I really want to hit the street

Chapter 426 The behavior of making money by cheating others will never be allowed!

Mr. Pu sat in his office and thought.

"Meng Xingkong's wave of turning the international version of Duoyu Tingshu back to a flat position has brought me a huge challenge. It has directly put the profits of Duoyu Tingshu on the head office. It is also outrageous that he has done so many things abroad. Although things have not broken out for the time being, Zhongshan International will definitely develop more smoothly, leading to various unexpected situations. How can we deal with these two struggling people? "

Meng Xingkong absolutely cannot stay in the audio reading department anymore.


It’s hard to imagine how many waves of backstabbing are waiting for him in the future, and he must get rid of this person.

The same goes for being outrageous, a perfect female version of Meng Xingkong.

"Resigning without reason is not allowed. Xiaoxing has already tried it. How about opening another company? No, no one can guarantee whether the new company will bring more serious backstabbing. Both of them If the swords are combined, it will be a bad thing to finally become the company's Yitian Slaying Dragon. What I want is a special sleeping dragon and phoenix chick!"

God knows how Mr. Pu recruited two of these guys!

So how to deal with these two people in the company in a reasonable way?

When Mr. Pu thought of this, he looked through the glass at Niu Zi and Tian Gou who were eating small cakes outside, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Finally, someone has enlightened themselves. Knowing the current affairs is a hero. You have realized it!"

Finally, someone has understood Mr. Pu’s meaning!

If you want to work well in Kyoto, don't do anything stupid and just eat your little cake, right?

Especially Niu Zi!

You, a manager who got promoted by eating small cakes, have almost forgotten your original intention!

If this is the case, why do we still need to ask you to go to Antarctica to reflect?

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Pu felt that there would be no problem in letting Tian Gou and Niu Zi return to the Internet and Literature Department. Maybe he could tell everyone what he had observed about Mr. Pu's true thoughts, and thus lead the Internet and Literature Department to fish and make friends together. cake.

Small cake·danger!

Mr. Pu took another look at the Internet Literature Department. The 25 people exchanged from Blackstone Mountain Novels were working conscientiously, and they were not at all as unruly as when they first met.

Shaking his head regretfully: "Sure enough, everyone is good at pretending. In order to blend in with the group, these fish monsters have temporarily hidden their true nature. It is estimated that it will take two leaders to start fishing in order to reawaken their true nature. ! And Niu Zi and Tian Gou came back at the right time!"

If a manager or a backbone takes the lead in fishing, nothing will happen.

Who can bear the temptation of fishing?

"By the way, what are the elite young stars of the Internet and Literature Department doing recently? It feels like it's been a long time since you've been here to report to me. Could it be that you just pounced?"

Mr. Pu thought about it for a moment: "He must have pounced! Long videos have been completely squeezed out by short videos. What can I do to get up at this time? I don't know if the 10 million I gave him has been spent. I will give it to him after it is spent." He pitches."

If there are achievements, employees will definitely report to the boss immediately and wait for praise from the boss.

"But this person is Xiaoxing"

The smile on Mr. Pu's face gradually faded.

"No! You have to go and see for yourself, this kid has a criminal record!"

If there is one person in the entire company that Mr. Pu worries about the most, it is not hard-working people like Li Wei and Meng Xingkong. After all, they will report their achievements in a timely manner, and they will know how to die if they die.

And an old silver coin like Xiaoxing would do it secretly, and when he thought he was safe, he would suddenly draw his sword!

Killed Mr. Pu with one sword.

This kind of person is the most terrifying!

I have no idea when he will start.

The more Mr. Pu thought about it, the more he felt that Xiaoxing was unreliable, so he simply went downstairs and went to Hengtai Building B to find Wanhe Duoyu Company.

Although in theory, they are difficult to become popular, you can rest assured by seeing them in person.

When Mr. Pu passed by, Xiaoxing and the others happened to be watching the fifth episode of "Unexpectedly".

"Oh? Is this the video you took? What kind of level do you think Kangkang is? Pfft! Who acted this dead fish face? Hahahaha~ It seems like a big injustice."

