I Reincarnated As A Stone

Chapter 28 - Why did she have to be that?

Before arriving, for some reason, I imagined that this elf was living in a luxurious house, but no, in the end, it turned out to be a fairly normal house. The building had two floors with five rooms each, with a bathroom and kitchen on the ground floor. She also had a pile of weapons well stored in one of the rooms, where she left the ones she was carrying.

"I suppose it would be nice to take a bath before doing anything else. I can make one right now. What do you think, shall we bathe together?"

"Shall we bathe together?" "Shall we bathe together?" "Shall we bathe together?" "Shall we bathe together?" That phrase began to resonate in my head over and over again.

—Limy… accept right now!

—Understood, master.

Aeldrya got the bathroom ready in a moment and we got ready to go into it. Standing next to us, she began to take off her clothes. My attention did not depart from her. Limy began to imitate her and took off her new shoes while my attention remained on the elf and waited for her to start with her upper clothes...

[Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning!]

I practically thought I heard Helpy's voice warning that she was in danger… and then I remember something. If Limy took her clothes off we'd be in serious trouble.

—Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Limy, don't take anything off in front of anyone!

Limy stopped short when her clothes were already at the height of her ċhėst and slammed them down again. Aeldrya also stopped and looked at her strangely.

"Is there a problem?"

"Master says I don't have to take my clothes off in front of anyone."

"Hmm, that's true. Although he was probably referring to men."

"Nobody," Limy answered sharply.

"Okay... You take a bath, I'll do it some other time. I still have some things to prepare anyway."

'Saved by a miracle ... I was left without seeing anything! When I finally get a chance it goes away so easily! It is unfair...'

The need to hide those transformation errors became more apparent with what had just happened. We needed to find a way to fix it quickly. We also needed something that would allow Limy to use her abilities without revealing her species.

—If we had something like a glove that could pass itself off as a magic item, you could make believe that your abilities are related to that object instead of your own...

—If it's just a glove maybe I can do something.

—Really? Let's try!

Hidden inside the bathroom, we began to experience what the Mimic skill was capable of. The first prototype was a disaster. That wasn't a glove, it was the hand of a weird decomposing corpse! A chunk of jelly-blue skin that seemed to be falling off! Still Limy kept trying and, after much trial and error, she finally got something decent.

—Master, how is this?

—Mmmmm, it seems to me that it will fulfill the function.

Limy's hand had transformed into a small blue glove that covered it up to three fingers above her wrist... although it still looked like a piece of mucus stuck to her skin since it was transparent...

—Good! If we are faced with the need to use your slime abilities, use that glove and say that it is a magical object that allows you to emulate the powers of one. Understood?

—Understood, master.

We finally got out of the bathroom and went back to Aeldrya. She had once again equipped all of her weapons and seemed ready to go out again.

“You're done?”

“If I hadn't, I wouldn't be here.”

"No... that's not... whatever..."

And as always, the girl was taking all the sentences literally. Aeldrya sighed not being able to understand what was going through her head.

"You know, from time to time you could smile or change that face a little. Anyone who saw you would think you were a doll or something."

“I'm smiling.”

After Limy stood completely the same she gave up.

"Forget it, we're going to eat somewhere. I also have to go report that man's escape."

We left the house and started walking through the city, heading north. We went through the first small restaurant we found and got ready to eat. Well, the two of them...

“What do you like to eat?”


"Anything is not an answer. Anything could also mean that you don't mind eating what you find on the floor. Do you like to eat rats or ċȯċkroaches?"


"If you say this with that face, I don't know if you are joking or saying it seriously..."

Aeldrya could do nothing but laugh wryly at Limy's words.

'The worst thing is that she is completely serious...'

After getting no clue about what Limy would like, she ended up ordering a plate that had potatoes and some meat from who knows what animal. I get tired after struggling to make Limy eat like a person... and was not a complete success.

"Don't swallow the bones!"

After finishing the meal and left the restaurant, the elf seemed to have lost all of her strength. But before Limy made something stranger, we reached our final destination, a huge building with a large sign above the door. I couldn't read, but I had a bad feeling...

"This is the Adventurer's Guild. Inside there are quite unpleasant people, so do not separate from me. I have a good reputation in the guild, nothing will happen if you stay by my side. I am a rank 3 adventurer after all."

I also expected that place to exist… but I wished that not…

'Shit... I have no idea what a rank 3 adventurer is, but... this is bad, very bad! Horrible!'

And that's how two monsters entered that dangerous place....

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