I’m not convinced that the Narrow Reincarnation Template is the right choice for this guy, but I understand it.

“So, what exactly do you want me to do when you reincarnate me?”

I’m certain that I should ask him in more detail.

But I don’t want to wake up feeling like crap after a night of self-loathing.

That is, if I can remember it after waking up.

“There is no rule. You can live your life as you see fit.”

I think it’s too good to be true.

“I’m sure I can do whatever I want with the cheat powers I’ll receive, but is it okay with you if I use them to commit genocide or something?”

In such cases, I try to find out the intentions of the other party by throwing out extreme arguments.

Now then, how will you answer, my imagination …… I think …… it’s my imagination.

“I’m can’t scoop up anything that lacks a soul. Therefore, you wouldn’t cause such a thing to happen.”

Do psychopaths appear to lack a soul?

I am aware that I am quite dangerous.

I don’t really think of that myself that way …… It’s kind of bewildering.

It may not be terrible now, but the future is not promised.

“I might be reincarnated and grow up in a rotten environment and become a great psychopath and slaughter people.”

“I won’t put you down in that kind of environment. When you start walking on your own, you can use your power to avoid misfortune. Therefore, it won’t happen.”

It even comes with a warranty period.

“So I can live my life the way I want.”


I have no idea what kind of world you want and how you want it to change.

I can’t believe that the world will get better if I do whatever I want.

If you don’t check their achievements beforehand, you may have to redo it later.

Uhhh, the headache …… I don’t have a feeling of my body, though.

It’s too abstract to just use them.

I can’t imagine how such a thing can improve the world.

“How do you view the world now, from your point of view?”

With my words, an image came into my mind.

It looked like a dirty aquarium that had been neglected.

The clarity of the water was low and something was moving, but I couldn’t see the details.

“T-That’s so dirty ……”

I unintentionally said it out loud.

I was tempted to tell him that he should do maintenance on a regular basis.

And I don’t think what he said about scooping up was a metaphor.

Doesn’t God have a concept of cleaning?

As I recall, the gods of some religions clean the earth with a great flood if it gets too dirty.

I wonder if all gods have a rough idea of cleaning.

The gods who look at the details are also full of discomfort.

“By wielding your power, the streams of the world will be stirred and …… purified.”

“There’s no way it’ll be purified just by mixing it ……”

Is this guy going to be okay?

It’s better than being told to build an ark.

“Your power is both agitation and purification.”

Get it right the first time.

Am I a lobster you can put in your aquarium for cleaning?

I’ll hate it so much if it’s a pastime called Kamisama Channel, a video posting site and other gods will be able to see it.

Sixty years have passed since I put his otherworldly soul in.

I wonder if he’s able to clean it, that kind of channel.

“You’re the most detailed soul I’ve ever met, now tell me what you want to be reincarnated as.”

No, no, the guys who have done this accept it too easily.

That’s why the Japanese are so gullible.

And then, as if he had grown tired of it, he wanted to send me down quickly.

“No, I’m not done yet. If I don’t live up to your wishes, will you scoop up another soul and send them down? Is that even possible?”

Will it really be as he wishes?

The gap in consciousness at this point is suspicious.

He’s no good, so I’ll send someone else down to eliminate him.

If there is such a possibility, I have to think of a way to resist.

God casually kills people other than his favorites.

I don’t know if he’s killing them or just cleaning them.

If he brought me here without permission and put me in a situation where there was no way to escape, I have no choice but to be suspicious.

But even if it’s just a dream, I feel like I’m too far gone to be so suspicious.

“I can. If I were to scoop you up anew before the end of your life, your power would be less than half of what it is. Therefore, I’m counting on you. Are we done?”

As expected, if I ask any more questions, I might be let down without question. 

I guess I’ll talk about the next condition…

“What are the conditions for reincarnation, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Gender, approximate origin, and the age at which you awaken to your powers as well as your memories.”

If I say that he can just send me down, will he do it willingly?

“What exactly are the approximate origins?”

“A rough designation, such as a wealthy or powerful family. As I have just said, I will not send you down to an environment that will bring about a defect to the soul.”

Some are inherently deficient, while others are acquired.

So, is it possible for the acquired soul to be restored?

I guess that doesn’t matter to me.

“The gender is still male. The royal family will be troublesome afterwards, so a place with moderate power and a reasonable amount of money. The third or fourth son of a noble family would be good.”

If I know I’m going to be reincarnated, I don’t want to go through any hardships.

I prefer the position of a foolish nobleman’s son.

I’ve been assigned some questionable missions, so I don’t want to add any unnecessary obstacles.

“I’ll awaken my power the moment I’m born. Is that possible? Isn’t it kind of weird that I can have memories and recognize things before my brains have grown? “

This was a question I had been asking myself after reading a lot of reincarnation stories.

Isn’t it strange that a baby can have memories of the past and even be conscious?

“By giving you powers that you wouldn’t normally have, the powers will compensate for the parts of your body that are underdeveloped.”

“I’ll pass right after birth. If you think you can do something, but you can’t do it, it causes stress. That’s why, make the time I wake up an age where my powers don’t compensate for my underdevelopment.”

It’s too abnormal to play with breast milk as a staple food when you’re an old man on the inside.

I can’t play with baby food.

Anyway, I’d like to get through that part unconsciously.

“Then, are you ready?”

“Wait …… just a minute.”

I’m …… pretty persistent.

“Is there a level or status in the world I’m going to?”

“If you will it.”

“No, I don’t need for such things. I don’t want to be evaluated by a number. That’s only fun in games.”

I don’t want to have to check my level and status to make sure I’m absolutely safe, and then smugly say, “I’M STRONGGGGGGG!”.

“No job thing, of course.”

“You are too detailed.”

I guess It’s about time.

I can feel a slight irritation in the air.

I’ll have to read the contract carefully, I don’t want to be trapped in there.

I think I’ve been watching too many dramas.

If I wasn’t dreaming, this would be like a drama, but there’s nothing wrong with being cautious.

“It’s like they can talk to you out of the blue. The previous guys used things like levels and statuses, didn’t they? Will it be okay if they suddenly can’t stop using them when I reincarnate?”

“The only ones who could see it were the ones who I dropped off. Others do not even recognize them.”

It’s a relief to know that. It would be troublesome if it suddenly disappeared and caused an uproar.

If it were to suddenly disappear the day I was born, I wouldn’t want people to accuse me of being the son of the devil.

The level of the civilization to which I’m being sent down is unknown, but it is likely to be the same medieval ages.

There is definitely an Aristocracy class.

In other words, there is a great possibility that superstition is prevalent.

I don’t think he has the power to suddenly pretend that something that already existed didn’t and no one would question it.

Since it is physically impossible to interfere, it is unlikely that he can rewrite the books that already existed.

Finally, I’ll ask an unimportant question.

“This is the last, why can’t I see your figure?”

“It reflects your perception of God’s existence. Then you may live as you wish.”

Maybe it’s because I don’t have a specific image in mind …… I thought, and my consciousness suddenly became distant.

I thought with a faint consciousness that remained.

That guy lost his nerve.

And you didn’t explain what kind of power I’ll get …….

Oh, I guess I just didn’t listen.

No matter how careful you are, you will always miss something when you have one shot.

Well, that’s just the way humans are.

I remembered this perfectly when I was 16 years old, and I understood that I was really dead.

Oops, if I had known this would happen, I would have deleted the data from my hard drive ……

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