I really want to hit the street

Chapter 408 I have to think of new ways

Qidian International Novel Network is online.

Half a month later than expected.

But due to internal pressure, it went online.

Whether it is the sense of crisis brought about by the rapid development of Zhongshan International, or the urgent need for many internal experts to publish their works on the international novel platform.

Good translators are very hard to find, but after spending a lot of money to search across the industry, Qidian found several good translators who could simultaneously translate five works by great writers.

These 5 places have also become the main target of competition among Qidian masters recently.

There are more monks and less meat.

Everyone wants to be the first to go out to eat meat with Qidian International.

Although they started a few months later than Zhongshan International, they have the strong backing of Qidian Group, so they don’t have to worry about traffic problems.

Finally, after many internal discussions and decisions at Qidian, five books were decided on.

Among them, 3 are completed works by the master, and 2 are serialized works, with the number of words exceeding 2 million.

These 5 books are all meant to be used as trump cards.

A group of chief editors, Bao Nai, was responsible for this matter. He looked at the Qidian International Novel Network that had just been launched, with 5 books hanging alone on it, and sighed.

"Let's calm everyone's minds first. Recently, Zhongshan International's royalties have exploded, giving many old authors an extra royalties, and a lot of interest. They are all jealous. It's normal. Who doesn't want their books to be able to What about becoming famous overseas? I heard that Zhongshan International is already contacting the author about developing overseas film and television rights."

Ghost, the editor-in-chief of the second group, said: "It's a stopgap measure. We are in a hurry to launch it now. We only have 5 books and the number of words is so small. There is no way to compete with Zhongshan International. We need to stabilize the master first, otherwise everyone will clamor to open Zhongshan International." We would not be able to survive without the channels, and some good books that are very in line with the market have been translated by Zhongshan International. If we hadn’t started this great business for so many years, we would really be scratching our heads.”

Fortunately, there are enough books in Qidian that the translators in the industry who can translate novels now will never be able to translate all the works in their lifetime.

Not to mention the Chinese online literature market where hundreds of millions of words are created every day.

The launch of Qidian International has temporarily solved the problems of the great masters. It is not only about subscription fees, but also if you can sell a copyright abroad, then you will really gain both fame and fortune.

The most important thing is that this does not require extra effort, it only needs to be done by the website.

The great author enjoys his success.

But among the middle and lower-level writers below, more and more people are depressed because the channel for Zhongshan novels cannot be opened.

You know, a large number of people have already opened it, and their books can make some money more or less.

For low-level authors, a few hundred dollars a month is great.

However, there has been no news about the authorized relaunch of the Zhongshan novel platform.

A storm is slowly brewing.

Mr. Pu finished writing today's 10,000 words in the office and was happily preparing to get off work.

"This book is getting smoother and smoother as I write it. It's so easy to write 10,000 words in 3 hours a day!"

Regarding the background of World of Warcraft, Mr. Pu knows everything about it.

Just write a random copy, let the protagonist show off his power after entering, and finally get a bunch of equipment, and ten thousand words have passed.

Don't be too simple!

Although this is not the worst book written by Mr. Pu, it is the smoothest book written by Mr. Pu.

There is no creative bottleneck at all!

All kinds of bridge sections are at your fingertips.

Backed by so many years of gaming experience, he is no different from directly copying.

"At present, as long as the protagonist Sun Can's golden finger, that is, the uniqueness of the game ring, can be guaranteed, Sun Can can be superior at every stage, and then pretend to be a slap in the face, and continue to push the plot. If this continues, I can write 500 Ten thousand words is no problem!”

Today, Mr. Pu has written 1.8 million words in the book "Online Games: Almighty Druid".

There are still 700,000 words left to complete.

"Two months, just a little more writing is enough."

This book is quite satisfactory. The average order for this website is over 30,000 yuan. It does not make much money. However, due to the high commission from Zhongshan Novels and the support of various channels such as Zhongshan International, new media, and WeChat public accounts, it has also made a lot of money. Not too little.

