A pattern in which an amnesiac’s memory returns.

There are various patterns, such as bruises to the head, or after a high fever.

In my case, it was a high fever and headache.

This was painful.

If I lie down, the part of my body that I move down hurts.

It was like torture.

I wonder if this is his way of harassing me.

I have a slight idea …….

Even if I try to sleep with my mind clear, the memories from before my reincarnation come flooding in like an avalanche.

I feel like this is the cause of my headache.

In the midst of the headache hell, I found that the headache lessened as I tried to reorganize my memories of before my reincarnation with my memories here.

There was a story that if you concentrate on something, you can reduce the pain.

I’m going to have to do this, even if I don’t want to.

In this world, I’m a 16-year-old boy, and the third son of a noble family.

My name… is Alfred Della Scala.

My family consists of …

Papan Ferdinand, 40.

Maman Alessandra, 35.

My twin brothers, Amilcarre and Baldassare, 22.

My 14-year-old little sister Kiara.

Maman Alessandra is the second wife, and half-brother of my brothers.

She didn’t give birth at thirteen… absolutely not.

I’m a little embarrassed to call him Dad or Father.

I make fun of them and call them Papan and Maman.

I am a twisted person after all.

The society is feudal, as expected.

The names of the people seem to be of Italian origin.

The Della Scala family is treated as a great noble family within the royal family of Langobardo.

Among those great nobles, they are the second most powerful in the hierarchy.

That unreliable god (maybe he’s a god) properly dropped me in the right place.

But there’s something else that’s bugging me.

The common sense of the world, which I hadn’t questioned before my reincarnation until my memories came back, seemed strange to me.

Above all, there was one thing that I found terrifying at first.

Living things, including humans, adapt to their region and environment.

If they cannot adapt, they die out.

This world specializes in taking advantage of those who are reincarnated from other worlds.

If you assume that miracles don’t happen, it’s just a story or a comfort when you’re desperate.

But what if you know that they happen regularly?

Naturally, they’ll expect it and try to take full advantage of it.

That is the rationale of this world.

What I thought was even worse was the year of the world.

It is believed that those who have been reincarnated from another world are apostles sent by God to save the earth.

The church advertises that, and I guess they’re not wrong.

Let’s assume that the person who reincarnated me is a god.

I think it’s safe to assume that he is the same God the church believes in.

The year is the first year of the apostles, the year they were recognized by the church.

Since there were many apostles, the year correctly begins with the 1st year to the 1st apostle, and when the next apostle is recognized, it becomes the 1 year to the 2nd apostle.

By the way, before the 1 year to the 1st apostle, we go back to the 1st year of the previous 1st apostle.

This is the same usage as Before Christ, before the rebirth.

It is now the 154th year to the 6th apostle.

In addition, this apostolic division is usually switched at the 150th year.

In other words, a child born around 150 years old is expected to be, or probably the Lord Apostle?

Even in a world where the method of information transmission is still underdeveloped, information is naturally controlled so that every human being is aware of the birth of an apostle.

When information is controlled to this extent, everyone becomes sensitive to changes in their surroundings, even if unconsciously.

Furthermore, the method of judging apostles is passed on to all people as the teaching of the church.

It is different from mere religious teachings because the benefits are clearly visible in material form.

It enriches the lives of the people around us by pumping out over-technology.

In a word, it is a human lottery.

The method of judgment is rather simple.

From the time you are born to the time you reach adulthood, you either have knowledge of other worlds or you have extraordinary abilities.

Even if they don’t show their power right after birth, they are known to change their personality and awaken to their power after a severe head injury or a high fever.

It is said that some parents were so blinded by greed that they intentionally hit their children on the head with a board or something. (It seems they didn’t think that if it was an apostle, they would get even).

The world may be changing, but human greed is unchanging.

It’s a wonderful world.

It was both reassuring and shameful.

I heard that there are other special methods, but they are not known to the general public.

It’s an additional method of confirmation when there’s doubt, and it seems to be top secret.

If you find out about it, the church people will come and make you take a certification test.

If you are certified, you will be attacked with hospitality, and you will be tied up in a web of ties.

The place of birth and relatives will receive generous protection from the church and other benefits, so they will seriously search for apostles.

Could it be that the murky world looks dirty because the consciousness of many is so parasitic?

But, if that’s the case, cleansing and recognition don’t meet …… I’ll figure it out later.

It’s a world that is trying to suck up all the benefits so carefully.

If we don’t check the situation further, we could be in for a big surprise.

I want to keep a free hand.

In the worst case-scenario, we could be certified after determining that there is no problem.

Interestingly, it seems that all the apostles so far didn’t try to hide it.

Finally, the pain is receding and I can finally sleep…

The first mission is to hide the fact that I’ve been reincarnated with powers so that it won’t be discovered.

It’s no joke to stand out and be taken advantage of.

How do I cover up the personality change that is said to be caused by the mixture of memories (although it is said that I will awaken to the power of the apostles, but in reality, it is probably a mixture of memories)?

My head started to hurt again when I worried about it ……

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