At this time, Wang Dachui, who was next to him, turned his head and looked at Mr. Pu with resentment.

Mr. Pu: "Pfft! Are you still acting in the video?"

It’s so hard to laugh!

Mr. Pu laughed many times after watching the fifth episode. The more he watched this resentful king, the more interesting it became.

But after reading it, Mr. Pu suddenly realized something.

"What the hell? Isn't this just "Unexpectedly"!"

He had seen it in his previous life!

Although the plot and actors are different, the familiar taste and hilarious plot are exactly the same!

"Xiaoxing. You!"

Xiaoxing scratched her head: "I originally wanted to wait until I received a good advertisement and made money to surprise you, Mr. Pu, but I didn't expect that you would find it annoying!"

Mr. Pu: "."

Two words appeared in his mind at this moment: It's over!

It’s so damn over again!

With this kind of quality, he doesn't even have any experience in his previous life. From an audience's point of view, he will definitely be popular!

Mr. Pu hurriedly asked: "How are the views of your previous videos on various websites?"

Xiaoxing held out a finger.

Mr. Pu: “Only a little bit?”

Xiaoxing nodded: "Yes, 100 million. I just counted the number of video views on various websites today, and the total is just over 100 million."

Mr. Pu: “???”

The number of plays exceeded 100 million!

Damn it. I ignored Xiaoxing for two months and he actually made such a big noise.

It’s over, it’s over!

There are too many backstabs this cycle to handle!

Finally, Mr. Pu struggled to ask a key question: "How much money did you make?"

Xiaoxing: "It's not much, I just recovered the cost."

Mr. Pu nodded: "That's good, that's good."

It was a false alarm. Looking at this posture, I thought it was another large amount of money!

It’s just about breaking even.

Xiaoxing added: "We won't know how much we can earn until the title advertisers finish bidding."

Mr. Pu: ".And there are also sponsored advertisements?"

Xiaoxing: "Yes! We didn't expect that, but so many advertisers are looking for us. The highest bid now has reached 10 million, and there is still some room later. I estimate that the total title of this episode can win 2,000 Ten thousand!"


Mr. Pu took a breath, another large amount of money!


Fortunately, I came here, otherwise Xiaoxing would secretly make some money for herself and wouldn't have time to spend it!

"Xiaoxing, you can really do it."

Xiaoxing, who received Mr. Pu's "praise", waved his hands in embarrassment and said: "Harm! These are just small achievements. The key is Mr. Pu's good guidance. Today, with the proliferation of short videos, major short video platforms have begun to pay attention to long-term videos." The lack of videos has caused serious problems. Too short content makes it difficult for the platform to produce high-quality videos, so now they have begun to vigorously support long videos! Our traffic is very good! Mr. Pu, you are so far-sighted!”

Mr. Pu: "?"

When I put a question mark, it’s not that I have a problem, but that I think there is a problem with the world.

God's short video platform supports long videos!

Is this something humans do?

Mr. Pu only has one thing to say at this time: "Be sure not to add advertisements to our videos! At present, it is enough to recover the cost by relying on traffic money. Don't be greedy! Have advertisements been added to the videos of the previous episodes?"

Xiaoxing was stunned: "No."

Mr. Pu: "That's right! It's precisely because videos without advertisements can become popular. So many short video bloggers have proven that since he started receiving advertisements frequently to bring goods, his videos began to go downhill. Wait. He only gets colder gradually, we don’t want to do this! We have to climb to the top step by step, we have to be Zhao Gao~!”

Xiaoxing: "But."

Mr. Pu waved his hand: "There is no but! Behavior that wastes money will never be allowed to exist in our company, Wanhe Duoyu! I refuse them all!"

After Mr. Pu finished speaking, he left.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I came here today to take a look and stop the profit in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

Next, as long as Xiaoxing is tied up in this video shooting thing, if it is not profitable, it will be a profit, otherwise the Metaverse project will be forced to accept investment from Wanhe Duoyu.

After coming out of Wanhe Duoyu Branch, Mr. Pu suddenly thought of how to arrange Meng Xingkong and Li Wei.

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