I really want to hit the street

Chapter 425 Duoyu Animation Company starts work

Monday, April 15th.

It is better to start work and avoid lying dead.

After some operations, Duoyu Animation Branch was officially established.

Dachun serves as general manager.

Since Duoyu Company is involved in too many industries, has more and more employees, and its management is becoming more and more complex, it is very necessary to establish branches.

Mr. Pu has no other requirements. Employees in the new company must maintain the same treatment as the headquarters, and their employees must be 1/3 higher than the highest salary in their peers.

You know, those who earn the highest salary in the industry are the best in the industry, and they are all at the level of masters.

Their employees are higher than this.

This also made the newcomers at Duoyu Animation Company tremble.

They are just a bunch of freshmen who have just graduated less than a year ago. It is not June yet. The new leeks. Oh no, the new college students have not yet come out to be harvested. Those of them who graduated last year and work are still carrying the title of "fresh graduates" on their heads. " sign.

I get the lowest salary in any company.

Even if some people seem to have a good salary and can get 10,000+ a month, they can only get so much by staying up late and working overtime. They work more than 12 hours a day.

Basically they are used as livestock.

Overdraft your body, creativity and future in exchange for a high salary.

This will not last long, and they know it. But in order to maintain their lives in Kyoto, they have to do this.

And what about Duoyu anime?

Specially recruiting new animation talents with less than 1 year of work experience!

The wages given are all 2W+.

8 hours of work a day, two weekends off, five insurances and one housing fund, as well as various subsidies and bonuses, as well as regular team building (no need to exchange money yourself).

After the benefits are calculated, the comprehensive monthly income reaches 3W!

The first reaction of their first batch of employees after receiving the offer from Duoyu Animation was...fraud! Absolute scam!

If it weren't for their trust in the security of the city at the emperor's feet, they wouldn't even dare to come to Duoyu Company for an interview!

Those handsome guys who were deceived into making fraudulent calls to Myanmar. The offers they received were just like this, right?

However, when some of them came boldly with the attitude of giving it a try, as long as they had no flaws, they were directly admitted!

Suddenly, he transformed from a newbie to a master.

It's quite bald.

When he called his parents to talk about this matter, his mother choked with sobs and said to him, "Son, don't do anything illegal."

These newcomers are all working hard and preparing to survive their non-existent internship period.

Duoyu Company did not set an internship period for them, they set one in their hearts.

If you don't give 120% of your ability to do this kind of work well for your boss, will you be worthy of such a salary?

Most of the young people who have just graduated a year have not learned the "wisdom" of tact in the office.

Duoyu Animation Company, after recruiting its basic office staff, officially entered the production stage.

Due to the tight time limit given by Mr. Pu, it was a heavy task to complete a high-quality 3D animation in half a year, and the efficiency of Duoyu Animation Company was greatly improved.

Four senior HR staff arranged all the time points for the company to ensure that the animation could be released two months before the deadline required by Mr. Pu.

Anime is not like a movie, just release it all.

But it comes out episode by episode.

In other words, they only had 4 months to produce the first two episodes, so time was tight!

In the past half month, Xiaoxing has been filming his own "Unexpectedly" column, and the update rate of one episode per week is very stable.

At present, Wang Dachui still has a lot of material and inspiration, there is no shortage of scripts to shoot, and Xiaoxing has enough time.

Come to the animation department to help Dachun when you have nothing to do.

We even seconded some people from our company here to help with the work.

Miao Sang, the human resources director of Duoyu Animation Company, walked up to Dachun, glanced at the computer screen where the Golden Scale Dragon lineup was being played, and reported:

"Mr. Liu, I have contacted the Cheng Jia Ban team in Xiangjiang to do fight design and motion capture for us. We also have Feihuang Company, the best character CG animation company in China, to do character modeling, animation scene construction, video editing, etc. Work."

Dachun shook his head: "Not enough. We still need someone."

Miao Sang: "Mr. Liu, are all the technical support we should look for available? Feihuang Company's team is very professional. They can undertake most of the work. Our own people only need to do a small amount of work to complete our work." cartoon."

Dachun: "I still need a Zoe here to have the 9 Golden Scale Dragon Bonds, otherwise this game may not reach the top eight."

Miao Sang: "."

Where the hell is this?

Mr. Liu, you are not listening to my report at all!

Also, you will be out of the game soon! There are a total of 8 players in this game! Don't give yourself too much gold!

There were ten thousand things in his heart that he wanted to spit out, but because of his hard-earned high-paying job, Miao Sang chose to endure it.

After a while, Dachun went out for the eighth time after a crazy operation.

"Huh~ It was such a hearty battle, but unfortunately, the chess piece was missed!"

Miao Sang rolled her eyes, Mr. Liu, did you make a bad move? You are missing seven moves!

Is this no different from surrendering directly?

Dachun turned around and continued: "You must be thinking in your heart that I didn't listen to you carefully, right?"

Miao Sang was shocked: "No, no, I didn't come at the right time. I should have waited until you were done with your work before reporting back."

Dachun patted him on the shoulder happily: "You guys who are doing human affairs are sensible! In fact, I have listened to the report you just made. The one person I said is missing is not just a person missing on my chessboard, but also a person in your team. There is only one person who is as full of unknown and mysterious charm as Zoe, who has the ability to turn decay into magic. "

"The content of this shooting has been decided. I bought Qidian's classic fairy tale "Ordinary People Cultivation to Immortality", and I want to express the fairy tale flavor in it. I need a talented director, and I don't want you to Let’s create an anime version of Douqi transformed into a horse. So, this time we need a special effects director. You need to invite the most fairy-like person in the country who is also good at CG animation and action guidance!”

Miao Sang's eyes lit up and a name blurted out: "Director Xu!"

Dachun nodded: "Yes, if Director Xu can come to our project, then I will be confident that we will be able to produce a fairy tale. And from now on, we don't have to worry about this project at all, and we will leave it all to Director Xu and Cheng Jia Just use your talents.”

Miao Sang clapped her hands: "What a great idea! If Director Xu is there to take care of it, we really don't have to worry about not being able to make a fairy-tale movie! Back then, the movie "Shu Mountain" was simply astonishing! It's a pity that after so many years, Director Xu has not made another one." At that time, I thought it was the beginning of a domestic fairy tale that could surpass "Shu Mountain", but I didn't expect it to be at its peak. Director Xu must also want to try an animated fairy tale with modern technology!"

Dachun nodded: "Go and ask Director Xu. If you can't find him, remember to use the multi-fish method."

Miao Sang: "I understand, more money!"

After Miao Sang left, Dachun clicked "One More".

He murmured: "Now, they should be able to do it themselves, right? They have to find a way to get silver this season."

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