel.

Qidian's Legal Department prepared for several days, working day and night to prepare for Zhongshan Novel's lawsuit. However, Qidian did not receive a summons from the court.

Zhongshan Novels ignored them!

This time, Qidian’s senior management was shocked.

This move was a move they made after careful consideration.

As the party that unilaterally broke the contract, they naturally had a moral and legal disadvantage, but even so, they could not let Zhongshan Novel continue to use their works to make money for themselves.

Even if Qidian is given 50% of its profits, this website cannot be allowed to develop.

The domestic business is not bad, and Zhongshan Novel will only be the second best in the online literature field. It is basically impossible to surpass the starting point of being rooted in the Internet for more than 20 years, so there is no need to worry.

But it is different abroad. This is an unexplored black land with a huge market waiting to be explored.

The works that Qidian has accumulated over the years are their weapons for exploring new markets!

You can’t use it as a wedding dress for someone else!

Therefore, even if they are the defendants, they must do this!

The legal department has already thought of a strategy.

At the beginning, they said it was a technical adjustment of the website, and they would make some modifications to the contract to clarify the business of the author and the website, and they would be able to go online again after a while.

This can delay it for a while, and when it is no longer possible, they will file a lawsuit. As long as they continue to file lawsuits with different opinions and find the best lawyers to drag it out, the agreement with objections cannot be put online anyway.

The remaining half a year was quickly spent in dragging words.

Then, they completely moved away from the Mountains novel.

Even the worst outcome is nothing more than Qidian breaking the contract and paying compensation.

It is better to give money than to give up the market.

However, Zhongshan Novel’s inaction made Qidian’s senior management feel a little nervous.

They always feel that this is the calm before the storm, and Mr. Pu of Zhongshan Novel may be planning another big move!

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