I really want to hit the street

Chapter 419: Conscience game, I cry to death!

"Fraud of more than 10 million yuan is a particularly huge amount in the crime of fraud, and the person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years or life imprisonment, and shall also be fined or have property confiscated. The crime of fraud refers to the use of fabricated facts or concealment of the truth for the purpose of illegal possession. , the act of defrauding large amounts of public and private property.”

Duoyu Company's lawyers have taken over the entire case.

He told Mr. Pu that if the other party did not provide a good defense, the guarantee would be 20 years!

In this life, it will be difficult to lie to others again.

Mr. Pu also got back his personal 15,019,888 yuan.

Course fees were refunded in full.

Everyone else's were also returned.

This matter has come to an end.

Mr. Pu returned to Kyoto by car.

On the way, Mr. Pu looked at Han Ruyan's expression of constipation that wanted to laugh but was embarrassed to laugh, and said helplessly: "Laugh, laugh, I can do it with two arms, right?"

"Hahahaha~ Pu Jie, you hahaha~ I really can't help it, can such a big boss like you be deceived? Where is Mr. Pu, who usually dominates the market and strategizes?"

Pu Jie shook his head and stopped talking.

How could he have planned a plan?

He really doesn’t want to dominate the market. But this company is always disobedient. What can he do?

I really don’t want to succeed!

Is it really so difficult to lose money these days other than being cheated?

And even if he is cheated, the system does not allow him to withdraw the company's money, he can only spend his own money.

A fine batch!

It's all been calculated!

But this time, Mr. Pu also gained something.

He held a USB flash drive in his hand, which recorded all of Brother Xiao's lectures this week.

If nothing else happens, these will become the essence of his "Failure Studies"!

‘What this Brother Xiao teaches is all pseudo-successful learning. If you follow his method, you will definitely lose money! Next, as long as I follow the course taught by Brother Xiao, I will definitely lose the company! ’

In one moment, there was a two-level reversal!

I thought Brother Xiao was talking about learning about success, but conversely, he wanted to learn about failure.

But he didn't expect that failure learning was right in front of him!

What Brother Xiao said is a bowl of poison for those students who expect to succeed in starting a business, but for him, Mr. Pu, it is life-saving medicine!

‘I don’t believe it. If I just follow this and learn it, will it still be a loss? ’

Mr. Pu was dying of laughter!

By accident, he actually mastered the real learning of failure.

This wave can only be said to be a blessing for those who work hard!

It is precisely because he studies how to fail every day that he can gain so much. Although he experienced a little setback in the middle, the final result is good.

If you work behind closed doors every day, you don’t know how many times you will be stabbed in the back before you can find the real path to failure.

Holding the precious USB flash drive, Mr. Pu thought of the Metaverse project that Brother Xiao had been advocating to him these past few days.

'He reminded me that the Metaverse project is the most popular now, but after a few months of excitement, everyone has discovered that the Metaverse is still immature for current technology, and capital should calm down. The popularity of the Metaverse is increasing. It is plummeting, and those Yuanverse stocks are almost reaching their highest point. If I enter the market at this time, what is the difference between joining the allergic party in 1949? ’

By some strange combination of circumstances, Mr. Pu actually found another good project that was losing money!

While others were cashing out at the highest point, Mr. Pu entered the market directly!

What awaits him is not only losses, but also huge losses!

"It's a pity. There are already projects that are losing money this cycle, and there is no money to build the Yuanverse. What a pity!"

Good ideas always come one after another.

Mr. Pu shook his head and prepared to go back to see how the new animation produced by Dachun and the others was going and whether the loss could go smoothly.

"Martial Arts Cultivation Simulator" launched the creative workshop function in the game body half a month ago, and open sourced all the code.

Allow players to upload their own mods to the server and make them available for others to choose and use.

Liang Sepi and the others first made several useful official mods and added them to it.

At the same time, this time it is also accompanied by a major version update called: Ancient Beast.

New special species: mythical beast

There are also new items, new techniques, new characters, and new plots

A big update.

After a wave of internal discussions, they decided to distribute this new version of DLC to all players for free for a limited time!

As compensation for not making the game right in the first place.

This semi-finished product, after 3 months of improvement, has a completely new look!

Especially the update of the new version and the launch of the mod function will make up for the last shortcoming.

New players don’t know how to play?

Get started directly with the newcomer-friendly mod, which helps newcomers experience a simple path to immortality. A large number of auxiliary functions help you with batch operations, item explanations, and skill recommendation. A series of auxiliary functions that reduce difficulty.

Of course, there are also difficulty-increasing mods for veteran players.

And an officially launched world mod!

Cultivation of immortality is no longer a lonely journey alone. You can also chat in the world and exchange methods of cultivating immortality with fellow immortals in various planes at any time. Cultivation of immortality is no longer boring.

Moreover, three days after this version went online, a hardcore player made his own online mod!

This mod directly realizes the function of transferring magic weapons, cheats, equipment, and medicines directly between players, and plays a role in helping each other. The author of the MOD also expressed that in the future, he hopes to realize the function of transferring disciples and even visiting other players' sects. Further build the network function of cultivating immortals.

In an instant, the single machine becomes online!

What should I do if I can't defeat the sect's invasion? The world asks for help from the big guys!

The boss sends a mythical beast over, and it directly becomes your sect’s mythical beast!

In addition, you can also marry and have children with immortal friends from other planes to raise the next generation.

The richness of the entire game has been directly upgraded to a big level!

At the same time, Liang Sepi applied to the steam platform to participate in weekend discount promotions and sell the game at a 40% discount!

Conscience within conscience!

They just want to prove that this game is fun!

Brother Mao.

A hardcore strategy game enthusiast, he was fascinated by a domestically produced immortality game a few months ago.

The game time is more than 10 hours a day.

As soon as I open my eyes, I want to become an immortal!

The feeling of manipulating a sect monk to rise step by step from humble beginnings is simply so satisfying that it makes people unable to breathe.

Although the game had many shortcomings at the beginning, fortunately, the creative team was very responsible and did not just make a fortune and leave.

Optimization every 2 days lasted for 3 months, almost changing and doubling the game content!

Totally free, all depends on consciousness!

Especially recently, the game's newly released ancient mythical beast version dlc was given to veteran players for free.

Senior Brother Mao was simply in tears!

"This game team is so conscientious, I cried to death!"

After the content of the new version is released, he can once again have a completely different journey of cultivating immortality.

And this time I was accompanied by fairy friends from all over the world.

For a time, the old players went crazy!

"Such a conscientious game, brothers, we can't let it go cold. We must push it!!!"

Recommend a book about three groups of big talkers:

"Legend of Hot Blood: Public Enemy All Servers" has a slightly innovative setting, relaxed humor, Driving Thief 6, non-toxic and harmless, and a super fast pace! You can understand it even if you haven’t played Legend!

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