I really want to hit the street

Chapter 420 The angle of the backstab is so tricky!

A domestic stand-alone game that has been online for nearly three months, no one cares about it.

After three months of extensive modifications and updates, it has gained a small but valuable number of loyal fans.

The fighting power is amazing!

A group of players who can develop mods by themselves are obviously not ordinary people.

The evaluation of these loyal fans has brought this game to the level of "overwhelming praise".

The comment area is full of praise!

The comments that once criticized this game have been suppressed below and will not be easily seen.

Facts have proved that as long as the game is niche enough, the evaluation will be infinitely high!

Because people who like it really like it, and people who don't like it will not download it.

This is also true on Douban. After watching some unpopular high-scoring movies, you think they are just average, and don't understand why they have such high scores.

In fact, it's really just because it's too unpopular.

Those who give it a score are all unpopular audiences, and their preferences cannot represent the general public who like to read pretentious and face-slapping articles.

But most players and viewers don't know how this score comes from!

Everyone thinks that the higher the score, the better!

At this time, the discount promotion of the steam website once again shows this game to players.

Most players who haven't seen it will click to see the ratings and comments.

What the result is? A domestic niche but well-received work!

Then I have to play it!

Then "School Immortal Cultivation Simulator" ushered in the second wave of download peak since it was launched.

This time, the sales volume was even stronger than its first release!

It was a blowout!

Old players also recommended this game in various forums and QQ groups.

This time, their game content can handle this wave of traffic.

The game is complete!

Although the content is richer and the gameplay is more complicated than before, it is more friendly to newcomers.

The refund rate has been greatly reduced!

The sales of this game have been rising steadily without Pu Zong knowing!

The crazy weekend lasted for two days.

In these two days, the game department gradually straightened up.

It's hardened!

Duoyu Company, game adaptation department.

The decadence of several months has been swept away!

All radiant!

Liang Sepi looked at the game's sales of an astonishing 500,000 copies in 2 days, and he was simply smiling!

Although it can't be compared with the big productions with tens of millions of sales.

But this result is already very good!

It proves that they have stood up again!

Liang Sepi can already see the estimated income in the background.

The game itself is 79 yuan, and the 60% discount promotion price is 47.4 yuan. After sharing with the steam platform, they make a profit of 33.18 yuan per sales.

After deducting part of the tax to be paid from the sales of 500,000 copies.

In the past two days, the net profit is 15 million!

Moreover, this is not the end, but just the beginning!

If these players have fun and their games are recognized by others, then the subsequent word-of-mouth fermentation, word of mouth, video promotion and other tap water behaviors will further increase the sales of the game.

In other words, in the next few days, they will have many players coming to buy games every day.


The people in the game department can't help but tell President Pu this good news!

Liang Sepi looked at Dachun's former workstation, with a little tear in the corner of his eyes: "Boss Liu, you are gone, but your spirit has always been with us. We remember your teachings and know that our game is not bad, but it is just a little bit short of perfection."

"Thank you! Thank you Boss Liu for your unconditional support for us, and thank you Boss Pu for giving us the "Best Effort Award". I felt a little hot when I got it before, but now we can proudly tell Boss Pu that we did it! We did not live up to the Best Effort Award!"

"I'm going to report this good news to Boss Pu!"

At this time, Boss Pu had just come back from outside.

Before I sat down, I got this shocking bad news!

"What! Earned me 15 million!!!"

Boss Pu looked at Liang Sepi who came to report, and jumped up from his chair.

Liang Sepi said seriously: "Actually, this amount is not so accurate."

Boss Pu breathed a sigh of relief.

Nowadays, employees like to over-report, such as selling 15 million sales, which is completely different from the company's net profit, and even only half of it can be received.

Just like new media online articles, Qidian always says that a certain book has monthly sales of over one million.

But. He didn't say that the profit of this book is not that much. A part of the website operation expenses will be deducted, and 20% of these profits can be distributed to Qidian, and half of this 20% can be distributed to the author after deducting Qidian's operation expenses.

Here, a new media hot book with monthly sales of one million has a monthly income of 50,000 or 60,000.

President Pu hurriedly asked: "How much is it actually?"

Liang Sepi reported: "In fact, this 15 million is just the net profit of the past two days. We will have many players to buy it later. The profit this month will not be lower than this 15 million."

President Pu's expression froze.

For a moment, he didn't know where to start with a mouth full of swear words.

What the hell is wrong with you, Xiaoliang!

How can someone who performed so well in the last cycle suddenly stab me in the back!

This angle is so tricky!

I didn't expect that a game that has been completely dead can actually be revived!

Repairing the plank road in the open but secretly crossing Chencang, right?

You, you always give me some new tricks!

It’s really yours!

If I had known, I would have sent you to the Antarctic!

Mr. Pu said with a dark face: "Manager Liang, you really brought me a big surprise."

Liang Sepi immediately expressed his position: "Mr. Pu, don't worry, our game department will give you more surprises like this in the future! I promise not to disappoint you! Since you gave us the best effort award last time, I will This award is made into a trophy and placed in the center of the game department, so that everyone in the game department who enters the office can see your encouragement to achieve today’s results. It is not only our efforts, but also your encouragement!”

Mr. Pu pointed at himself in disbelief: "Can this put the blame on me?"

Liang Sepi: "Shift the blame? No, no, no! This is your definite reward for our work! Now the entire department is completely devoted to our Duoyu Company!"

Mr. Pu's face turned darker.

My surprise spending in the last cycle actually left such hidden dangers.


A game that suddenly died online was actually saved by this group of people. What else can they not do?

It is better to arrange as little work for them as possible in the future, otherwise there may be another wave of backstabbing.

But Mr. Pu immediately got a headache again.

How to spend this 15 million?

Another unexpected disaster.

No! It’s 30 million!

A broken game could actually earn him so much money.


'No, I have to find another project to lose this money, otherwise this cycle will be in vain.'

‘What project are you looking for? ’

After Mr. Pu searched through his 'reservoir of good ideas', his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Manager Liang, what do you think of the Metaverse?"

PS: The content of the game refers to "The Great Immortal Cultivation Simulator". It is an unpopular counterattack. Because the development team insisted on improving and updating it for 2 years, it finally gained a reputation and became a niche hit. If you are interested, you can check it out.

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