Foreign video websites also use big data.

Videos with higher quality and better data will get more traffic and be seen by more users.

Therefore, as long as the video is done well, it will become popular!

This is Jack Long's second viral video after his last video of Kevin ringing D.

Especially when he vigorously advocated that Chinese horror novels are scary, the gangsters were not happy!

"What? Someone actually said that reading novels can scare people? I'm afraid only sissies will be scared, right?"

"I have received professional training. No matter how scary it is, I will not scream unless I can't help it."

"I'm going to take a look now. If I'm not scared later, I'll report you when I get back!"

"Chinese people can write horror novels? Stop being funny, okay? If you said it was RB's horror story, maybe I would believe it more, China haha~"

In short, this video has become popular, and whether you believe it or not, everyone's interest has been piqued.

It's like watching an anchor eat a light bulb and it gets stuck in his mouth and can't come out. Many people sneer at this, thinking that if they can get in, they can come out. They don't believe it!

Then a group of lunatics with lightbulbs in their mouths and drooling came out of the hospital emergency room.

After the doctor treated them, he asked them thoughtfully: "Would you like me to go to a psychiatric hospital for you?"

In addition to YouTube netizens, there are many netizens on other portals who have seen the forwarded video.

Among them, someone posted this video on a forum called "Horror and Weird Stories Association".

It attracted the attention of many forum users.

Speaking of this forum, many outsiders may not know it, but in the American horror film circle, it is well-known!

For many horror films, directors or screenwriters get their ideas from here, and there are many senior screenwriters who create stories here.

It can be said to be the holy land of the horror film industry. It adopts a membership system. If you don’t pay an annual membership fee, you don’t even have permission to browse the stories inside.

If any story is chosen by the director and made directly into a movie, the author will also earn a generous amount of copyright royalties.

They are protected by the Writers Guild of America.

Today, after this video was forwarded to the forum by member Luther, it attracted the attention of a group of people.

"Oh? Chinese horror stories? I know a little bit about it. Their censorship system is too strict. There have been no horror movies that can be watched for several years. I don't really believe that such a cultural soil can breed good horror. story."

"Indeed, if authors who write horror stories don't make money, who will write them? My teacher told me that the economy is the primary productive force, and industries without economic support cannot produce excellent products."

"Dear Luther, maybe you can bring us some of the stories from their website."

Luther: "nonono! This is not just a few stories, but many, many stories. 5 books, each of which is a work of more than 1 million words. They are all horror novels. There are too many stories in them. Although I I have only read a few beginnings, but I am already deeply involved. I feel that if all the horror stories in those five books are translated, they will be more than what everyone in our forum wrote endlessly for a year. It is really too much. Satisfied!"

As a horror fan, it is really a joy to see a large number of excellent horror stories!

Especially since most of them were oriental horrors that they had never seen before, it was like an old lady crawling under the covers - Ye was so happy!

Luther is a long-time member, and his work has been adapted into a movie by the director.

"If it was Luther who pushed it, then I think it's necessary to take a look. It's hard to imagine what kind of story you would approve of and become obsessed with. I admit, I've been intrigued by you."

"How much membership fee do you need to pay to go to this website? Do you want to open a few more accounts so that everyone can use it together?"

"Nonono! This website is free of charge and is completely public welfare!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can a website without financial support continue to operate? Our membership fees are low enough, but to maintain the operation of the website, everyone must pay a membership fee of US$199 per year. They rely on What? Is he the legendary Huaguo coal boss?

"Forget it, let's go and watch it. It just so happens that Director Mickey is planning to make a new horror film recently, and he hasn't chosen a story he likes yet. If the quality is good, let him watch it too."

In this way, a group of people in the United States who specialize in writing horror stories and have the highest appreciation also poured into Zhongshan Novels.

I read Chinese horror online articles.


Zhongshan Novel Headquarters has completed the exchange of employees between the Online Literature Department and Blackstone Mountain.

Zhu Shiheng looked at the 25 people who quickly got into work and said happily: "It's no wonder that it's Mr. Pu. His recruitment ability is really strong. He can easily recruit a strong team, and everyone's level is no worse than ours. In the end, The key is to work hard! ”

Zhao Mianmian: "Qingshi. Originally, I was worried that our company would be influenced by people from their company and bring about some bad habits, but now it seems that I was overly worried. How could Mr. Pu recruit that kind of person?" I think the most important thing for us now is to ensure that new employees don’t work overtime all the time, otherwise they will be criticized by Mr. Pu.”

“Duoyu Company’s corporate culture of putting efficiency first must be conveyed to everyone.”

After briefly arranging the work of the employees here, the two of them laughed from ear to ear while looking at the backend data of Zhongshan International.

Simply amazing!

What a shock!

They just added 5 books in the horror category, and they actually achieved such good results!

A large number of new foreign users are pouring into the Zhongshan International website, and advertising fees are rising!

5 new books, extremely popular.

I don’t know if the text in horror novels is more delicate and people read it more slowly, or because they are often frightened, so the average reading speed is very slow.

The comment section also exploded.

"Oh my god! Look who peed in my pants!"

"Friendly reminder, before reading the book, please be sure to read the risk warning carefully. This is really scary. If you have heart disease or other diseases, please don't come. This is very important!"

"When reading Chinese horror novels, please don't be in crowded places, otherwise problems may easily occur. I won't go into details, I'm going to fix my phone."

"It's a shocking story. If I read the American horror story, I might be shocked at the time, but it would be OK later. However, after watching the Chinese horror story, I don't even dare to go out, as long as I come to a certain Wherever I go, I can't help but recall the scene of the story, and then my mind can't control my thoughts. I always feel that something unclean is following me. God knows how I got through the past two days because I didn't dare to go to the bathroom alone. "

Backstage, there were even many excited audience members greeting the author.

Zhu Shiheng took this as their compliment.

As a result, the popularity of Zhongshan International was once again stirred up by 5 horror novels!

The first step of Qidian's blockade was to temporarily open a small hole.

And inside Qidian, it was not easy because of the questioning from the great author.

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