The monthly royalties from various channels add up to more than 500,000 yuan.

Among them, the money given by domestic new media channels is very good. Last month, the royalties from new media channels were 100,000!

Facts have proved that online game articles are an unpopular and popular subject in new media channels.

The first batch of online game articles that Zhongshan Novel solicited for articles all performed well in new media channels. The authors all made a sum of money that they could not earn even if they wrote it in Qidian. The channel royalties for some works were as high as Compared with a book of Qidian Wanshou works.

Zhongshan Novels has expanded new themes for new media novels. It turns out that online game novels can also harvest a large number of new readers.

Among them, there are mainly teenagers aged 14 to 20, and some legendary veteran players who are 35+.

God knows how they will burst into tears when they see familiar words such as guild team and national war appear in the novel.

This reminded them of the Internet cafe under the sunset that day, which was their lost youth.

Pu Jie's online game novel is not as good as "Infinite Time and Space", but it is much better than "Legend of Stars".

Of course Pu Jie knew his data, but he was also a little helpless.

"The total system subsidy is 5 million. The amount will be less in the first few months and more in the later years. It is estimated that there will not be much money left by then. Let's do our best and let fate. It's not bad to be able to collect 2 million."

Because of the desperate operation in the last cycle, Mr. Pu collected more than 40 million from the system. He no longer cares about this money. He can only say that it is better than nothing.

Mr. Pu is now thinking that when he next writes a book, he will write a good story so that the world can witness his true literary talent!

"According to the current progress, after losing all this cycle, I can earn more than 500 million, and then I can write whatever I want for the new book. When the time comes, I will write for myself. I will write less a day and polish it carefully. Looking at the quality, it’s hard to imagine how popular it would be if I wrote randomly, but how terrifying it would be if I wrote seriously!”

Pu Jie's confidence was unprecedentedly high and he felt that he could do anything!

"But... first we have to make sure we can lose all money in this cycle."

Mr. Pu's vision returned to reality.

Under his operation, 16.5 million was spent on the acquisition of Blackstone Mountain Novels this cycle, another 10 million was given to Xiaoxing to spend money, and 6 million was used to build the Duoyu Data Center.

On the surface, 32.5 million has been spent, but in fact, as soon as it was liquidated on the 5th of this month, Duoyu Company made another 20 million in profit last month!

Almost all of it is money earned by Zhongshan Novel and Zhongshan International.

Duoyu Tingshu is busy expanding foreign markets and is still burning money, barely maintaining a balance of payments; Duoyu Games is said to be busy improving the "Sect Cultivation Immortal Simulator". Although sales have increased, they are not making much money; The production department is not working, and naturally it is not making any money.

It’s Zhongshan Novel!

Even if it has been changed to a 37% share with the author, it still makes a lot of money from advertisers.

This makes Mr. Pu so angry!

“Damn it, there are so many companies, except for Qidian, none of them can beat us!”

Early last month, Mr. Pu provoked six investment companies.

Apart from Qi Dian doing it with real swords and guns, everything else is very fascinating.

Some imitated Qidian and attacked the servers of Duoyu Company, and then their own computer room was burned down by Red Panda.

Others posted articles on the Internet condemning Duoyu Company and fabricating some groundless news. However, Duoyu Company was not listed on the market and was not affected at all. No one even paid attention to them, so it had no impact on the business at all.

The most irritating thing is that an investment company sent a group of senior HR personnel to poach Duoyu Company employees, and then the Human Resources Department of Duoyu Company added several more senior HR personnel.

Most companies are not serious about it, so the results they can bring are not good.

Mr. Pu was also helpless about this. It seemed that the company had reached such a big stage that ordinary words of anger would not have any effect at all.

Look at Tenda Company, no one even pays attention to him!

"It seems that I still have to think of new ways to lose money."

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