Duoyu Company, Game Adaptation Department.

While discussing what type of metaverse project to produce, Liang Sepi was called out by Mr. Pu.

Discussions between the two executives and other game department elites continued.

"Continue, you just said that you thought of a ready-made metaverse novel. What is it?"

"Of course it's Mr. Pu's book! Don't forget, what is the title of Mr. Pu's book?"

"Uh, "Online Game: Almighty Druid"?"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, I think it should be called the foreign translation name "Yuanverse: Almighty Druid" which is more appropriate!"

"Hi~ So, this translation is quite right, but are you sure Mr. Pu's book is suitable for adaptation into our metaverse project? Does it sound more like a game?"

"Yes! Games are the right thing! Our first metaverse project, do you want to be a social platform? Don't be stupid! How is it possible! Not to mention how big the resistance will be when it is made, we have a group of people Are you a person who works on social platforms? A person who draws pictures, designs numerical values, or is an Internet addict?"

Jiang Rui, a young employee with Internet addiction: "???"

Feeling offended.

"Hey, hey, hey! I have also shed blood and sweat for the company! Chief game creative engineer and game experience engineer, please give me some face, okay?"

The creativity and numerical debugging of "Martial Arts Cultivation Simulator" are inseparable from the card game genius Jiang Rui. The subsequent optimization is also his most critical task. He works day and night. Everyone sees it, and no one cares. I won't underestimate this gaming genius.

"Hahaha~ I'm just kidding, Ruirui is the best, I love you!"


"Ahem. Continue, so, with so many of us, we have made two games that are relatively profitable, why do we have to leave the near and far away to make content that we are not good at? Starting from our base camp, we will make the game Isn’t it wonderful that this line of work can be carried forward? I think Mr. Pu’s “Metaverse: Almighty Druid” is very suitable!”

Jiang Rui nodded: "I've been following Mr. Pu's books. Although I haven't played online games in the past few years, judging from my sense of game over the years, Mr. Pu is actually our Duoyu Company. Overlooked top game designers.”

Everyone was shocked: "How do you say that?"

Even the director who proposed using Mr. Pu's book for the metaverse project was a little confused. He only knew that Mr. Pu's book told the story of a game where everyone entered the metaverse state, and did not read the content carefully.

Jiang Rui's face showed admiration and enthusiasm: "You should really read Mr. Pu's book. The game design in it is expert-level! Every data is addictive.

For the first time, I felt the charm of a game when I was reading a novel. That game seemed to be right next to me. I even thought that there might be such a game in reality, but it was relatively unpopular and no one had played it?

But after checking many websites, I didn't find the game called "World of Warcraft" in Mr. Pu's book. After several days of shock, I finally accepted the fact that Mr. Pu independently created a logically autonomous game. Awesome game! "

"As for this game, except for the protagonist who can use bugs, we don't even have to touch other parts. If we just copy it intact, we can complete 80% of the game!"

Everyone gasped!


They know that Mr. Pu is good at writing novels and doing business, but they don’t know that Mr. Pu is actually a hidden master of game design!

The supervisor was shocked: "Could it be that Mr. Pu personally designed a massively multiplayer online game in order to write a good book???"


That's outrageous!

Was this done by humans?

They thought that Mr. Pu usually ignored the operation of various departments because he was too lazy to take care of it. Unexpectedly, Mr. Pu was secretly creating games!

too exaggerated!

For a moment, two words seemed to appear in everyone's mind: 'I am garbage! ’

They claim to be relatively diligent and efficient, but in front of Mr. Pu, they are all idiots!

Mr. Pu created a game while writing novels. With so many of them working in front of the computer for so long every day, they managed to make "Martial Arts Casual Simulator" profitable, making a small profit of 20 to 30 million.

But then Jiang Rui frowned and said: "But there are two key issues at present: First, we cannot realize the brain-computer interface described in Mr. Pu's book. There is such technology at the forefront of international science, but it is still not there. It’s immature and we won’t be able to achieve this model in a short time; secondly, we don’t have enough money at all! If we do a small project, 30 million is more than enough, but the game content described in Mr. Pu’s book cannot be completed with 30 million. of."

Everyone was silent again.

Yes, if the money can't be spent, then they can't make a defective product with reduced specifications to fool players.

The initial sales of "Martial Arts Cultivation Simulator" prove that an immature game will not be recognized by the market.

"We have more than 30 million!" Liang Sepi walked in from outside.

Everyone's attention shifted to Manager Liang.

He looked at everyone and said: "Mr. Pu just told me that our game department will receive support from the company of 70 million to 100 million. We now have a minimum development cost of 100 million! Jiang Rui, do it now Are the games in Mr. Pu’s book enough?”

Jiang Rui nodded: "If we only make game content within level 60 according to Mr. Pu's writing, that's almost enough!"

"Okay! That's right! Let's use Mr. Pu's book as the original version and make a metaverse game!" After finishing speaking, Liang Sepi said thoughtfully: "Actually, when you just chatted, there was one thing I I don’t think it’s very accurate. It’s possible that Mr. Pu didn’t create a game just to write a novel, but the truth is exactly the opposite.”

Everyone: ".!"

I see!

Mr. Pu has already paved the road ahead.

It seems to be an unoriginal online game theme. After arriving at Zhongshan Novel Network, I used this old-fashioned but effective theme to win a large number of new readers. At the same time, I led other authors on the website to use online game articles to kill three in three new media channels. out.

We even caught up with the explosion of foreign metaverse concepts and promoted this book abroad, becoming the most popular Chinese online article on Zhongshan International.

I originally thought that this was the limit of Mr. Pu’s calculations. I never expected that Mr. Pu would have a trick up his sleeve!

When Mr. Pu first said he was going to do the Metaverse project, they were still confused and thought Mr. Pu was messing around.

The result is all under Mr. Pu’s arrangement!

"Mr. Pu just wants us to make the games in his book!"

Liang Sepi said with emotion: "Mr. Pu, Mr. Pu. How long have you paved the way for the company?"

In this way, they don't have to use their brains at all, they can just win!

Immediately, the game adaptation department reached an agreement.

Adapt "Online Game: Almighty Druid" to create a game: "Metaverse: World of Warcraft"!

Little knowledge: Among the first batch of online articles that became popular through Qidian new media channels, online game articles with a monthly income of 100,000+ occupied a lot of places.

As a result, for some works that were not seen by many people on Qidian, or even high-quality works, the author relied on channel fees to quickly become a LV5 writer. At that time, the retro online game became popular for a while, and was scolded by Qidian readers. Menghui 10 Years ago, those authors actually went for channels.

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