I Reincarnated As A Stone

Chapter 29 - Adventurer by surprise

The inside of the building was exactly what I imagined an adventurer's guild to be like, a large room completely filled with noisy, bad-looking men. On the right wall, one could see a huge panel full of hanging papers. Many of those people were standing in front of it. There was no doubt, those papers were the guild missions.

—We have just stepped into the most dangerous place we could have ever entered… Do not separate yourself from Aeldrya no matter what.

Following the elf, we crossed that large room until we reached the end, where there were three men behind a counter. Specifically, where Aeldrya stood, there was a rather ugly fat man... I was expecting a good-looking cat girl, but no, there was only a fat man.

"Hi, Aeldrya, how did it go?" The fat man greeted the elf.

"Hello, Clotpole. Well, this time not so well. I found that kidnapper's whereabouts, but when I went in he had run away. We can only keep looking.”

"Yeah, good luck with it."

'I wish you good luck too... Limy doesn't shit, so you won't find him even in poop.’

“At least I could release the kids."

"Speaking of kids, who's this girl? She looks a little strange."

"I found her while I was looking for that man. She is another kidnapped child and has nowhere to go, so I took her with me."

"I see, but I don't think it's a good idea to take her to the adventurer's guild. Unless... Are you planning for her to be an adventurer like you?"

"No way. I just didn't want to leave her alone until I found someone she could stay with."

"Adventurers can be eaten?" Limy joined the conversation.

Everyone turned to look at Limy, as if she had asked the stupidest question in the world... The worst thing is that in her case the answer would probably be yes...

It wouldn't be a problem if it was just those two who turned around, but everyone that could hear her turned around too. And they didn't exactly respond in good manners.

"Girl, are you stupid?"

"A kid shouldn't be in this place!"

"Go eat shit!"

"All of you shut up! Damn, is only a little girl!" Aeldrya yelled.

After hearing the elf scream, everyone fell silent with a little fear in her eyes and walked away. Really Aeldrya seemed to be a heavyweight between them.

"Limy, adventurers are not some type of food, they are people who are dedicated to fulfilling dangerous ȧssignments of all kinds. Let's say we are mercenaries more oriented to deal with monsters and dangerous quests rather than fighting in war."

“So they are food,” Limy stated.

“They are not!” Both, the elf and the fat guy yelled at her at the same time.

“Ha, ha, ha, you found a pretty peculiar child. Girl, do you want to be an adventurer?” The guy asked Limy.

“Ok,” she agreed instantly, without even showing a sign of doubt.


“No way!”

Luckily, Aeldrya thought the same as me.

"Besides, you're too small. One cannot be adventurous until at least 16 years old. Right, Clotpole? Why do you ask this to her?"

"Well, that's true... but if she were to be in your care, she could at least start as an apprentice. After all, you are rank 3. In this rank, you are allowed to have apprentices."

"I shouldn't have brought her… Still…"

Aeldrya stared silently at Limy, her brow furrowing for a long time. In the end, she gave a great sigh and dropped her shoulders heavily.

"It's okay. The truth is that you remind me so much of me when I came to this country... I guess I can afford it, but don’t think I will pamper you."

—See, master, it's okay.

—One day you're going to kill me out of disgust...

I sighed, although in the end I couldn't refuse either. After all, I would have liked to take her place... What I felt was envy!

“Congratulations girl, you became the apprentice of the sixth best adventurer in the guild.”

"That is not true. I'm bȧrėly level 23, there are quite a few more ranks 3 with more level than me. And let's not even talk about that pair of rank 4 monsters."

"Your level 23 is like 46 or higher for a human. It cannot even be compared."

"That's why I say it, the simple fact of having reached the same rank as me being human already shows that they are better," Aeldrya said with a melancholy smile.

"Saying these things will only make people hate you more than they already do… Well, let's focus on this girl. Let's see, her name is Limy. Kind, human... Human, right?" Clotple changed the topic.


—Human! Human! Human, damn it!

“Human, damn it!”

"Okay, okay, don't be mad. And race? With that blue hair, I don't think you're from Brifvia, right?"

“Yes, brifvian.”

Both became surprised to hear it, but at least I managed to get her to not say "Blue slime", although brifvian was perhaps not the best answer either, I didn't know any other human race... Luckily they did not seem to give it much importance.

"… It seems that you are a really special person. Well, let's see what affinity you have and what classes are available to you."

The next thing Clotpole did was take out two strange gadgets. The first was a circle filled with different colored gems. Limy put her hand in the middle and waited to see what happened… Nothing changed.

"Is it broken?" Aeldrya asked as she placed her hand on the device.

Thegreen, gray, blue, and red gems lit up. Those colors seemed to represent the elements nature, wind, water, and fire.

"No, it works perfectly ... Then it means you have no affinity to anything? This is a very rare case, although not impossible, ”said that man as he put away that thing.

‘So, people can have a couple of affinities… I would have liked to use it too…’

"Hmm, it seems you don't have any classes available yet... It's a shame, but you cannot do anything more than wait. One last thing, what level are you?" The man asked again.


"Let's hope that at level 5 you will unlock any, although normally at level 2 you should already have some options...."

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