I really want to hit the street

Chapter 421 Duoyu Company enters the Metaverse


Liang Sepi's mind didn't react for a moment. He was clearly reporting on their results just now.

Why did the topic suddenly turn to the Metaverse?

Is Mr. Pu’s transition so abrupt?

Mr. Pu nodded: "Yes, Yuan Universe! Have you ever understood this aspect?"

Liang Sepi shook his head: "I don't know much about it. I just saw this word a lot from short video platforms and other social platforms. I thought it was quite popular some time ago."

"Don't know? That's great!" Mr. Pu said excitedly.

Liang Sepi: "?"

Mr. Pu coughed and then continued: "Well, I have been paying close attention to your game department! I have recently found a good project for you, the metaverse! I have been advised by experts, and it will definitely be popular!"

The master is Brother Xiao who has been caught.

His money-scamming technique is to preach back and forth about how awesome the Metaverse project is.

Mr. Pu has chatted with him so many times that he has learned how to speak!

"This world is actually about communication between people. Whoever controls the platform for people to communicate will control countless wealth! In the era of mobile phones, WeChat has mastered the platform for people to communicate, making Penguin become a giant in China in one fell swoop , whoever wants customers can’t avoid the social platform built by Penguin, right?”

Liang Sepi nodded: "That seems to be the case."

Mr. Pu clapped his hands: "And the next era is the era of the Metaverse! Whoever masters the Metaverse platform interface will master the traffic password of the next era. It is the most appropriate time for us to lay out the Metaverse! Guaranteed to make money!"

Mr. Pu himself doesn’t believe it!

After the Yuanverse stock skyrocketed, people have slowly realized that the real Metaverse is still far away from people's world, and technology does not support it.

Therefore, now that capital is gradually calming down, even Facebook is thinking about whether it was too impulsive when it changed its name to Yuanverse?

The technology that humans have now disclosed is currently unable to build a real metaverse world similar to that in online game novels. It is a low-level intelligent device that is operated with the help of VR or AR equipment.

In fact, it is essentially no different from using WeChat on a computer.

They all use a certain tool to achieve communication.

Entering the market now is definitely an act of buying the bottom at the highest point!

Mr. Pu learned some information about the Metaverse a few days ago, but he was not very optimistic.

After Liang Sepi thought for a while, he said slowly: "Mr. Pu, I don't know how to do this. I'm just a gamer."

Won't! ?

That’s right!

If you guys were really awesome, I wouldn't dare let you do it!

Mr. Pu waved his hand and said: "Don't pay attention to these details. Before this, there was no term for the metaverse, let alone talents who specialized in learning this. This is an emerging industry and naturally requires different types of talents to detect it. It’s absolutely fine for you to make a Metaverse product just like you make a game!”

Liang Sepi frowned and thought for a while.

He felt that what Mr. Pu said seemed reasonable, but something seemed wrong.

But Mr. Pu has become serious: "Manager Liang, your game department is not scared, right?"


Element detection!

Liang Sepi's face suddenly turned red: "How is it possible! Our game department is the most capable soldier in Duoyu Company. As long as there are challenges, there are challenges! We like things with challenges! I will go back and let you know Everyone started to study how to do the metaverse project! ”

Mr. Pu nodded approvingly: "That's right. Compensate, compensate and train them. The next focus should be on this. I will see the finished product in 5 months!"

Liang Sepi asked: "What is our budget?"

"30 million! Manager Liang, you have to remember the corporate culture of our Duoyu Company: whoever makes the money is responsible for spending it. If you have money, go expand production and don't care about petty profits. The company can make as much money as possible. Just everyone’s salary.”

Liang Sepi took the order and went out.

Mr. Pu also felt happy.

"Fortunately. This time I went to attend the class and gained something else. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known what to do if I was suddenly disturbed by this."

"Thank you Brother Xiao, I will pay all the money and go visit the prison another day."

Mr. Pu is not worried at all about the Metaverse project.

This thing is no different from some Internet celebrity restaurant brands. After being prosperous for a while, it will completely disappear from people's sight.

Leaving behind a bunch of injured franchisees, they were harvested like leeks.

The same is true for the Metaverse. Seeing Facebook doing it, other companies are following suit, and on the surface it seems to be prosperous.

Especially on the stock market, stocks related to the Metaverse have skyrocketed.

But in the past few months, except for Facebook, which still had something to use, other companies had nothing.

This is a completely immature trap!

Whoever enters will die!

Those who can make money now are those who jump out of the pit in time.

And Mr. Pu chose to take the initiative to enter the trap!

If I don’t go to hell, who will?

"How can I lose this wave?"

Mr. Pu was full of confidence again.

In Duoyu Game Department, Liang Sepi told everyone in the game department about Mr. Pu’s instructions after he returned.

Both supervisors couldn't believe it.

"Manager Liang, I know something about Yuanverse. I bought Yuanverse stocks for a while in the front-end and made a little money. However, last month, I sold all the stocks because I wanted to run away. The current situation feels like It’s not clear, the Metaverse is in a very awkward position, there are too many ideas and advanced technologies, it’s not safe! If we develop Metaverse products at this time, it’s very likely that we’ll lose everything.”

"Yeah. Although I don't know much about the specific prospects of the Metaverse, but from the current technical level, if we don't have anything new and can't come up with eye-catching Metaverse products, we will probably lose you. Are you going to persuade Mr. Pu again? Or we can make a detailed investigation report and show it to Mr. Pu?”

Liang Sepi asked, "Do you think Mr. Pu doesn't know this?"

Two people: "."

Yes, how could Mr. Pu, who takes one step and counts it ten steps, not know this!

Liang Sepi said: "Mr. Pu never makes a mistake. Since it is arranged like this, it must be based on Mr. Pu's own considerations. What we need to do is to implement it! Find a way to understand the deep meaning behind this decision and make a decision. A Metaverse product that can make money for the company!”

The others nodded thoughtfully.

After thinking for a long time, Liang Sepi had some ideas in his mind, but he never had a clear concept.

"If I were Mr. Pu, do the things I did during this period have any profound meaning?"

He recalled what happened at Duoyu Company in the past few months.

Build your own data center, open branches, and create animations

"Also, Mr. Pu said that making Metaverse products is like making games. What does that mean?"

Liang Sepi always felt that Mr. Pu had hinted at the answer to him.

But I haven't thought of it yet.

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