I Reincarnated As A Stone

Chapter 27 - A wild elf appeared

The moment this idiot said that, my non-existent heart stopped.

—Don't answer so honestly to everything someone asks you! If that elf finds out that you are a slime you will not have a chance against her, she beats you in all stats!

—Understood, master.

—I have the feeling that you did not understand absolutely anything...

Even with a face that seemed to ask: "May I know what you are saying?", the elf continued speaking without taking her gaze from Limy.

"Well... and... did you eat it whole? It doesn't seem like an ȧduŀt person is going to fit in your little body. Even I myself would end up with a huge belly."

'Is this woman is seriously asking that or is she trolling us?!'

[She is playing along with a girl who seems to have half a brain melted because she doesn't know that she actually has the whole brain melted.]

‘Ok, that’s somehow good.’

—Limy, say exactly what I tell you.

"What I said was a spontaneous reaction caused by the impression of seeing someone appear out of nowhere who could harm me. I spoke without thinking and blurted out the first nonsense that crossed my mind. How could a simple ten-year-old girl eat a fat guy weighing more than two hundred kilos? Apart from the fact that would be something cannibals do, which I am not, it would defy the laws of atomic-quantum integral physics. I should have some kind of black hole or open space in a fourth, fifth, sixth, or even w dimension for that. And obviously, for that, it would be necessary..."

While Limy kept saying everything I was conveying to her, that elf had a tick in her left eye.

“... which shows that I didn't eat it. That's what master says.”

—You have to omit the ”That's what master says” part!

"You're a very strange girl .. Or maybe the problem is that master of yours... What nonsense has he put into your head?"

'Perfect, I knew that blurting out a lot of bullshit that burned her head would push her doubts away from Limy. What do you think, Helpy? Smart, right? Not for nothing is my intellect high.'

[New unknown information has just been added: Intellect increases mental processing abilities. Usually, smart people have high intellect and fools low. The more intelligence you have, the smarter you should be.

It has just been proved that it only allows you to get an answer in less time, but you will always get the same one. Therefore, the smart ones will get smarter and the fools much dumber the more intellect they have.]

'That is not true! Get rid of that information right now!'

[New information has been corrected: This only applies in the case of being a stone.]

'I want my Helpy from before... Okay, on second thought... maybe not...'

“So, where did he go?”

“He escaped.”

Limy told the situation to the elf. After nodding, we went back to look for those locked children and released them. I would say they were glad to get out of there, but their faces didn't change much. After all, they were slum kids who didn't get many chances in life. They probably didn't even have parents.

After taking them out of the house, each one took his way back to who knows where. The only ones who stayed there were the elf and us, watching the children leave with mixed emotions on our hearts.

"So there is no trace of that man. It seems I failed my mission. At least I was able to free these little ones. By the way girl, are you from around here?"

"I got to the city yesterday."

"I supposed. I never saw that hair color on a human. Could you tell me your name and where do you come from?"

"Limy. I come from my master.”

"This... forget it. Do you want to go with me?"

I silenced Limy again before she said something weird again. We had nowhere to go, so it was not a bad option to accept her offer. At least we would have a place to spend some time and think about what to do from then on.

We accepted and followed her out of the slums. After returning to the main road, people continued to look at us with contempt, but being with the elf made them hold back a bit. They didn't seem to like that elf either, although they probably wouldn't risk doing anything to her since she was armed to the eyebrows.

"My name is Aeldrya. As you may have easily noticed by my eyes, I am a Sabnuriali."

"What is a Sabnuriali?"

"Don't you know? To explain it in some way, we are an elven race with high magical abilities. Just by looking at the color of my eyes, you can imagine it."

"What are your eyes like?"

"Purple… Limy, as time passes you seem a weirder girl. And speaking of eyes, aren't yours a little odd?"

"I don't know what my eyes are like."

"Blue and they seem to have no pupils ... Have you never looked at your reflection?"


"I… I see… And about your appearance… We will have to do something with it. We are going to buy you some decent clothes first of all. You can't be inside the city in these rags, it will bring you trouble."

—Oh! What a stroke of luck, you can finally get some pȧntɨės!

We follow Aeldrya to a clothing store. It was a simple place, with a lot of identical pieces and nothing could be considered fashionable. Anyway, that didn't matter as long as we could wear something better than that dirty shirt.

"There seems to be nothing of good quality in this store. Although it is much better than what you wear. Is there something special you want?" Aeldrya spoke low enough that the salesman would not hear her.


The elf whirled to Limy and stared at her.

"Don't tell me you're not wearing..."

"I've never worn."

“You're kidding?!”

She ran out to the vendor and yelled at him with all of her might.

"Give me at least ten pieces of undėrwėȧr for that girl right now! And that they are of the best quality you have!"

"Ri-ri-right away."

'I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this... Bah, it's the same, I can't do either of the two... At least we will finally get the most important thing for Limy."

We ended up buying different sets of clothes, courtesy of the elf.

“Well, let's stop by my house before doing anything else.”

We immediately headed to where she was staying.. The place was not in the rich part of the city but was not very far.

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