I really want to hit the street

Chapter 411 Actually...there is no way to get rid of the routine at all

Chapter 411 In fact, there is no way to get rid of the routine at all


Mr. Pu’s wanton laughter rang out from Mr. Pu’s office.

"I have less than 1 year of experience in the industry. I'm such a genius! Hahaha~"

In order for the company's new animation to hit the streets, Mr. Pu himself must grasp the general direction.

Among them, core personnel are the first item.

Only if it is fundamentally rotten can the film be made into a piece of shit and fed to the audience.

Check out the Blackstone Mountain novels!

Why can people go bankrupt? Aren’t these good employees?

"Picture of Fishing on the River".

As soon as Mr. Pu thought of the scene that day, he felt refreshed. This was the company scene he dreamed of.

Everyone is enjoying themselves and has no intention of working.

In the end, the company was dragged into the abyss step by step.

Not like those backstabbing monsters from the Internet and Literature Department who were sent to Antarctica and the United States! Every day I think about making money for the company!

When recruiting candidates this time, Mr. Pu also made decisions based on the red lines of the system.

If he had followed his original intention, he could just have brought a few guys from the street in to mess around, but unfortunately the system didn't allow it.

He repeatedly tested the edge of electric shock for a long time before giving the instruction with less than 1 year of experience.

There can be no restrictions on academic qualifications, and we cannot bring in sick people. We can only impose soft restrictions on work experience.

It would be best to find someone who has never done animation at all to do it!

That is true perfection!

But Mr. Pu definitely can't express it directly. Now he is on the verge of warning. He can only say so much. The rest depends on whether Dachun can understand it properly.

You know, the animation industry is becoming more and more cunning as it gets older!

This is an industry that relies on accumulation of experience. The more you draw, the better!

As for the newcomers, let alone any new ideas of their own, it was Mr. Pu who was bragging to Dachun and the others.

It is worth celebrating that they can copy the works of great masters at their age!

Anyone who has studied animation production knows that copying does not mean that you do not have your own soul, but that in the process of copying, you can feel the ideas of the masters in creating characters, and learn enough experience from a large number of previous works to create your own genre. .

This is just like writing a novel, which is why editors always take the trouble to suggest that new authors should follow the trend and write two follow-up books.

Don’t they know that the upper limit of this kind of follow-up work is not high?

Don’t they know that this is actually copying other people’s ideas and exploiting the hot spots?

Don’t they know that none of this can make a new author become a god or enlighten him?

Of course the editors know!

However, what 99.99% of new authors want to do is never to become a god or enlightenment, but to write a book with some success in a down-to-earth manner.

After working for so many years, online editors have learned one thing: authors who are not stimulated by financial rewards will soon disappear from this industry.

If you write a book of more than 100,000 words, and you don’t have a contract, and you don’t make a dollar, you just stop writing it.

Therefore, what they need most is to imitate a book of imagination or cheats that has been proven by the market. Whether it is an emulator, a sign-in flow, or a global survival, all of them are actually lowering the difficulty of their writing and limiting the upper limit. , which is to significantly increase the lower limit.

Only after receiving the first royalties, they will insist on continuing in this industry.

And are the innovative articles that newcomers think they write really innovations?

Niba, a senior editor at Qidian, once said: "Almost all newcomers who say they want to write an unconventional, anti-conventional, and innovative novel have already been written badly, and all the reasons are due to insufficient reading! Read it I thought all online articles about Dragon King and Immortal Cultivation were like this. I thought it was a feat of innovation to write an urban immortal cultivator, and I was proud to show off to everyone. But this subject matter had already become popular 5 years ago, and it was called : Spiritual energy recovery.”

In other words, if you don’t read enough, you won’t even be able to mention the word “innovation”.

The famous writer "Toad at Home" said: "There are only a few dozen novel plots in total, including heroes saving beauty, adultery and murder, wrong judgment, wrong jealousy, and war between humans and gods. All the famous works from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, have been written. The same is true for writing. Masters never say that they don’t write formulaic articles, because as long as they are stories, they cannot escape from these clichés. If you carefully analyze a shocking story section written by a master and think about it carefully, isn’t it the same? Are misunderstandings caused by misjudgments? These are not only used in novels, but also in sketches, TV series, and movies. It’s just a matter of who uses them more cleverly and better.”

The sad fact is that newcomers clamor to get rid of the routine every day, but in fact it does not exist at all.

The same goes for anime.

As a veteran Internet article author, Pu Jie knows this.

There is no so-called routine, only experience!

In the animation industry, if you don’t have experience, your work will be poor!

It's not like writing a novel, where he can copy Goldfinger, imitate a genre, and follow the trend.

This is real quality.

Once someone discovers that the footage and story are imitating which anime, netizens will definitely be furious! In the end, they may even be asked to take it off the shelves for rectification.

"So, under my conditions, they can only recruit a bunch of novices with no experience, and eventually spend the money to make a bunch of hot chicken."

At this time, Mr. Pu felt once again: "This project is stable!"

As long as we can recruit according to his requirements, there will be absolutely no problem!

Not to mention that Liu Dachun, an old fisherman, led a group of useless HR to do this.

He didn't believe it. How could a group of newbies still make animation?

Several HR people couldn’t believe it!

Dachun's phone was on speakerphone, and they listened carefully to Mr. Pu's request.

Mr. Pu’s request is simply a violent attack on their many years of HR experience!

A question arose in everyone's mind: "Mr. Pu, are you planning to do this project well? Or are you just teasing us?"

This is what makes people work hard!

One of the HR leaders, Miao Sang, asked tentatively: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Pu, what does this mean? Why am I a little confused?"

More than confused! Simply outrageous!

Li Liyuan's score!

If they hadn't received the same salary as other Duoyu employees, they might even have felt that Mr. Pu was teasing them and deliberately making them lose money to the company!

When the project fails, the boss will definitely fire them all!

Dachun didn't look flustered at all. After pondering for a moment,

Opened a ranked game of Teamfight Tactics on the computer.

"Don't panic, let the bullets fly for a while, I have already found foreign help."


Hey Hey hey!

At this time, there is no need to fight first!

Everyone is very anxious now!

Mr. Liu, don’t be so calm!

Several senior HR staff were filled with frustrations and didn't know where to start.

I always feel that something is not quite right when I come to Duoyu Company this time.

Half an hour later, the elevator door opened.

Xiaoxing, wearing a peaked cap and obviously tanned, walked in.

Dachun looked happy and grabbed Xiaoxing's hand: "Xiaoxing, this time, you have to help me analyze it carefully."

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