I really want to hit the street

Chapter 410 Animation Department Recruitment Requirements: Less than 1 year of experience

Duoyu Company once again established a new department: the animation adaptation department.

Liu Dachun left the game department and became the boss of the new department.

Liang Sepi and others from the game department said with emotion: "Mr. Liu is indeed Mr. Pu's confidant. New departments must be handed over to Mr. Liu for control."

"Yes, Mr. Liu's mentality is indeed that of a general. At least I can't answer Mr. Pu's questions while playing Genting when Mr. Pu comes to inspect."

"Maybe this is the self-confidence of the strong?"

"Qingshi. Although Mr. Liu usually has very few demands from us, the moment he takes action is the critical moment, he helps us set the tone, and then manages the cost and time for Mr. Pu, so that Mr. Pu is particularly satisfied with our department. Don't you think so? Didn’t you notice? It’s because of Mr. Liu’s presence that Mr. Pu loves us so much.”

"There are three thousand beauties, but Mr. Pu only dotes on some of me!"

Everyone thought of the "Effortless Effort Award" given out last time and nodded. In so many years of working in the industry, this was the first time that the boss said that he had tried his best because of a failed game, and a special bonus was given.

It’s so outrageous that he opened the door for outrageousness, it’s so outrageous!

Everyone in the game department bid farewell to Dachun in tears, feeling that President Pu's favor also left with Dachun.

After feeling sad for several hours, Liang Sepi stood up.

"Brothers! Mr. Liu is gone, but Mr. Liu's spirit is always there! Not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of challenges, and the steady spirit has been deeply imprinted on our online and literary department. Unknowingly, our department has been established for almost a year. Although we have lost Mr. Liu’s protection, we will definitely make Mr. Pu pay attention to us through our own efforts!”

"Today, with our two months of hard work, "Martial Arts Cultivation Simulator" has changed 30 versions, with an average of updates every two days, correcting 238 game imbalances, creating 112 new features, and adding a novice guidance process and With various mechanisms to reduce the difficulty in the early stage, this hard-core immortal cultivation game is no longer a newcomer killer, but has gradually become a normal game. Our refund rate has been significantly reduced in the past month, which is gratifying! ”

"In addition, the journey of cultivating immortality is complicated and changeable. Each journey of cultivating immortality is completely different. There are countless touching stories about monks from being a mortal to stepping through the void. Many players have their own personal understandings, and they already have some Hardcore players make their own MODs and add many new features, some of which are very interesting! So starting from today, I decided that we will open source the code and open the in-game creative workshop to build a world of immortality with players, so that more people can enjoy it! Excellent design integrated into the game! ”

"If we were losers before, we will not fail forever. I always believe that our game is an extremely good game, but it just lacks hundreds of millions of optimizations. Let us continue to improve it!"

Everyone in the game department: "Okay!!!"

The game department has been keeping a low profile these past two months, keeping their tail between their legs, just to restart the "shameful work" of "Sect Cultivation Simulator"!

They did not give up on this game, but improved it through a lot of optimization so that players can better understand it.

Once players play, enter this strange world of cultivating immortals, and experience the path of cultivating from scratch, then players will definitely fall in love with it!

Recently, their game has gained a small following of loyal fans, and their production team is working hard to make the game better and more famous.

Liang Sepi looked at the complacency of everyone in the game department, and secretly swore in his heart: 'Mr. Pu, we will not let you down for your hard work award, and we promise to earn it back for you! In the Internet article, there are thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Don’t bully young people into being poor. We are the same! A sincere game company will definitely be recognized by players. ’

"The money I didn't earn before will be doubled for Duoyu Company this time! It will be a big surprise for Mr. Pu then!"

Everyone in the game department thinks so.

Thinking of Mr. Pu's shocked and delighted eyes when the time comes, I feel particularly motivated.

Dachun's new office is located in Tower B of Hengtai Building, on the same floor as Heishishan Novel.

The free space here is too big and the system won't allow us to rent it.

Mr. Pu could only let Dachun come over with a little regret, and asked several senior HR assistants who had just been transferred from the human resources department to help Dachun quickly form a team, set up the frame, and shoot quickly.

There are still 6 months left before the settlement of this cycle, and Mr. Pu needs them to shoot an animation that will cost hundreds of millions.

Burn all the money you can earn in this cycle! One project can be completed directly!

Of course, animation themes can only be found in online articles.

Dachun understands this very well: "Pu always wants to make IP to make a lot of money, so let's create a new animation hit, and from now on, Duoyu Company will have a full product layout in web-based derivatives."

The two senior HR people listened to Mr. Liu's analysis and felt confused!

So they were going to do such a big thing?

Guaiguai just switched from an investment company to Duoyu Company and now he has to take on such a heavy responsibility?

Then why not give Mr. Pu a good treatment?

When it comes to recruiting, they are professionals!

If nothing unexpected happens, we can recruit talents into the company.

Of course, something unexpected happened this time. The recruitment process was too outrageous, so I was recruited into Duoyu Company instead.

There is no way, Duoyu Company gives too much to its employees!

It’s really too much to refuse.

On the day when they stopped Duoyu employees from walking towards the coffee shop, I finally understood the real reason why this company has been bravely advancing to open up the market, but its excellent employees have never been poached.

It's too much!

If other companies don't get accurate intelligence in advance, they may cut salaries to poach people!

How can they poach people like this!

And these senior HRs also found that the loyalty of Duoyu employees is frighteningly high! They contacted many Duoyu employees and found a terrifying thing that almost all of them were talents who rose from humble beginnings.

Mr. Pu has a keen eye for talent and dug them out of nothing and cultivated them into pillars of Duoyu.

What a terrifying vision and what a broad mind!

I gave the highest salary in the industry to those who are not capable, so those who are loyal to me will get bonuses of hundreds of thousands of yuan in minutes? Understand the applause!

They understood, so several of them with good vision resolutely submitted a resume to Duoyu Company.

Poachers will always be poached.

It's nothing more than being poached or poaching by yourself.

Dachun and the five senior HRs who recruited him to Duoyu Company spent a long time researching what kind of animation theme to make, and finally decided to recruit a professional first!

The six of them knew nothing about animation!

Dachun knew a little bit, but the ones he liked to watch were difficult to be broadcast on regular websites, so he didn't give any reference opinions.

"Mr. Liu, I happen to know a few animation companies, and I can recruit some backbones from them!"

"Okay! Dig quickly! I can't sleep at night!"

Just when they wanted to do a big job, Mr. Pu's instructions came.

"Dachun, since you want to make animation, you must not be the same as others. The most important thing is to be pioneering and enterprising! You can't stick to the old ways, so you need some young people with ideas, not those industry veterans with fixed thinking. Do you understand? The requirements are set like this. The working experience must be less than 1 year, and it's okay to find someone who has never worked in animation."

Dachun and his HR team: "."

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